What is this FUD about a "shadowforking of Chainlink"? Did it happen? What are the implications for those who bought on Binance? Please provide proof.
What is this FUD about a "shadowforking of Chainlink"? Did it happen...
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>he fell for the shadowfork meme
Jason Parser has successfully executed a shadowfork of chainlink, its current name is unknown, but personally I believe it to be Mobius, and that their current team is simply a front to drive smart pajeet hating Veeky Forumsnessmen away, stay safe fellow linkies
cmon OP...
shadowfork? chainlink? if you are holding link, you should sell it. you dont deserve these gains
the private Go repo is actually a 2d platform game Sergey works on when he's not chillaxing with his Airbnb tenants
all evidence is on HackBB and fuck no im not posting it here
Binance and Chainlink got in a fight about the token.
Chainlink revoked privileges to sell it.
>Binance continues to sell tokens.
Chainlink shadow forks on every link token on binance removing its value.
Figure it out for yourself. Also, good luck selling your LINK, lmao.
i don’t know. i didn’t believe that fud untill I saw that there were two LINK tokens created around the same time.
have you ever in your life have you heard of a fucking shadowfork you dumbass
sell all your link now retard you dont deserve to be rich
it's a meme. a joke.
or, FUD pushed by jews that don't want you filthy NEET goys to aboard the LINK ship.
350,000.35 JEW
Just remember: if you hold at least 50k LINK in a wallet, you will be air dropped the new shadow tokens prior to the February conference
What about chainlink bought on etherdelta
We are so fucked when this gets delisted from Binance. I am holding for maybe one more pump to 7000 sats, and I will dump.
Think about it, when this gets delisted from Binance, linkies are fucked because no other exchanges will touch this shitcoin.
Relax. Just make sure to lock in the price on your hardware wallet (note: only works on wallets with latest firmware to address the AirSpectre exploit on all hardware wallets).
that damn Jason Parser, and he would've gotten away with it too if not for biz
300 dollars EOY
buy it now
LINK from binance is worthless. Clever monies bought LNK from the CoinExchange.
Do I look like I'm joking, kid?
Fuck off, no one knows the shadowforked LINK's real name. It's already too late, don't make things worse
You're scaring me.
The real FUD is here:
So it was entirely made up?
Most likely, yes
Dude OP, it's just LINK holders fudding their own hold out of boredom.
>It's already too late, don't make things worse
Well, now would be a great time to hop on the real LNK train, since it's still in a dip a bit, down at $130. But you guys just keep playing with your 50 cent pajeet token. You kids have fun? That's cool.
Yes. Meme was born yesterday morning in a thread.
Fuck I hate this shit. Stressful. Thanks senpai.
btw. noticed the logo of the real LNK yet? Take a closer look, and the observe pic. related. Anyways. I gotta go now. Do some grown up stuff and shit. Have fun kids.
Checked. The real question is... am I lying?
Since you got digits I’ll be honest. It’s a meme.
etherdelta is the purest form of LINK
If you falling for this slightly above shit tier Fud you ain't gonna make it homie... Sell now.
>young linkie private, fresh from the recruiting office, being pranked upon arrival at LINK barracks by seasoned marines
i bought into the stinky linky memes until i did some serious research on oracles and reading up on it i am completely shocke at how undervalued this coin is. its like getting bitcoin back in 2010 when pizza was bought for it. sergey is definitely a genius. too bad coinbase delays because i would buy 20k worth
You better get a (JEW) masternode for 25.000 coins, current price 0.20 USD
Coinbase had my funds for over a week so I was able to get 2k today finally. Going to have to keep accumulating.. I hope the moon mission doesn’t leave without me. 20k is my goal.
What are price estimates?
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
Seriously contemplating getting another 10k rn.
Q1 = $10
Q2 = $20
Q3 = $50
Q4 = $80
2019 = $200
Is this your first time on Veeky Forums? The estimates are all over the place and are mostly arbitrary. See current thread going on now
2020 = $500
That would require a $500 Billion dollar market cap.
o no not a $500B mcap in a 1.5 quadrillion dollar market.. how ever could we achieve such a massive amount?! WOE IS ME.
If LINK sees real world adoption for what it has set out to do, it will be worth thousands per coin easily. The banks will also start buying them up buy the billions of dollars.
This. You can’t underestimate what this token is going to accomplish. Makes me hard thinking about it. Honestly put a ridiculous price on it and it’s probably not out of the realm of possibility.
reminder that the circulating supply is not 1billion coins, rather 350M coins
The real question I have is do we sell or hold or link? What happens when it hits 100 ? Sell half or use link as currency?
cant tell whos roleplaying anymore
If it hits 100 you should sell anywhere from a quarter to a half, that way your money and then some is made back in full. Anything after that is pure profit, and if it starts to crash then big whoop, sell the rest
Shadowforking is a completely made up term. There is no such thing.
I literally witnessed the creation of this bullshit meme in real time.
Your noodle will really be baked later when they actually fork it.
Huboi literally just announced they'd list LINK starting the 19th..
Why the hell would it get delisted?
i bought 4.95 of these on accident instead of real LINK lul. took me a month to retrade and i probably missed out on 500-1000 extra LINK :(
Nice try.
>what is etherdelta