Serious question: Why is it buy low sell high? Shouldn't you be buying high so it's worth more?
For example if I bought 1 bitcoin when it was $20000 I'd have $20000 right now. On the other hand, if I buy 1 bitcoin today I'd only have $11000.
Serious question: Why is it buy low sell high? Shouldn't you be buying high so it's worth more?
For example if I bought 1 bitcoin when it was $20000 I'd have $20000 right now. On the other hand, if I buy 1 bitcoin today I'd only have $11000.
>Spend 20k have 1 bitcoin
>spend 20k today have 2 bitcoin
No shit idiot, but your two Bitcoin will only be worth $10k each, so you're worse off
It is. People are a lot more likely to want to buy the $20k BTC from the few people that were lucky enough to snipe them then all the shoddy sub-10k ones that litter the floor.
No that doesn't make sense. Let's say I bought 1 bitcoin when it was $20000, then I have $20000 worth of bitcoins. If you buy 2 bitcoin today, it would be worth $11000 each, or only $22000. So 1 of my bitcoins is worth almost 2 of yours.
You should absolutely be buying high, right? I don't see where I'm wrong.
Yeah these newbs don't know about price locking obviously.
bought 2 bitcoin at $19k.. price locked. I am still laughing at the crash and at you faggots
Even Americans can't be this dumb.
prove it larper
only if you lock in your price
oh shit we've been doing this wrong all along
this is copy pasta
>Calling other people dumb
>Doesn't understand how one Bitcoin bought at $20000 is worth more than one bought at $10000
The numbers are right there moron
But they are only worth half as much retard
This is why we need flags
Fucking moron. Mist be a nigger
I'll sell you 2 bitcorns right now for $100
This is obviously bait. Fuck you OP.
i swear biz can't recognise a troll
I can honestly see an average crypto investor saying something this dumb.
>can't recognize bait
Most of them wouldn't be able to do the math.
Buy a ledger. Buy 1 BTC at $20k. Lock in price. BTC drops to $10k. you now have 2 BTC x $20k =$40k