This is your fucking king Veeky Forums, sir gay of chainlink? This is fucking abysmal...

This is your fucking king Veeky Forums, sir gay of chainlink? This is fucking abysmal. How am I not surprised you all bow to this gluttonous slob.


buy now or lose. check em.


link will get 6666666 check em

god is real and link is 50 eoy check em he will also lock her up

Fuck of mod it's the truth of Satan

just market sold my 15k link check em

cap this. 45 eoy. check em.

god is fake and link is a scam c em

Check these numbers boys x100

you need professional help, luckily you're at the right place already

screen cap this.

approximately 28 days until sergey's conference at bitcoin superconference. hodl.

capped 50 eoy confirmed

Stfu faggot

nintendo. link swift link swift. u dont undrstund linkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk we gonnnnnnnnnnmayyyykitttttttttttt

Link is the missing stone to take one final step upwards and make the empire bend it's knee

are u there god itz me sergey id lyk to schedule a pedi

link holders will burn check them

You have been visited by Fat Sergey of Huge Gains. Immense wealth will come to you but only if you comment "Bon appetit mr Sergey!" in this thread


bon appetit mr sergey!