Poll is a pajeet scam! Get out now!

>Developers dumped 5 million dollars worth of tokens on a pump! ethplorer.io/tx/0xb971afa2140d176395e85f97e95cf4ce18fba3ce3ea20960c4d88114ec035026#pageSize=100
>Move the goalposts when it comes to what happens to the token when an ICO is verified!
>Initially gave the impression that POLL tokens were consumed when an ICO was verified, but now charge a flat rate in USD instead!
>Play dumb and deny when called out!


Other urls found in this thread:


700k Poll tokens moved into an address!

POLL is selling their own holdings after purposefully pumping up the value, they are lying to everyone in their telegram. Pajeet scam confirmed

Whalebro calls out the devs, and red maserati calls out the merchant!

Tell people with legitimate questions and anger to fuck off, after the news that their crappy token doesnt get burned at the end of am ICO verification- like they promised initially!

Confirmed that they use the fiat to buy more POLL! To sell back into the market, keeping the price low!

Can confirm these devs (actual dev, not just telegram admin) have no clue what hey are doing. One of them in the telegram literally said burning a fixed % of all tokens doesn't do anything once the supply of POLL is low. LITERALLY DOES NOT KNOW HOW RELATIVE VALUES WITH PERCENTAGES WORK. 7TH GRADE MATH.

LYING bastard!

Is POLL's Director of Pajeetory, Crypto Dale, the Whale Catcher? I'm like whuuut! Then I'm like naw... Then I'm like sheet... better dump it.

I lost 15k thanks to this guys... i dont know how im going to tell my wife.. i will fuking kill my self soon . dumping bags anyway.

i feel so wronged they should be in prison for what they did


>haha just a simple mistake goys, nothing to see here!

yep, POLL is a scam.
All the fucking countdown hype for their announcement just to dump their developer tokens on the public.
They don't care about the price of the taken. They get a flat rate in fiat anyway.


this shit is hilarious, whalebro's pajeets were pumping against the POLL devs?
holy shit lol.
could argue about pumping, yet that's how everyone makes money here. but, god damn, burn the POLL devs, fucking faggots lol
burn 'em alive


Dale better watch his back real good

Whalebro claiming ID.

More denial and deceit!

Fuck you dale I have 70 poll, S/O to mario for this one

Dale, care to weigh in?

and now I have been banned in their telegram after asking some questions. not shady at all ...


>tfw bad whale = poll devs

No questions you can't handle the answer too goy.

Dale why you do this to us? Poll you're project is done, you guys going to go down. You scammers!

do we have dev info leak yet?
burn the witches

Poll devs fucking up my gains. I bought in at $7 and saw them dump on me at $14

We have it all.

Bump. Fuck POLL.

- 17% from start of this thread

This all could have been avoided dale. I was willing to leave it alone and take it on the cheek but you kept running your mouth.

HAHAHAHA isn't this the shit Shinobi pump & dumped on his discord followers?

Devs dumped on the whale hard

No that was the devs dumping. They dumped 1.5 million during that pump alone.

lol what the fuck is this coin

should I buy the dip?

If you honestly believe they weren't coordinated, I feel bad for you.

No, we rose the price a ton and then the devs dumped at ATH and rebought cheaper. This is after they lied about the announcement and told everyone to buy. Check their Telegram, literally everyone is saying they lost money from the announcement.

These fucks need to go to prison

A gay man's flacid dick that he shoved up many... We took the poll deep.

I'm the mod in the discord. I can verify, it was not coordinated.

to this day noone has posted any proof of dumping coming from that discord. kys faggot.

Since the start of this thread POLL's price has dropped like a stone! Sell! Sell! Sell!

Anoying as fuck in crypto
Critisicm and concerns = FUD

Its like we want to be mind controlled...

Thanks Dale. Faggot.

They could have pulled it again and again if they didn't make it obvious in that last 30 mins. They did it to themselves.


All this FUD should mean it's more like buy buy buy

why are you buying into stupid shit you’re supporting the fact that crypto will be destroyed because of these scammers and no one will sink money into this shit anymore

yes good idea, go all in on this.

We have to fuck them all to death. Fucking Pajeet devs.

Yea this is not true, the discord is trying to get you to dump so they can buy lower.

Hi Dale

Fuck off, you scamming pajeet.

So i can pay fiat to get verified by scammers, great!

Poll is going down. Going to advise all pump group to dump it.

You devs can have it back. You scammers. Word of mouth this will spread and no one is going to use your poll coin.

Lol what a bunch of Veeky Forums retards hahahha. Thinking the dev had the account with 700k polls. Jesus.

Still doesn't change the fact the token is worthless

Why is the token worthless? Its not. Veeky Forums and whalebro are retarded. Bunch of kids.

haha, its so freaking sad to see a bunch of sad loosers trying to shittalk Poll.. You clearly don't know anything. Pathetic.

Out of all tokens calling poll a scam. Jesus. Crypto world is fucked up.


The literally say so themselves.

Well then you clearly dont understand how this works. They create lots of at market buy orders when orders flow in. The sell orders, they have to think about that. They are discussing that internally. But that doesnt mean its a scam. And the 700k poll adress is from the devs....whalebro pumped clearpoll but a large token holder dumped 200k. And its not 1 of the devs ;). There is nothing wrong with this project and its not a scam. You can even call daniel (director) to discuss the business plan. Now stop crying whalebro and friends if your stupid pump didnt work out.

Is not from the devs*

I do understand how it works and it will long term not increase in price, in fact it will most likely drop like a stone since there's no possibility of gains.
It will however fluctuate a few percent but increase, no.

They are internally discussing how the sell of the poll tokens will be taken place. They even pinned a message where there is a poll in which we can choose. They are asking if we think they should burn a % each time they get an order. 2 projects. Legit team. 7 mio tokens circulating. It will increase. But these fudders only want to call it a scam so they can buy in cheaper. Its a shame

hi dale
how your faggot little ass is doing today?
still scamming people?

Bullshit! You can't call Devs or talk to them.

They'll ban you or ignore you on telegram.

Dale you brought this upon yourself.

big LOL.
Pajeet PnD group around (((whalebro))) made a bad call and now desperatly wants to be right. Calling it a scam.
Poor users of the discord group.

Im not dale so fuck off. Yes you can call them. They banned you guys because you are from that retarded whalebro group. Orchastrating to spread fud. Go do it to dent or deepbrainchain again. Retards

Sounds like "whalebro" and faggots are mad that someone leaked their pump to devs and they got BTFO. You need to work on more original FUD. Not even a POLL holder, it's so fucking obvious at this point


Who are these retards calling the most genuine poll as scam ....scumbags

Buy HST instead. Voting platform but not sketchy team

it is, I'm in the group just lmao. they are so butthurt.

top kek, those faggots deserve to hold those bags

Haha, all because ((((whalebro)))) failed a pump. Pathetic fuddders.

ClearPoll got the most transparent team around in crypto!

Enjoy your bags faggots :)

Everyone can tell you're some dev from Clearpoll who has never used Veeky Forums before. You aren't even properly replying to people.


You two are also obviously not from here. These are not Veeky Forums-esque posts. And can't even use echoes properly.