Veeky Forums help me

Veeky Forums help me

Im gonna invest 2k into one (or multiple) of these


Which would you pick?


link and xlm probably

let me stop you right there. i can tell you're not a total brainlet because you have REQ on there. Put every penny of that 2000 in REQ immediately. After that pumps, withdraw everything and put it all in VEN in time for rebranding on 2.26. Ur welcome

why withdraw after pump?

jesus man please don't make me regret helping you. after a coin pumps, you sell at the high...

i mean why withdraw into ven

REQ is one of the few coins to consider holding long term tho

XLM has FairX so you can reasonably expect a 2-3x return on that late Jan/early Feb. I'd recommend throwing a bit into it and holding for a few weeks

Not gonna make it, user.

link but you don't deserve it.

so xlm vs req?

split investment or all in?

XLM, its on discount right now

Split isnt bad either

VEN is going to be worth soooo much more than REQ it's not even going to be close. with VEN were talking eth-btc potential prices

How much are you guys going in on XLM?

I'm teetering around 500

you think req is going to go up steeper than xlm?


i have 6k lumens so hoping it has some solid growth

would go for ENG and XLM


Out of your list ENG has the most upside.

REQ will pump just from the biweekly news update?

All of those are decent picks, I like ENG the most, as i hold a big bag of it.

Req, as good project and following, still low market cap. Neo as very solid, probably a top 3 coin soon once the bankers stop pumping and dumping ripple.

With 2k buy one, but cheap = REQ
After this weekend you sell REQ and buy ICX, then park in VEN. Or buy LINK after REQ. Or just LINK. Even 2k LINK are comfy around 10$ each. Projections for VEN are also ok. You might consider this somewhere in your plan, too. Get an excel sheet and play with the numbers. But be aware, these are all shitcoins. They will scam you, because their CEOs are autistic scammers and the projects are all vaporware, especially VEN or ICX. We just larp around and want to get normies rekt. LINK has been hacked in past already.

im thinking XLM and ENG now

thanks all btw


how can you trust link so much?

wait a week to invest in crypto. thank me then


Thanks, bought (most) XLM and little ENG (400usd)

hope it plays out right

you can't trust any of these coins or tokens. however, spend some time in research before you buy = this so much, do not jump in directly. a week will feel like a month. use blockfolio to learn what you you would do and how the market works, loose and win virtually, then start with real investments. especially research chainlink, the story is too crazy to not to be true. and with research I mean read the publications from the last years, follow the whole development of the project, who are the consultants, where does the technology comes from, who backs the project, watch talks, compare projects, how do they advertise, communicate, not communicate, and so on... and this is why I will stop talking about CL now.

not having TNB on your list