One of my biggest life goals has always been to climb Mount Everest. The price to do so is around $60,000. I am a 20 year old student with ~$5,000 to invest with and I am hoping to be able to climb the mountain by 2019 or 2020. Do you have any advice for investing? Should I also look to pick up a job to raise funds? Is anyone aware of sponsorship possibilities? thanks
instead climbing the literal mount everest
why don't you climb a metaphorical everest with actual non-symbolic value
that doesn't involve burning money, and exploiting local people
what the fuck kind of life goal is this
Yeah, just set your goal back to like age 25 and spend more time preparing physically and financially so you can go comfortably and not die.
Pay $60k to die on a faggot mountain? Why not just send me $60k and kys?
The only good thing about that plan is that when they find your frozen corpse in 100 years, they'll then have a source of pure virgen blood
if the money climbers bring into that region wasn't there, those people would have substantially less money than they do. That's not exploitation retard. And it's my life goal because its fucking cool and I enjoy spending money on experiences, not things. Experiences and people are what is most valuable to me. Go fuck yourself faggot
>duh I need to achieve something in my life
>duh ha I know I'll climb the tallest mountain
>that will do it
Why don't you apply yourself in something
>paying 60k to risk your life to climb some gay mountain
not gonna make it
Literally people just do it so they can have the ultimate bragging rights for just putting one foot in front of the other and having sherpas carry all their shit
This. And I suggest crypto to invest ofc.
It's shilled because it works.
This is fucking stupid, dumber than kids saving all their life savings for a car. Find some other goal, a lot of kids your age find pussy a good hobby
everest is all status. it's paying street shitters to stage o2 and carry gear and paki permits etc. it's about having the time to take months off to acclimatize at base camp. and it's not even a technical climb, it's just a hike. everest isn't the most difficult climb. you're a faggot.
>life goal because fucking cool
a month later and you will merely be the faggot who has to try and bring it up in every conversation to try and stay relevant because you are too much of a cuck to tackle true challenges..
Oh shit, this made me think.
OP, when you go take your private key with you on one of those metal plates so if you die one of us can go scavenge your body for crypto.
I have about 2,000 in crypto, mainly in ETH, VEN, NEO. Im trying to just hodl cause day trading is daunting. any other coins you would recommend?
My financial advice is don’t aspire to waste 60K on a mountain climb when you only have 5K
If it's about the challenge, climb K2 or Annapurna.
This. Spend 60k on a nice car and you won't have to remind people how big your dick is every conversation
This is one of the shittiest posts on here right now.
jesus christ climbing a big rock is a fucking waste of money put it into a mutual fund or something
t. your dad
What other mountains have you climbed?
haven't done many technical climbs. Hardest I've done was the mountaineering route on Whitney
>its another kid who fell for the experiences arent things meme
Well then climb a lot more mountains. You will die on Everest without more experience at high altitude or even basic climbing.
Most mountains are free to climb or very small fees.
Wow man thats gay.
How the hell do you burn 60k climbing a mountain? If you're up for the challenge then you don't need to burn that much money on it.
What the fuck? People PAY MONEY to waste effort climbing up a big hunk of shit and getting back down?
Has no experience in climbing and expects to be allowed up Everest.
Hate to burst your bubble kid, but this isn't happening.
You need to get there, you need a team, you need guides, you need great equipment. You and I would die.
Wait... LITERALLY a hunk of shit.
This is the closest I can find to OP. Keep in mind this guy did cardio to train for it and did a lot of sports before, so they are fit. Also they just did the week to base camp, not all the way up.
OP wants to climb, not hike to base camp like this kid. This is the best he can hope for and even then, I doubt it's going to happen.
paying 25k to have a sherpa carry you up a bunny mountain is pathetic
>Paying $60,000 to literally be a Pajeet.
>“The two standard routes, the Northeast Ridge and the Southeast Ridge, are not only dangerously crowded but also disgustingly polluted, with garbage leaking out of the glaciers and pyramids of human excrement befouling the high camps,” mountaineer Mark Jenkins
>The peak has become a fecal time bomb, and the mess is gradually sliding back toward base camp. In 2012, Swiss climber Ueli Steck told me that he won’t even boil snow for water at Everest’s Camp II, because he thinks the lower boiling temperature at that altitude won’t kill germs.
>So, how much waste are we talking about? As much as “26,500 pounds of human excrement” each season,
I'm assuming you have 0 climbing experience
Topkek. This is why I love Veeky Forums.
Well, good luck in your conquest in never climbing mountains because you're an idiot.
Also good luck being homeless because you wasted every penny you had on stupid life goals, rather than buying a home.
Go for it OP, ignore the faggot here who only lives in their mom's basement.
Everest would be an experience that will be the highlights of your life. If you survive the expedition.
invest in crypto, and i suggest push those plans to > 2020