Bitcoin is evil guys!

Just in case anyone thought this bastion of biased ((((journalism)))) had any sort of credibility whatsoever

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How does this idiot think the energy market works?

It's time to choose, Veeky Forums.

Waste energy on stupid meme coins or saving Africa from famine.

Make the right decision.


How is he wrong?

Did they pay their electric bill? Yes? Then theres no problem.

>It’s true that bitcoin may face competition from other cryptocurrencies, but almost all its competitors use essentially the same wasteful mining system it does.

If you can't see what's wrong with this assumption you need to get your head checked

Just got news from emeror trump that were putting wind farms on the blockchain buy wind stocks while you can

We can sustain the current development for another thousand years using nuclear power, so I don't see the problem.

stop supporting environmentally damaging shitcoins

>mining crypto drowns pajeets


he's totally plugging in pic

Hmmm I did not forsee this huge benefit. I'm a corecuck maximalist now


this numale face
are there any estimates on the energy usage of traditional banking?

How did you do this? Software?


Meanwhile the sheep ask to end nuclear power.
It's like a race to the dark ages.


These brainlets need to think for two seconds. It's no accident that most of the mining happens in China. They have huge banks of wasted renewable energy. Hydro electric plants that power uninhabited cities and can't be transfered elsewhere . It's here that energy is being used for bitcoin mining. It's almost a civic duty to use the wasted energy.

wtf i love buttcoin now

burgers will invade chine now

>uses C02.
What a retard.

Quick, Alex, tell me how much energy is used up by ATMs across the country, GO!

it's photoshop

Climate green fag, we should gas him
Read yesterday proposals from german green party in 1980....they eventually wanted to ban computers and it infrastructure cause they feared it would be used to opress the people.

I tell you these people are total nuts, these climate wackos need to be ignored.

Faggot that cannot even shave or get a proper haircut. Fuck that soy boy

>The Guardian
Every fucking time

and they were right. your computer owns you. your digital horse racing coins own you. I know sure as fuck that mine own me.. otherwise i wouldnt be refreshing delta 10 times a day

butthurt sjw who can't trade btc. total faggot.

The (((climate))) is a scam

jesus christ thats fucked up.

10000 times this. Why the fuck they even care. If miners dont buy the electricity someone else will. Make it green if you want, stop blaming bitchcoin

Imagine shitting so hard your poop reaches Antarctica

oh vey

wtf brazilians swim in indian shit?

holy fuck that's the most retarded shit I've read in a while

He's right tho

so you hate all unborn children?

Uses less energy than Jew wars.

Climate change is a self loathing liberal meme

no,not all, just most

afaik they're calculating energy usage assuming everyone is running GPUs instead of ASICs

they're also not taking into account how wasteful our current payment systems are

the soyboy has a clear agenda

This is why I read breitbart and sputnik. You never see biased faggots shilling something there

The only way to save africa is to get rid of the africans

as if there is not more neets playing games using video cards then mining

not to mention millions of point of sale machines

armoured trucks driving cash around

all the people working in financial services, their commutes to work, the computers they use, etc

This is weird, because miners can only structurally be powered by "baseline" plants, like hydro plants or nuclear, which are pretty eco-friendly - at least in terms of CO2.

>using energy

Do these retards not understand that this energy comes from the sun? There's a lot more coming this way, in fact slightly more every day.

Funny how the "inferior" gooks has uplifted them in a mere decade, that whites couldn't do in centuries.
But whites are the master race despite sub iq over Asians. The difference is bigger between Asians and whites, than whites and black. But yeah, everyone but whites are inferior...

most us is coal

>shilling the global con

power is part of the patriarchy

bitcoin is primarily used by white men, and excludes woman and PoC

it's 2018 check your cryptoprivilege

Welcome to The Guardian

You're mistaken. Coal is inefficient and besides no matter how much energy we use the sun will always recharge our planet the next day.

>iq tests

>Coal is inefficient
no shit sherlock, but why not use it all and get over it

>i-it don't count when I don't like the results!
Yet you pale niggers post 'em all the time when black niggers are involved. Huh.

Also, maybe this whole ordeal will make energy a bit more expensive, encouraging alternative producers and energy storage research and developpement funding. Or SOI-based processors to reduce consumption.

I'm checking it right now and it's good.

>online iq test result 200
>look mum I'm smart the internet says im smart

Maybe we should stop relying on fossil fuels for energy and actively research in alternatives? Oh wait, that would go against (((their))) agenda.

You are a race of soulless insects.

>look mom, I'm *better* than everyone despite research saying I'm just a pale nigger
You gonna chimp out now?


so what is your alternative to measure smartness?

Ah yes, centuries of science is evil and against my imaginary God in heaven! Spoken like a true sheep of Abraham. Ogga bogga to you too

>saving Africa

bitch please, i been tryin to destroy that continent ever since i was born

First thought I had seeing the headline. Fucking journalists are idiots

>measures smartness
>i believe unproven research because whenever it suits me and lift my ego

So let's build another Nuke Plant
Crypto will literally always be greener than the armored trucks driving thousands of tons of paper and metal around

Truly, greentexting is the height of white intellect.
They mash rocks together and see who can make the loudest noise

>saving Africa from famine
you're retarded
>be 1980s
>faggots virtue signal about 10 million starving apefricans, "the worst famine in history"
>cucks donate money and food to apefrica
>be 2010s
>faggots virtue signal about 100 million starving apefricans, "the worst famine in history"
niggers can't feed themselves. they need a die-off

>I have no idea how neurons work and truly believe i dont need to because an online iq test can tell me how smart i am so why bother

It's ironic since without importing food from Asia, you'd be starving too

This shit again. Only a tiny minority of even /pol/tards believe white people are "superior". This is far left FUD designed to paint all people on the right as evil.

we pay for that food with our production via trade. the niggers don't. try again, sweetie

>it's those imaginary enemies that's the cause of people thinking I'm a clown for larping as Hitler!

This kind of aid is unsustainable.
They have no education and will just squander the resources.

They just had their first run-in with Marxism and the old mother of a dictator was ousted recently, IIRC.

>he thought the memes were real
>he's unaware of post modern philosophy dominating the universities and media
Educate yourself.

reminder that niggers were a hard fork in the development of humans

Why don't you post the webm where the same nigger and chink talks and the chink gets btfo when the nigger shows the shoddy workmanship of Chinese?
Tbh that doc is a pretty funny bro trip movie. Don't know how they found the smartest African and the silliest Chinese and put them in a movie. Hell that nigger speaks more languages than any Anglo can comprehend.

A real nice biological hard fork

>Why don't you post the webm where the same nigger and chink talks and the chink gets btfo when the nigger shows the shoddy workmanship of Chinese?
so one shitty chinese product outclasses an entire shithole continent filled with subhuman niggers? lmao try again, sunshine

Can someone explain to me why green fags are against nuclear-based electricity ?
It's literally clean energy, and the best energy period.
Why are gren fags advocating for solar and wind, when it destroys the environment so much ?

>inb4 green movements are a ploy of kikes meant to destroy Humanity and the women retard in them are just a bunch of women ( i.e. retarded ), so green movement being completely batshit insane is par for the course
Can't be that simple, they must have some kind of good arguments against nuclear.

then came the jews invented "universal human" rights and we cannot kill the our neanderthals

Why do they always look exactly like you'd expect??

Don't forget the Caucasians. They too are a hard fork that has peaked in evolution and only goes down since.

yeah, but the white guy had internet before going there, lol

>Muh outdated concept of nuclear waste from 1960s reactors

This picture wasn't that big last time i saw it, kek
I'm not racist by the way, i just think the inferior races should be slaughtered.


>huts, fireplaces, forges, and gardens did not exist before the internet

Give them internet and it should bring them up to the level of the white guy.

But nuclear wastes can be used in breeder reactors and so are literally just unused fuel uselessly put in bunker to rot.
In fact, refining of nuclear waste this way would produce a lot of by-product isotopes that are really needed by the medical industry, isotopes that are about to run out.

>Give them internet and it should bring them up to the level of the white guy.
so you're saying, give niggers access to the sum total of human knowledge and then they might just be able to build themselves a decent mud hut? wow!

this is the tsunami map from 2004 you flaming faggot

>GUYS global warming!

Why do millennials still believe in lies? It's been long proven Global Warming doesn't exist.


Bitcoin mining consumes more electricity than the whole of Ireland.

They do not have this.
It's glaringly simple but we're not even part way there yet.
You seen what happens when you give a group of 30-40 kids over there one computer?

The downside is pajeetposting won't even be the brunt of the storm with them coming online.