Well, biz?
Well, biz?
What is Bitconnect
ethereum 2
>not answering in the form of a question
what is Ven?
Probably Ada, in like 2 years.
>Well, biz?
Death to Ripple
Only possible answer
ADA was created to flip Ethereum. However I only see BAT getting significant mainstream adoption anytime soon, opposed to almost every coin which when it comes down to it is a bunch of speculators circle jerking.
Possible. But they're too much of a cult, and I think their team may turn off potential investors.
My money would be on Neblio, because they don't give a fuck, and 10% staking rewards plus network fees will be huge if they have a shit ton of ICOs.
> year is 2025
> btc is at 100,000 ATH
> ethereum flips bitcoin
> ethereum is at $1 / token
> lol infinite supply
what is Achain?
What is a blue?
ODN will flip all. you have been warned many times.
stop buying shit scam coins like ADA
Cardano. you silly cucks will be so fucking sorry that you didn't back up the van and shovel as much ADA in as you could when it was 50 cents yesterday. less than one year and we're gonna have pink wojacks and threats of suicide because you were so fucking stupid and din't buy. i will laugh so fucking hard.
Zen Protocol ofc
ADA, one of the most steady assets I hold. That along with adToken, Fun and XLM.
But in all seriousness, probably bitcoin cash but possibly Monero
ADA is shit, no gains left it will never go beyond where it is now just lower.
pls use your head and not FOMO, ADA had it's moment now it will settle outside the top 10
Yea ADA might flip ethereum in a few years. How much you think your gonna make from that?
in terms of industry adoption
qtum and nuls. Just wait for Huawei partnership
This will be bigger than anyone can imagine. Eth big? Probably not, but it will be up there.
XRB once it hits Binance
you're fucking clueless. ADA is barely getting started. Proof of stake is coming up in the next month or two, wallet upgrades and then you're gonna have ICOs launched on the most secure and scalable blockchain that exists. the current valuation is based on expectation and when the deliverables start pouring in it will skyrocket.
this is fucking retarded user, producing reasoning
What is LINK once it operates on its own network
tens of millions
Its like ethereum but better. Currently massively underpriced.
jesus fucking christ i hope this is a larp, the absolute state of this board
Then you must be putting in at least a million at todays price.
Simple explanation. Guarantee if you put money into NEO today you'll make more in the next month than if you put money into ethereum. Screen cap this shit.
Certainly a possibility, but this thread is about flipping ETH.. NEOs only chance during the bubble would be an EEA tier announcement, very fucking unlikely
nem will flip eth
I'd rate this higher than NEO, but NEM don't hype, concerned the bubble will ogre before it gets legs
>NEOs only chance during the bubble
during the bubble?
Long term I believe NEO will overtake Ethereum. The fact you don't have to learn a new programming language to build an ICO on it will be a big advantage as crypto in general becomes bigger. Will see a growth in the number of NEO ICOS and the price is going to grow exponentially when the Chinese crypto share grows.
>This cryptocurrency will flip ethereum
I know, user.
I think we see a collapse before any of that can start producing, my main concern is there is no longer time left for 'long term'.. I'm struggling to find anything other than XRP for an ETH flip before any pop, I don't think it's a worthwhile bet though.
Neo is getting delisted you deluded retard.
What is VEN?
What is VEN?
Learn how to spell, faggot. It's BEEECOOHHHNEEEECK
Yea I understand that concern, NEO seems to hold up nicely and recover from dips strongly though so hopefully even in short term can see 2x+ gains which seem less likely with ETH. NEO has bounced back to levels above pre dip but obviously before the pump which occured before recent crash/dip.
Not a fucking chance but keep lieing to yourself. Enjoy fomoing in at 500+.
What is Aeternity?
What is XRB?
What is Fucking Nothing
Xrp :^)
What is BCC?
Not a single of you idiots said ENG
This is the current state of biz
they don't even fucking know anything
Memes over memes, half of u either dont und erstand ops question or r outright retarded
What is Achain? DYOR
I heard from my buddy who is American said that Lamden (Tau) is going to x100, no joke. These guys got serious burger connections
The god token