Europoooooooorssss are coming back from work, time for the weak handed faggot sell

Europoooooooorssss are coming back from work, time for the weak handed faggot sell
>muh name is Muhammad I needa da 5 dollar gain to feeda my family and goats

That meme is grossly inaccurate, US telly and most music is complete dogshit

That's because ((( they ))) force it upon us. As a result, Europe turned to degeneracy

Ok muhamMAD

eurofag here and I disagree
I love american prodduction
(they are still faggots and a 3rd world country though)

I wonder how many years it will take for them to realize that.

This, thanks for culturally enriching us America.

Where would we be without men singing like goddamn women. Seriously 70% of the time it's like they got their balls all the way up their throat.


I'm amazed how they don't see it already
They just bent over

Ahahaha how butthurt must the maker of this meme been? I’m as white as paste and Muhammad’s in Europe are dying making these memes lol

>Ahahaha how butthurt must the maker of this meme been? I’m as white as paste and Muhammad’s in Europe are dying making these memes lol

Yes we are third world hahahaha
Trucks of peace incoming

>n-n no you




Found the butthurt europoors

>Found the butthurt europoors

Okay we believe you
>n-n no I’m not mad

those americunt and fgt europoors fight are hilarious, keep it coming boys.

You're the one who keeps replying.

Almost all the Europeans and Americans are nationalists in some way. It's extremely annoying. Especially Central Europeans who think they have a long history and have invented some kind of unique behavioral traits. Germans being intelligent and rational is the most annoying. Even the retarded germans act like they know what's going on. No sense of humor.

I like american movies from time to time.
No thinking needed and mostly have like a reasonable 88% face representation.

OP isn’t even considering my favorite original European TV show صهقتفنل

>Found the butthurt europoors
la criatura......

fuck off ameriLARP

>as you keep replying
Ok Vladimir


the fuck is wrong with Vladimir, Todd?


I'm just posting innocent memes, the fact that you keep replying to them is very telling

f... fu... fucking europoors

>buying meme coins

It’s telling that you have nothing better to do as well vlad.
>b b but if I get the last word I’ll win the argument

Nothing about being an American is LARPing friend. We are truly better than Europoors in every day

>It’s telling that you have nothing better to do
Well you're not wrong there, there is nothing better than triggering yanks

>he replied to my thread
>taking the bait
>hurrr I’m triggering you
Hahahahaha this gets better and better

That isn't american culture, that's shitty westernized technological media

If that is really american culture to you, any culture worth saving is going away as we give every thirdworlder a smartphone

America had a distinct manifest destiny sort of literary movement t in the late 1800s, early 1900s

We have about as much culture as roman empire ~400AD

>goes into wooden shed made of only doors

umm sweety thats because american steel is weak

>he keeps replying
>'b-but you're replying to me'
>'bu-bu-but I'm the one baiting you'
All you have to do is stop replying and I'll stop bullying you, not so hard is it muttley

Ahahahahahahahahahaha dude I get it you’re fucking around but I’ll keep baiting you until the end of time, since you want the last word you won’t get it lol
>third world country resident trying to bully someone from a country with literally the strongest military.
When crazy trump blows your shithole out of existence no tears will be shed
>b b but I’m not getting baited I’m replying because I am the baitor
>doesn’t realize he’s baited

>b-b-but I'm the one baiting you!
You just can't resist replying can you? Are you a masochist?

HOLY SHIT! Mutts are finishing up their 3rd hamburger of the day, prepare for huge sell offs!

Why is /biz so obsessed with europoors and pajeets?

KYS anons.

>he keeps taking the bait

go on

burgers are mad that we dump bags on them and lower their gtp every day

>every time I sperg it's bait

You as well lol


>tfw I'm starting to run low on mutt memes now

How come you burgers always react to this stuff in the same fashion? Genuinely curious.
The euronigger is posting memes at least.

Now I got two on the hook ahahaha

>people bullying me is them being baited

I'm europoor, just here to enjoy the show

cant believe that you have the rare ones but you dont have the common mutts wtf


Fuck I replied to the wrong ID. Meant to reply to.

>being an absolute cringe beta fuck
Pick one ahaha