Best ways to make money online?

Best ways to make money online?

The way Tai went nuts-deep on crypto is a tell that he didn’t now know what he wasn’t doing before.


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i'd bet the glasses are fake too

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I meant fucking kneepads. This is the worst post of all time


NO worries,he will need em,when niggers with baseballbats show up that garage

Register on Cryptopia and buy some very low market cap coins like UFR. then wait


Build the shit Tai Lopez used to run his scams. I sell pick axes to miners.

Put your life savings into Tron (TRX) then create a youtube channel and market coins you do not own and become a self realized guru.

Elsa/Spiderman youtube videos.

Tell people you know about busines/investments but just give general tips so you look legit.
Sell books about econom and whatever. Have a FB page and get invited to give speeches or whatever at schools and shit and get paid

Fuck this guy's fuckin face

I am not gonna lie, I would fuck him. I would love to see my cum all over his glasses.

That little sociopath scammed his way into TEDx. Well,that was the i stopped watching TED(x) videos.

Fuck,need to read more books. I mean't "that was the day"

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dropship shit just like Tommy Wiseau
he's still making bang till this day
but he's been living the dream for a long time now


You mean that sham that Sameer al Hy'idi bamboozled?


this dude is a fucking retard