Bitcoin is a scam. Do you really think anyone is going to use this for anything but drugs or other illegal activity...

Bitcoin is a scam. Do you really think anyone is going to use this for anything but drugs or other illegal activity? Do you really think that you can make money with this fake money? Get out while you still can, this thing is going to crash!

Type ' S ' to spit on the normi

if bitcoin were ready to be used the game would be over either crypto would take over or it would be dead be glad its still a piece of shit and worth speculating over

Some1 missed to buy the dip?

I use btc for pornography

if it is used for anything it is insanely valuable asset class compared to almost anything from stocks to gold

legal btw

Yeah, I wish I knew this before I lost my $20,000 worth of savings. How will I ever get out of my parents basement.

>a global trans-border currency is useless

welcome to the 21st century you 3rd world faggot.
every fucking shop.

If you actually sold anything then you deserve to be poor forever.

Listen to this user, my close friend went to jail for trading crypto for drugs. He had proxy's and fake accounts, but they still tracked him. It can happen to you to.

I have 10 friends that traded crypto for drugs. They're all millionaires right now and LEA doesn't know anything.

>that file name


I dont get in user?

Invest in property with timber, minerals, and water.

You serious you fool? It's from share blue, they are used to raid /pol/, at least they claim. Don't post shit from share blue. Or whatever it's called, someone will correct me, but the file name is one of theirs.

Brainlet here, explain to me how this idea wouldn't work
>Throw 100 dollars into bitcoin
>Wait for a significant rise
>Cash out for 300 or something
Do you actually need to sell the bitcoin or is it like regular currency conversion?

bitcoin is currently at 200 billion, 10 trillion is absolute minimum first stop. that is 50x. gold alone is 50 trillion

Fiat is literally fake money made out of imaginary debt which will never be paid, OP.

>illegal activity

I'd wager 50%-80% of all money exchanges worldwide are not optimally taxed and thus "illegal" by your definition OP.