Whites killed Native Americans

> Whites killed Native Americans
> Whites will eventually turn same colour as Native Americans due to climate
> Should racist white Americans kill themselves to prevent their future generation from turning into the darkies?



> American Whites killed Native Americans
> American Whites will eventually turn same colour as Native Americans due to climate
> Should racist White Americans kill themselves to prevent their future generation from turning into the darkies?



It was pestilence that killed most native americans. The disease came from dirty europoors but still, credit where credit is due.

>change colors
That would take thousands of years to do
We won’t even exist anymore


Wrong thread faggot, try /lgbt/ they'll probably cry with you.

> Whites will eventually turn same colour as Native Americans due to climate

That's not how evolution work. For that to happen, people need to die of skin cancer due to the sun before they reproduce. FYI: It's not happening.

The IQ on this board....

Everytime some pol cuck cries white genocide I get a stiffy

Facepalm. Evolution doesn't work like that.

Pro Tip: To help slow doen the process of skin and hair darkening, you can wear a burka when you go out.

This is Veeky Forums, we only talk about crypto induced suicides/genocides.

>t.Pajeet that doesnt know how evolution works

Skin color only changes if the genetically lighter skinned people die off because of skin cancer or something. We have sunscreen, street shitter.

Wow this sure is business related

MISCONCEPTION: Natural selection involves organisms trying to adapt.

CORRECTION: Natural selection leads to the adaptation of species over time, but the process does not involve effort, trying, or wanting. Natural selection naturally results from genetic variation in a population and the fact that some of those variants may be able to leave more offspring in the next generation than other variants. That genetic variation is generated by random mutation — a process that is unaffected by what organisms in the population want or what they are "trying" to do. Either an individual has genes that are good enough to survive and reproduce, or it does not; it can't get the right genes by "trying." For example bacteria do not evolve resistance to our antibiotics because they "try" so hard. Instead, resistance evolves because random mutation happens to generate some individuals that are better able to survive the antibiotic, and these individuals can reproduce more than other, leaving behind more resistant bacteria. To learn more about the process of natural selection, visit our article on this topic. To learn more about random mutation, visit our article on DNA and mutations.

>Native Americans are tanned because they;re from America and not because they're actually just Gooks from Siberia

MISCONCEPTION: Natural selection gives organisms what they need.

CORRECTION: Natural selection has no intentions or senses; it cannot sense what a species or an individual "needs." Natural selection acts on the genetic variation in a population, and this genetic variation is generated by random mutation — a process that is unaffected by what organisms in the population need. If a population happens to have genetic variation that allows some individuals to survive a challenge better than others or reproduce more than others, then those individuals will have more offspring in the next generation, and the population will evolve. If that genetic variation is not in the population, the population may survive anyway (but not evolve via natural selection) or it may die out. But it will not be granted what it "needs" by natural selection. To learn more about the process of natural selection, visit our article on this topic. To learn more about random mutation, visit our article on DNA and mutations.

Isn't the climate in the US similar to that in Europe?

NOT Veeky Forums RELATED

> Live in hot climate: dark skin
> Live in cold climate: light skin

This explanation never made sense to me. Euros would be exposed to new sicknesses from the indians too. Why didn't they die?

>Whites killed Native Americans
more native americans killed each other than whites did. fucking retard

no. kys

>no u XD