Third thread I made. You are now too late


Posted at 6 cents
again at 8 cents that the moon mission was on

See you fucks at 30 cents

Other urls found in this thread:

This coin is disguisting though, why won't they update their MS paint logo?

needs a bump from some faggot to move. fuck you and fuck cindicator

this. total shitcoin. see you back down at 6 cents or whatever-

Lets go boys!!!

jesus, the fucking salt...

I’m sure this’ll go up.... but I’m also almost positive that a product will never be delivered. Their copy sounds like it was co-written by Deepak Chopra and Michio Kaku.

kek, nvm it's crashing hard.

Nice trajectory shitty snake!

There is already a product amigo.

Another 10x. I'm gonna be rich.

>no sir, is no pnd at all, better believe sir
kys ugly pajeet and poo your pants a last time when you finally pass away

They have a live version already man.

>tfw bought CND at 4c
>held through two dips
>finally paying off

nice kneejerk response.


Bought 1k at .08.
What a fucking faggot, Jesus Christ.

Is anyone swinging this? What's your buys / sells and what % of your stack are you swinging?

Read the whole article. Holy shit, this is a fucking goldmine.

post the fucking article m8

huge news

0.5 eod

hello me

what article?

I bought at .06 but obv similar situation. Feelsgoodman.

This is the salty nigger pajeet who bought at 700 sats and sold at 500 10 days ago

PBC motha fucka...

Seriously $5 by EOY. I need to find some extra scratch.

Comfy as fuck rn.

It's going up boyzzzzzzzzzz....

Cindicator is a unique utility token in that it’s up and running right now. Even when I recommended Ethereum at $7, it wasn’t being used as much as Cindicator is right now.

Remember: 20% of the tokens have already been staked to get access to their research. Can you imagine what will happen once the team gets this idea in front of every hedge fund and family office?

The demand for the token is going to skyrocket. The time to take action is now.

Fuck...I'm thinking of selling....

Sold 30k, still holding 100k from ICO. Feeling comfy

I just did, i wont reach the number for the CND bot anyway.

Cryptometer 2.0 is a money making machine.

that's why i bought this ages ago...the more people use this platform, the better the predictions, which increases the value of the platform MASSIVELY. combine this with the sort of "staking" mechanism and you have a biblical moon recipe.

Im out, pce.

I'm gonna be able to action shit shit off.

can you screen shot it and post it?

>i wont reach the number for the CND bot anyway
right in the feels, at this point the expert bot cost $160k

fucking retards. the paper is not out yet, because he's at the bitcoin conference in miami today. you stupid faggots. The fake paper that came out calling cnd doesnt even SLIGHTLY resemble pbc papers.

Hell yeah...wait a moment....

OP do you have a discord i can join?

Anyone read the report?

It's actually super interesting. Very good read.

You are a complete moron. I'm a subscriber, it came out today at 5pm EST Buy CND up to .30
Yea I did Teeka broke its value down really well. The demand for Cindicator is going to be huge. He's predicting 83x in 2018 and 333x within 2-3 years. Wowza

Any proof teeka shilled this? Did he say to short term hold again?

posted here before the dip... could have waited a little longer

nevertheless CND is the real deal

>only bought 1.1k at 1.9 cents

Cindicator is a unique utility token in that it’s up and running right now. Even when I recommended Ethereum at $7, it wasn’t being used as much as Cindicator is right now.

Remember: 20% of the tokens have already been staked to get access to their research. Can you imagine what will happen once the team gets this idea in front of every hedge fund and family office?

The demand for the token is going to skyrocket. The time to take action is now.

What proof do you want?

Monthly features are never short term holds. He said this will be huge with potential 40 bil marketcap in 2 years.

Cindicator is a unique crypto token in that it’s incredibly useful right now. We’re not waiting for a testnet or alpha launch. You can start extracting value from your token ownership immediately.

Is what they are showing everyone. It isn't PBC. It's a CND shill article dressed up as it. The real PBC isn't out.

Teeka says $5 this year

personally I've been accumulating little by little and I believe will be more than $5 within 6 months

Somebody please post a fucking screenshot of the thing so I can go to sleep. Holding 1M tokens and would really like to know that I won’t get dumped on in my sleep

Cindicator is a unique utility token in that it’s up and running right now. Even when I recommended Ethereum at $7, it wasn’t being used as much as Cindicator is right now.

read this poorfags.....

stitchandshare com/ezzFHRM4BwU

See. It's a PnD. You are going to get fucking dumped on. That is not PBC.

Remember: 20% of the tokens have already been staked to get access to their research. Can you imagine what will happen once the team gets this idea in front of every hedge fund and family office?

The demand for the token is going to skyrocket. The time to take action is now.

This is PBC. You aren't gonna get dumped on.

That’s why we think you’ll see a massive demand-driven rally in CND tokens that will take them to $5 this year and $20 over the next couple of years.

discord gg/YnBka

access to real pbc picks for like $20, already up 600% in a month lul

PBC is out, I'm a subscriber

and yes CND is the real deal long term

Read the PDF motha fucka poorfags...

Still waiting on proof of teeka or this is a discord pump and dump

Oh $5 by end of the year

>dump it

no it's not a fucking scammy discord PnD group lul


If it were a PnD it would have tanked back to the mean already.

`That’s why we think you’ll see a massive demand-driven rally in CND tokens that will take them to $5 this year and $20 over the next couple of years.`

Here is my prediction:

Over the next two years, every major hedge fund, day trader, and bank trading desk in the world will buy Cindicator. You will be priced out of this resource if you don’t take action right now and own some.


Just fomo'd in and bought 10k tokens this better be the real pbc. fellow user. 52k here too...we're poorfags...;) Better HODL...

I dont understand CND. Is the product just predicting the future of other coins?

It is giving you price predictions for other coins, but also for stocks and different events. They can expand it into anything: politics, sports, whatever. There’s also an arbitrage bot which will be automated in the future, but that takes 1M tokens. You don’t pay any coins though, just need to hold them.


He called it again?

Double whammy = Moon mission.

sitting comfy with my trader bot, everyone that doesn't buy in now deserves to stay poor

It'll be $5 by Feb 1st, screenshot this.

ask this shitbot about link already :D