What happened to coins being shilled months ago, like blackmoon? Or Kyber? Everyone said Kyber was going to be biggest ICO of October, and now I dont know anyone thats still holding it?
What happened to coins being shilled months ago, like blackmoon? Or Kyber...
Kyber mainnet launch next month. Nearly half price from crash. Vitalik on board. Obvious moon mission.
Is that better?
thats how the pump and dump system works
youre either trading the top 10 big coins that have lasting power, or you are chasing the flavor of the week
Spoiler: when you're seeing it all over Veeky Forums, it's at the peak, sell sell sell.
good question OP, Blackcockcrypto and other icos that cryptonigger shilled in sept/oct have been forgotten and the bagholders from those icos are now trying to pretend like they havent lost any money. i remember stox being shilled here in july/august to reach 10$ by dec and looked what happend to it
You can get good advice off of biz but you honestly dont need it, for eg i scoured cmc and found a coin called zcl back in september and decided to put a few eth. I had never seen the coin on /biz before (i would browse biz everyday backthen) and i could only find like 4 videos on youtube explaining what it even fucking did. Now everday on biz i see atleast 3-4 threads shilling this coin and OPs saying that "buy this coin i told u so" They are only shilling it now because it was in the spotlight and they dont know shit.
>im only here for the memes
>unironically have huge stack in link and fun
Blackmoon is above ico price you dumb fuck
>Holding bags
Why even bother OP?
Try and get your job back at McDonalds before it's too late.
fuck kyber. look into loopring. it's the protocol binance and other exchanges plan on using in the future. just because "dex is the future" doesn't mean the exchanges running things now are just going to disappear. think aboot it. they have things in the works.
All good picks for this year.
5, 2, 6
>implying stox won’t do 20x this year
What’s it like starting crypto in 2017?
shes not a 6
thats an 8
Crypto has a short attention span, doesn't help that there is not product until months
if that piece of shit oven dodger moshe shekelstain wanted stox on binance it would be there. your votes are a waste of time.
5, 6, 8
Kek, I remember Kyber.
A waft of saag paneer emanated from every post made about that shitcoin.
It's because chainlink was an ICO in the same time period. They can't compete with its innovative tech, memes and Veeky Forums backing
6, 3, 7 for me
almost at 400 zcl--got in at 140k sats/27 usd. w-will i make it?