If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.
Benefits of Stellar:
- ICOs - Smart-contracts; just not Turing-complete - Faster than all other networks - Decentralized (fuck you autists) - Transactions cost next to nothing - IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling Stellar (dashboard.stellar.org/) - Can easily replace Ethereum (Ethereum cannot handle real world transactions) - MOBI chose Stellar over Ethereum - KIN chose Stellar over Ethereum (medium.com/kin-contributors/kin-stellar-sdk-initial-draft-839afcaaf55c) - AERON testing Stellar over Ethereum - Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second - Network prepped for global-scale stress - Importantly, Stellar forces the use of its coin, XLM, as the cost for using the network - Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (lumenaut.net/) - XLM is still not even on bitfinex or bithumb
Real World Implementation:
- First launch of Stellar ATM in Singapore - Pundi X signed as an anchor for Indonesia
Other XLM/Stellar Use: Lightyear.io (for profit arm of Stellar)
- lightyear.io - Worldwide remittance (soundcloud.com/automatadigital/stellar-lightyeario-co-founder-brit-yonge) - lightyear.io small-scale partners so far: Tempo, coins.ph - lightyear.io uses IBM for outreach to large financial institutions due to business partners - lightyear.io has 15 bank partnerships, several tier 1, and tier 2-3
is this just a shill? Everyone mocks me for holding xlm
Cameron Howard
Just bought some more. Only about 5k usd worth
Jonathan Martinez
I’m not buying your bags, kike.
Luke Bell
Fucking pajeetcoin
Ian Collins
Veeky Forums talks shit about tron too Buy half of what Veeky Forums shills and buy half of what Veeky Forums shit talks and you’ll do well
Michael Flores
Sooooo 50 % LINK 50% LINK??
Isaiah Mitchell
XLM's partnership with IBM and the potential it has to be a trading pair make it we worth holding long term in my opinion. Anyone in crypto should have some XLM
Aaron Foster
Maersk and IBM partnership.
Jayden Wood
Andrew Parker
What was the moon attempt just a couple of hours ago, anyone know?
Brandon King
probably just BTC correlation
Gabriel Robinson
Over XRP? Ive been hesitant in adopting it, not sure what it does differently
Henry Gray
BM's blockchain platform is enabling hundreds of clients and thousands of developers to build and scale active networks across complex use cases, including cross border payments, supply chains, and digital identification.
Guess who dominating shipping regions. XLM bitches!
Caleb Morris
I fucking hate this coin so much. It's my entire portfolio and I wish it would die so I could die with it.
Adrian Diaz
Stability is good for a coin if it wants to be adopted
Samuel Kelly
its particularly close, the primary differences are: >IBM running the piping/networking >stellar consensus protocol is apparently quite good (for world-wide stress) >decentralized >slightly faster and costs slightly less >Stellar forces the use of XLM >Ripple does not force use of XRP
Angel White
XLM and Ripple are all about "frictionless" payments but they are the ones with the most friction given that they need banks as validators for each transaction.
Parker Sanchez
also Stellar has ICOs.
Jeremiah Harris
Once some more decent ICOs are released on the platform this could very well go the way of NEO (not in $ value obviously but % increase)
Jaxson Long
I am eager to see the roadmap, 7 days to go.
Hudson Jackson
>he bought it high
Juan Davis
The fuck am I doing here holding these bags? Can someone please explain this? How did I get shilled into this sleepy coin? Fml
Dylan Ross
new to cryptos here. how often does a road map release lead to a price jump?
i know xlm is gonna run on fair x news
Leo Young
I thought the mobius sale was happening today.
Owen Stewart
How tied do we think this coin is to bitcoin, given that it withstood the previous major dip/crash? if all this FUD about BTC ends up being true, how fucked will we be? will it all be short term only?
James Nguyen
It will just lazily drift down for a while. Then up for a while. Then hover hand around .50 while whales play FUCKING GAMES WITH MY FUCKING INVESTMENT
Benjamin Gray
Its been over a month and Bittrex hasn't gotten my XLM out of memo hell.
I just reached my accumulation goal. Now time to get comfy and watch.
Dylan Barnes
Welcome aboard
Zachary Butler
All of you who say wheres our moon, well there hasnt been any concrete releases yet so just hodl this like your balls boys. Our time will come q1 or q2
Lincoln Turner
and Stripe
Anthony Ward
holy fuck you are a brainlet
Josiah Lopez
they fucking suck ass but they got to my ticket eventually. month+