Sergey just had a total meltdown on telegram. A random user asked him when LINK will 'finally be done' and he interpreted it badly and went on a rant about how hard programming actually is and how "n00bs" cannot understand the challenges that go into making a high performance, functioning network of worldwide nodes.
Then he talked about how his ICO company is now in debt due to selling at the bottom, he evaded questions about the money but just said that "food is expensive too" and the McDonalds memes that followed got like 20 people banned from the channel. Sergey seemed completely off the rails, unstable and manic depressed. He was talking about how great of a future LINK would have had if only he could find non-n00b programmers but when people offered to help for some LINK and a Happy Meal, he just kept writing in all caps about how the banks already took it all. I dont know if he was referring to the tokens.
This investement doesnt seem safe anymore. I want to sell but I'm so deep into this... I dont know if I can.
Sergey meltdown in chat
Other urls found in this thread:
thx just sold all my link and bought FUN
Its fucking over isnt it..
There was a leaked document on HackBB (jv7aqstbyhd5hqki.onion), that showed Swift have secretly forked the Link Ruby repo.
There is speculation that have been monitoring him through his Airbnb guests, takeout orders, etc.
user on HackBB provided email docs between Swift and Intel SGX saying that they saw Sergey performing rituals with a double mac n cheese. They also found out by implementing a Trojan on his private PC that the Link Go private repo is actually a 2d platform game he's working on. They took control of his webcam only to see him oil painting and singing along to Japanese radio.
>be swift
You see this mess of a man and the only option you have is to shadowfork the Link code, to save any last line of oracle-solving code that Sergey hasn't already f4'd.
Link is done. the token is just a happy memory, a memento.
your fake ass FUD needs to be shorter to get any attention
Y in the fuck would he sell he did nothing to get the coins
the bubble is going to burst any hour 5k incoming
>Sergey communicating
Kek pretty good bait
chink scam. nail salon. gay meth head.
Sergey is a loose cannon
>Go repo is actually a 2d platform game
Fucking kek. I'm fudding with this for now on.
Sergey made Alex from Funfair telegram seem level headed. Jesus.
I'll have you know the conference yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.
he has employees that need to be paid, he just hired a new guy called Jason
Sergey doesn't communicate in telegram ever idiots...
>show me the real FUD
thanks just sold 100k
>"food is expensive too"
he seems well fed
OP ran out of FUD
Thanks, sold all my links.
Gay donut parlor
I cannot believe at all that Swift was ever interested in this. Why wouldn't they just create something from scratch?
Any screenshots? Would love to see this Sergey meltdown.
better :^)
lol this is a memecoin sergay is an exit scam
Are you dumb? I've been in the telegram chat all day and yesterday..why are you lying?
i guess it happened when you were on the toilet
> Buy LINK
just sold all my link as well...
gonna do siacoin, icx, and qsp
really loved link but cant stand behind a shit leader
Intersting, thanks. Bought 20k more.
Interesting just bought more ICX