>Day trade cryptocurrency and make tens of thousands a month >Lift heavy and get shredded, but hide your physique by wearing sweats and hoodies everywhere you go.
This, is the life of a CHADneet. If you'd like to join my journey for aesthetics and money gains, join this discord: j32Hzpw
We discuss everything from important news to trade signals letting you know exactly what price to buy and sell different coins at to literally make automatic profit.
Jayden Martinez
Bumping with examples of successful recent signals:
1/8/18: VOX/BTC on Bittrex. Buy: .000035, Sell: .000045-.00005. Short term move (1-7 days). Reached target of .00005 in 6 days.
Landon Phillips
buy during dips, sell during peaks
Austin Ross
>trade signals letting you know exactly what price to buy and sell different coins
>trade signals letting you know exactly what price to buy our dumps coins fixed
Adrian Stewart
Yeah if you want to make 10% lifetime gains that's the way to go. If you want to daytrade and get bad bitches and lambos, you need to take it to the next level.
Brody Long
Okay, dispute this signal. Tell me this is a dump:
1/6/18: ETC/BTC. Buy: .0021 or lower. Sell: .003. Medium term hold (10-30 days). Successfully reached target of .003 in 7 days.
Explain to me in your infinite wisdom how a 7 day hodl is a pump n dump. I'm waiting soyboy.
Brayden Evans
>Reply Are you me? hahah wtf.
Hunter Anderson
Am I you? Yes. We are all one bruddah.
Isaac Jackson
I absolutely love how the elite NEET vs. Wagecuck memes are actually becoming reality. Wealthy, Veeky Forums, well-read NEETs while the losers just slave away at their shitty jobs forever. It's the most glorious timeline.
Luke Brooks
Yes bruddah, dis is de waaeeee!!!
Brandon Morris
Nobody is impressed that you repost signals
Dominic Wright
No ego here, not trying to impress anyone, just trying to help others make gains (the purpose of this board).
Michael Wood
Source on this? Looks like this chick I know.
William Turner
Logan Stewart
hnng nice
Jose Reyes
got your back bruddah
Eli Lopez
High test
Carson Green
only the highest of test for rich Veeky Forums lads
Luis Moore
Ethan Taylor
>1/6/18: ETC/BTC. Buy: .0021 or lower. Sell: .003. Medium term hold (10-30 days). Successfully reached target of .003 in 7 days.
Being proud of 30% gains when everyone is making hundreds of % since last 4 months. Kek
Oliver Bell
Sick painting where do I get one?
Henry Cox
Sauce motherfucker sauce
Michael Peterson
>ITT Retards joining a pnd and getting dumped on by organizers
LOL fucking newfags
Leo Davis
just let them be, its the way of nature
Nolan Butler
That's 1 of dozens of signals posted daily soyboy, I'm up over 6000% in the past 30 days.
Jordan Rodriguez
lifting heavy is a meme. id like my joints to work in 10 years
Austin Martinez
This I almost want to start joining these discord’s to tell them they are all getting scammed by shitskins
Benjamin Watson
my dude, if you don't know remy lacroix what are you doing on the internet?
Connor Lewis
mia next 2 weeks
Adam Richardson
>giving this much attention/importance degenerate to sloots >thinks hes smart because he daytrades crypto
Jordan Wright
aww what a cute vegan. if you knew anything about lifting, you'd know that lifting heavy actually strengthens your joints and can heal past injuries, you just need to have excellent form and not be an egolifter.
for example, going ass to grass on squats is excellent therapy for knee pain and issues.
you're clearly just an extremely low test soy eater who's afraid of being a man. head over to /r9k/ to find your true community where you belong and your bruddahs
Kayden Green
no attention or importance, just something to fap to. nothing more than an object to be pump n dumped just like all the coins you hold that are losing you money salty pajeet :D
Joseph Adams
You faggots who brag about lifting are pathetic, you think you're special cause you lift weights pure egotism
Aiden Green
"object to be pump n dumped" ohhh so alpha dawg lol we both know ur a loser deep down, why fake it here not like I know you irl lol fucking faggot
Eli Miller
not bragging, this is an egoless game soyboy. we lift to attain inner peace, not to impress girls. that's why we walk around in public only wearing loose fitting baggy clothes, nobody needs to know our gains other than us.
i think you navigated to the wrong board by the way, people who are afraid of taking risks in life, challenging themselves, and performing physical activity/exercise go to /r9k/ or /b/. Please leave this board at once and join your cucked soyboys, thank you.
Owen Johnson
fuck off normie
Thomas Martin
soyboy, is that you? i thought we shoo shooed you off to your bruddahs on /r9k/ by now? people who have low testosterone levels and high estrogen from all the soy they eat (you) shouldn't try interacting with grown men. you're just gonna embarrass yourself and lose money in this game. shoo shoo now, run along cucky!
Colton Nelson
You are autistic.
Jason Reed
and insecure too*
Ryan Hernandez
Aight I’m back. I agree with OP, gym n shit
OP you on a cycle? I’m 21 been on 3 cycles, 112kg 12% bf. Yes yes I know I’m fucking myself up but fuck it yo
Also day trade while I’m in the gym, yeah I’m pretty fucken cool
Carter Barnes
source on her?
Brayden Carter
>I’m fucking myself up but fuck it yo t. can't get hard without pills anymore
is everyone on this board literally braindead lol
Nathan Cruz
Why do amerifag love these big, fat and disgusting ass ? Or bodybuilded shemale ? What's wrong with you ?
Grayson Anderson
stop now, it won't make girls love you bra. im out gl
Eli Hughes
>pajeets up their PnD game and learn to post pictures of hot chicks because sex sells
Lincoln Adams
>pills t. non alpha fuckhead who thinks he’s made it with a 50k profile
Fuck up cunt, go back to your shitty life with your fuck ugly girlfriend retard