Stop with the Crypto boys you're hurting redditors soul and heart
They can't game because of you
Stop with the Crypto boys you're hurting redditors soul and heart
They can't game because of you
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If they weren't fucking morons they'd mine some mineable shitcoin and get ROI in 2 months like any sane individual or, if they got lucky, get a free lambo with the purchase of their card.
who the fuck actually plays gaymes in 2018 anyway
yeah go buy our new 1080ti that'lle be replaced by a mid range gpu next year goyim, so you can kill nazis in wolfenstein and play assassin's creed we wuz kangs
>who the fuck actually plays gaymes in 2018 anyway
reddit and /v/eddit
I cringed pretty hard. Most video games are absolute shit now anyways.
Nobody's making money mining on gaming GPUs.
This isn't 2016. You need specialized hardware and that cuck is whining about a non-issue. NOBODY who mines on a 1070 is making money (at least, they'd be making more by buying the underlying asset) unless they hit it big with some unknown coin like Vertcoin that explodes later.
>EDIT 2: GOLD! Wow! Thanks random redditor!
fucking puke
>Nobody's making money mining on gaming GPUs.
speak for yourself nigger
Hey reddit faggots
/v/ and reddit butthurt is hilarious desu
Cards still have doubled in price. It's annoying if you want to have any particular kind of performance PC.
>GOLD! Wow! Thanks random redditor!
Fucking degenerate manchildren.
I hate them so much.
Lmao! I make 5K a month doing nothing (I don't have many rigs, go easy.) while they have to escape from how shitty their lives are. Damn it feels good to be a biznessman.
>don't make money so I can play games in my moms basement
>EDIT 2: WOW! Gold! Thanks random redditor
This gotta be bait. Is this fucking piece of shit actually trying to reach out and make people stop buying GPUs, by fucking guilting them?
wew wew wew wew wew
>EDIT 2: GOLD! Wow! Thanks random redditor!
Holy fuck don't these reddit-niggers understand basic economics? The ultra-high demand of crypto mining is going to make their graphic card prices fucking dump once GPU manufacturers finally step up their production facilities to meet demand and/or new entrants into the market start making their own mining GPU's. Not to mention whenever the difficulty spikes you will see massive sell offs of old GPUs for new ones, meaning that the secondary market even for relatively new cards will be extremely healthy and low price.
Can someone link this?
Better version of cmc. Ad-free, live charts that don't need refreshing, is a wiki so you can add/share information on your favorite coins!
wow look at this faggot.
My 1080ti does almost $11 a fucking day. My 6x vega 56 rig is doing nearly $68 a day
it is insanely profitable
Wow imagine what you'd make if you just invested your costs into the underlying asset, not to mention your electricity and halving the life of your GPU.
>m-muh free money
Stupid faggot.
i hate games, it's for children
What do you mine though?
bought this shit before it got expensive. Cards are worth 2.5x as much as I paid for them now. Electricity is cheap for me because I am not a euro fag or live in commiefornia. Also, the entire time I was mining sumokoin when it was worth shit, that $68 a day of sumo I was mining turned into like $5000 a fucking day.
Halving the life of the cards is a myth. I know plenty of guys who have much larger operations, like 1000+ high end gpus running since these cards were released. Literally none of them failed so far. Only problem is fans dying sometimes but that is easy as fuck to replace.
I was mining sumokoin but its not as profitable now.
Right now mining a combination of creativecoin and bytecoin
18x 1080 Ti
Making $238/day
Larp it isnt profitable ( wink wink)
Why the fuck do you even need to buy a new graphics card so often anyway? Isn't the PC goty some lowres indie game?
I am not even worried about letting people know its profitable. No need for FUD.
It is actually pretty difficult to get the rig running at where it is at. Brainlets will have no clue.
I want to stream SC:R on Twitch, but my gpu died, so I want to get a beefy one and lowkey mine on it to make it pay for itself
Delete this motherfucker. Dont say it is profitable. Do you know how difficulty works? My god this retards disclosing how profitable is to mine are so retarded..... You lose money if everybody starts mining fucking retards
Thanks for screencaping the last line, now i have terminal cancer.
>complaining about crypto when he just received literal worthless internet currency (ie reddit gold)
>EDIT 2: GOLD! Wow! Thanks random redditor!
fucking disgusting, I hate that place
could that text get any faggier?
he can go suck a dick.