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REEEE stop shilling I'm trying to accumulate

Are you CoinsMarkets owner?

too bad coinsmarkets exitscammed with muh ECA, fucking pajeets. I had like 100k ECA in there lel

keep this quiet OP, I'm almost at 1mil

Yep, we got rekt.

at least be original with your shilling you fucking pajeets

coinsmarkets forcing every comfiboi to hodl

Stop shilling that hidden gems, i'm trying to accumulate.

145k hodler reporting in..

Those cunts on coinmarkets ran off with my money too.

seen this shilled for about a month now and its done like a 2x lol

nice coin boys

> An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.

Don't worry, the moment coinsmongos comes back and this shit hits 40+ sats, I'm dumping my millions on you nigs.

There's buy orders for 1k sats on yobit
I would hodl

Better than fucking XRB that's for sure.

And no, I don't meant *faster* than XRB. I meant fucking better.

And by 1k i meant 30k

Shower me dad.


They aren't coming back bro, they've been down for over 2 weeks

It's not going to happen so don't worry. Coinsmarkets will steal it.

>Buying decentalized advertising
How is this lucrative nig
It's going to be competing with adex and bat

apparently they had to find different hosting since people were messaging their original hosts saying they we're exit scamming and stealing everyones shit. so i think they got dropped

god damn, i had $600 worth of this shit on CoinsMarkets. legit exchange my ass.

How is this coin unique?

If the market cap was actually 4 mil as it says on I might buy some, but when I calculate it with the amount of coins listed on their block explorer it turns out to be a 100 mil market cap.

I know, but i just don't have any hope at all for it to come back. if it does i might buy more tho.


>pls buy my bags sir
comfy in BLAS

Comfy hodling 170k

Why would you not buy as its dirt cheap now? By summer it will be atleast 0.15-0.25$ along when atomic swaps, new wallet, white paper etc comes in.

Your loss thought if u dont invest in early days.

Pajeet coin this is next ember

Thanks for the reminder of just how retarded the majority of crypto players are. It will be a pleasure taking your money when I do.

I know right? I bought at 2 sats and it is now sitting at 38 sats after this bear market. Thats some shitty 2x action right there, I agree (you fucking mong)

NO dude, get UFR,
It's going up to its ATH and then gonna surpass it. It's still cheap now from the crash, get in on the moon mission lad

Comfy holding till 0.2