Who here still having FUN? This coin has been very kind to me throughout the dip and yet people on Veeky Forums still think its a meme. They won't be laughing when we get rich next month!

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how much fun do u have? ??????

Almost 2000, I'm a poorfag atm lel but not for long!



This is my sleeper moon coin, i'm a FUN boi

u will make it.

I sadly dont have a lot too . my dream would be to have around 15 k. probably wont happen though

When will 10k fun buy a lambo?

Can I get some sauce FUN bro?

I doubt $10 would ever happen, and that's still half the price of a lambo, minimum.


have 5k fun, what should i sell at?

why would u sell?

Fun mooned a bit

100 dollars

>tfw have 150k FUN.
@ $100 per FUN that would be $15M

that wont happen
>tfw funlet with only 1k fun
Pls kill me

$100 can't happen but 1 or even 2 dollars could.

I know it won't happen. Just dreaming.

If you are not having fun, what's the point?

hello funfags

someone's having FUN.

With enough hype and good announcements and partnerships could moon to 4-5 range for a short period.

I expect 1$ sometime just before or after ICE, depending on hype and what comes of it.

Summoning the FUNanon who copypasta's a paragaph of cogent points about why this coin actually has solid potential

$10 is $50B marketcap. It won't happen soon, but given that the global gambling marketcap is well over $500B, not including online gambling at $60B, and not including people who don't gamble, it's doable. This is all without factoring in the burns that will be happening en masse when casinos start using it.

Something revolutionary getting like 7 - 8% of the global industry of its field is entirely doable. When you factor in burns, in 2 - 3 years this could be $100.

Random ass hypothetical:
>rich ass Saudi casino says "hey we can get money from people across the globe would would never come to us", puts 3% of their holdings into the new revolutionary tech
>rich ass Asian casino does the same thing
>multiple rich UK casinos do it because that's where the FUN license will be
>Vegas is like 'ay yo hol' up' *smack lips* and throws their Indian money at it
>suddenly 20% of global market by everyone throwing a small chunk of their earnings at it
The tech is literally free to anyone who was to use it, they just have to buy the coin and contact the devs for rights

who else /allinonredat1dollar/


Why would you keep 6mil on an exchange?

Funfag reporting in with 130k! Can't wait for FUN to become THE online gambling chip. 2018 is going to make us rich my friend!!


Look up FunFair! $2.00 here we come!

I can't move it yet because of my daily withdraw . limit I've been selling all my alts today, the only alt I'm holding now is Funfair. Hopefully it dips one more time so i can get 2-3 mill more

Should sell 150K XVG for FUN?

Shut up and post waifuns


>gambling on the gambling coin

what could go wrong

i have 3k as well, wanting more.
since there's only 10.5 billion FUN tokens, what's the likelihood that it could reach $5 per token?

You're damn right it's /the/ gambling coin

30k here - I would be happy with $1

>try to buy some fun
>binance ui bugs, buys me linkies instead
guess it's fate then

so you'd get less than $30,000 profit, not bad but not a "get us rich" coin

oh sheeit best quads/trips combo

Mate, a lot of people got in at 3 - 5c. Even then, read this. In a few years I wouldn't be surprised to see $100 with all factors considered.

Even then, putting $1k into FUN early-ish, getting 20k+ tokens, getting 20k out of it is still a 20x with potential for a 200x in the far longterm