im depressed to the point that im putting all my hope into crypto and I wont do anything until get rich as fuck, who else?
Im depressed to the point that im putting all my hope into crypto and I wont do anything until get rich as fuck...
I suspect a large number of us fall into that category whether we accept it or not. It's just so god damn addicting
You're taking this shit waaay too serious user. Have fun with it. Make enough to take out your initial investment and play with house money. Go do shit outside and don't look at your neetfolio.
I created a thread about this 2 days ago. Some fucker was like "I refuse to believe people would gamble away money they can't afford to lose"
Who's deluded here?
Lambo or a bullet baby
All in or i'm out. Not going through life as a poor person.
Literally me
Yes. fucked up my degree through crypto but sitting on 250k
I think that can turn into a couple mil this year then just neet and sell drugs for fun before i kms
I'd just get a nice house and enough money to never lift a finger again.
None of this lambo bullshit
Prolly need $2M, FML
Isn't that this entire board? Isn't that why some of us have such large bank rolls, because we don't care about "risk management". Because I know that's me for sure.
I'm in coding school at the moment so I'll be able to get some sort of good job after this, but I only did it for survival. Not that I hate coding, but I mean it'll give me a nice life. It's not like people that aren't rich can actually pursue their passion these days anyway. I know that the coin I'm all In on right now will moon before summer starts so I have that going for me.
>portfolio only worth $15k
>still believe i can make enough to never have to work again
fuck im delusional kill me
i have 1k in ltc and need that shit to turn into 30k so i can live comfortable for the next year while attending a school in a different province
help me god
Your 15k will 50k eoy
>portfolio only worth $15k
Might as well, nobody under the age of 40 has a retirement fund
i need like $1.5m+ to achieve my goal so $15k is fuck all
Got to have goals user and you do have goals and I'm happy for u on this matter
>making money your god
>"help me god"
Pick one and only one
at that point, you're better off going all in instead of having your focus/worry split between a bunch of coins. all in, keep accumulating that one stack until 50/100k usd, then diversify from there (unless you really, really believe in that one coin/stack)
went from 5k to 25k overnight with zcl, pushing 70k now from selling/buying, focusing only on zcl. yes, i'm shilling, but look into it! (not just zcl, but the all-in philosophy)
>expects LTC to 30x
Hahahahahhaahha user, jump that sinking ship
I have 86% of my net worth in crypto. Get rich or die, fuck the wagecuckery were forced into.
You can do it user. That's only 100x. One piece at a time.
same, if i can't retire next to a Costco ill just end it honestly who cares