I know literally nothing about crypto but want to get into it. How do I buy it? Keep track of prices? Sell it...

I know literally nothing about crypto but want to get into it. How do I buy it? Keep track of prices? Sell it? What are good coins to watch for?


Don’t you have normie stuff to do like meet up with your 35 friends at the hookah lounge?

do not listen to this board until you feel comfortable reading a chart
seriously, you'll get burned here as a noob.
start with reddit, even if you hate the site. the people there are gullible, but actually want to help.

you'll get help here, too. but you'll have to filter through 2 metric tons of fucking bullshit first
not a good place for beginners...

Veeky Forums is only about 2 things: shitcoin shilling to get rid of heavy bags and pajeets trying the same, but failing in a very obvious and amusing way

toodles, bitch

I just wanted advice DD: D:

ask reddit, not memeing

Do your own research. If you aren't willing to do the research then you'll ending up holding pajeets shitcoins.

kys normie

Buy it. Then read a fucking economics book and never come back here

Same OP. I've been lurking for a bit but the majority of this shit flys over my head. Crypto looks like it has potential but then again, everyone investing in it and trading are basement dwellers or poor people.

Think i'll stick to my normie non-exciting investments.

Legit tho, is Skycoin worth it. Daddys about to drop 300 into it

>make coinbase account
>buy Ethereum
Most of this board will agree with me that this is a guaranteed way to make money in crypto.

This, I've been into crypto properly for a few months now, and ETH has paid dividends. Obviously don't stick all your eggs in one basket, but a shitcoin or two, but hold your ETH! Good luck

Crazy jump looking at ethereum.

How much would you suggest for first time buying? $200/300?

I only put in around the equivalent of $300 user, but golden rule is be prepared to lose it. Luckily i've made some profits, but since the recent correction the past few days the markets have been shagged. My advice, buy $300 of ETH, hold onto it all, or split half the ETH you buy and put it into something like Tron (TRX) or VeChain (VEN), you can do all this on Binance. Obviously do some research and look for a decent coin, whatever takes your fancy mate.

It's a ponzi scheme. The bubble(imaginary wealth which couldn't be cashed out) already popped.

Faggot reddit normies gtfo

one of my friends told me to buy this coin called "gvt"
was he memeing or is possibly good


Just ate 100k

The markets have gone to shit, even ETH, whats the chances it will peak again like before?

I'm willing to put 300 on the line just to try this out desu

UFR is a great coin for you to start with. I'd suggest doing your own independent research on it but it's a low market cap coin on Cryptopia and etherdelta right now. It's going to be listed on a new exchange soon. If you've been watching what's been happening this past week, there's been a dip across all cryptos but UFR has been staying pretty consistent.

Buy Skycoin. Buy Skycoin. Buy Skycoin. Buy Skycoin. Buy Skycoin. Buy Skycoin. Buy Skycoin.

Okay just make a coinbase account, use it to buy ethereum then make a binance account and do research on various coins before trading your eth for them

However much you are willing to lose. Keep in mind if you buy at the wrong time you might loose at least 20% but gain it back in a week