Who else likes reading the Yahoo comments section whenever they post a crypto related article?

Who else likes reading the Yahoo comments section whenever they post a crypto related article?

These people are so stupid that I don't know whether to laugh or cry

Yahoo is dogshit anyways

fucking boomers too scared to accept the world is changing

kek @ the mcdonalds comment. Some truth to that one

The last comment is retardation incarnate. Can you hold your stocks in your hands? Your bank balance? I mean you can turn them into banknotes but you can do that with bitcoin if you wish

well someone who names themselves "chicken feet" isn't really the sharpest of folks

the ignorance is amazing. most of the people that comment of sites like yahoo are Trump voters “drain the swamp” “down with the 1%”, wtc. so ok here is a tool that people can use to fight against all that shit, and what do these idiots do? they talk shit about it. there will be 25 tulip comments as if no one else already commented with that

this makes me want to go buy more holy shit

Bitcoin in theory has more value than any fiat, gold, etc because it's mathematically limited. A giant gold asteroid could crash tomorrow and disrupt the market or the U.S. Govt could print more

>giant gold asteroid could crash tomorrow
damn that would be cool