Decent Human Being Thread

Everyone on biz seems to be super stressed about their enforcing their own point of view. Who else here is /decent/

>Be me
>Stable income, no debt
>Hear extreme conservative views at bar
>Later hear extreme liberal views at same bar
>Recognize that both viewpoints have some legitimate points but that these get lost in the zealotry of speaker

your cucked by wanting to be moderate

identity cuck

well, that didn't take long.


>Recognize that both viewpoints have some legitimate points but that these get lost in the zealotry of speaker
I'm far right and I actually hate you people more than far leftists. I'm glad the one thing all political extremes agree on is that the valueless shapeshifters commonly called "moderates" need to be liquidated for the world to advance.

I would identify as meritocratic/technocratic but I can see why you would label me as centrist!

>Can't recognize any position unless it is extreme
That's a shame, user

I'm only nice to my fellow qt asian posters

the first half of your ID says "JEw" if you remove the "K".

You should be gassed.

Wow OP you are so smart

The first half of your id would be jew too if you replace the C with an E and the K with a W

Checkmate, user


Thanks, I'm strongly against fucking cats much like the second guy in the first panel

Lot of racist, minsogynst morons on this board.

Anyone else just here to make some cash? Reddit is too slow on the coin tips

samesies but i still lean right. i mean look at every non-white country.

I appreciate and identify with you, decent OP.

Says JEKw

>Lot of people who speak the truth on this board.

Enjoy your future as a castrated labor class. Lefties want to put you up against the wall, but we consider that a waste of irreversibly invested resources, much better to turn you into beasts of labor for the remainder of your sad lives.

I'm with you if you think one side has the best solution you're a retard this thread is filled with retards

Seems like a case of anger coming first and the justifications coming second

Why so emotional, anons?

>Falling for this obvious b8


reddit is shit though.
also i shit on pretty much all your moral values. also implying OP supposedly moderate or neutral lolololol

Its people like you that make me ok with death squads.

You're wasting your breath, most of these people are basically Alex Jones, right about 30% of the time but otherwise just crazy and butthurt


some say the truth hurts.

This. Imagine if you had conversations in real life with some of the people that post here. We can't all be perfectly adjusted citizens, but some of the residents here are fucking insane.

>an extremist calls for the extermination of his enemy
bright new world you're going into, numb nuts.
it's a good thing, politically short-sighted fuck-faces like you don't hold any real power anymore

confy as fuck op
then again, not your average 4chin sperg

>Conflating opinions with truth
I can't tell if you're far right or far left

if you think you're blending in well right now I just want to let you know you're not. Plebbitors have some hard to define yet readily identifiable habitual cues that make them stick out like a sore thumb.

Yes goy, working is good!

>Implying I want to blend in with extremists

Why do low IQ people get so angry when other individuals don't subscribe to their extremist ideals?

Is this your first day at ShareBlue? Really poor performance all around, try again tomorrow.

I understand your desire to find a middle ground, I was there too years ago, but that option has been taken from us. You either pick your hill to die on or have it picked for you

>pic related

Thanks, saved

If you're going to regurgitate leftist drivel at least learn to spell it properly

>implying these aren't the people who will shape the world for decades to come

Fuck you Jew

>be extremely far right misanthrope
>state centrist positions whenever in political debates

Equating politcal views with a position on an imaginary line is the epitome of being misinformed

>Except the line isn't imaginary

Also, nice digits, checked

Universal suffrage was a mistake.

>Implying that US citizens wouldn't vote for a 3rd party
>Only 55% voter turnout
Clearly the line is imaginary when 45% of your country doesn't vote

Democracy was a mistake. Allowing Jews in the country was a mistake.

Being this confused. I can never trust a whore like you. You are just like a roastie or jew

All of the above.


Respect the boards culture if you want to post here queer

You are an extremist. Extremists in any matter tend to be rather unstable. In other words, you're likely a fucking retard.

Hello fellow XRP hodler.

I'm glad Veeky Forums is extreme and cringey. It makes the good crypto tips all the less accessible to normies. Literal libcuck here and I love it.

truly the master race

Ew I was subjected to your low IQ

Crypto is first and foremost a tool to destroy the current status quo and economic system, you might or might not agree with that, but that's what you're supporting when you put money on it and that's why the banks/media/boomers/etc FUD nonstop.

it looks like you took some post from /r/politics and translated it to greentext

One of the rules in the sticky is not to talk about shit that would belong in /pol, wish mods would enforce it like they (try to) do with the beggars.