What will happen to college when companies mandate a masters degree as the minimum requirement for an entry level position?
Masters degrees
Whole thing will collapse, surprising it hasn't happened yet. Even undergrad is a complete scam, even for STEM degrees.
I've turned away masters students for unpaid internships. I've hired people with no degrees for jobs.
I'd rather see a portfolio of side projects and some relevant work experience than hire some dumb fucker who was conned into overpaying for "education". Getting a masters degree shows me you have a lack of critical thinking skills and is the best way to find your application in the trash.
i make 150k/yr with my BA. it's about choosing the right field, going to an elite school, and doing well.
Nice larp fag
The school you go to doesn't matter unless it's an Ivy or a top 20 public. Some dumb fucks really pay $40k a year for the same alum network and recognition status as a school costing $8k/yr lol
are you perhaps slightly butthurt about your lack of education?
>Even undergrad is a complete scam, even for STEM degrees.
Fucking this. I'm lucky to have pursued medical school even though I'm in debt, because a friend of mine does job placement and says literally no one, not even labs, is hiring a Biology bachelor anymore. Labs are all looking for Chem majors or higher level degrees even to just do the bitch-work like swabbing bacteria or pipetting samples
>me no like smart peepul!
People will actually get hired based on their talents instead of what overvalued piece of paper they hold in all but the most technically advanced fields.
I just get certifications, I wouldnt even go near a college or a university, self-study along with actual projects is what made me. University is a giant money grabbing scam I would only register as a private student.
>implying all degrees in all fields are equal
Key is getting into an easy school doing well then transferring the last semester/year to a big name school. You'll graduate with a degree from a big name school without paying a fortune.
>still lumping biology into the stem field
why try this hard?
Going to college to graduate with a mortgage and no house, doesn't mean you're smart, it means you're a fucking retard.
>Biology is not a science
k lol
all my stem friends have comfy jobs while I have to fight natives as a range surveyer
The downfall of this is GPA. Yours will be lower as a transfer student than someone who went there all four years.
LMao that will never happen. Employers are beginning to understand that schooling doesn’t even necessarily equal skill especially as standards become lowered for the retarded blacks and spics that enter the system. What you’re more likely to see is employers begin to recognize actual skills and actually discriminate against those with degrees that surpass the typical four year bachelors and associates. When an employer sees a masters degree typically they see a moron taking an extra few years of time off to skimp on joining the real world or an idiot that’s bad with their finances. I doubt we’ll ever see a world where employers begin requiring masters and PhDs
I studied compsci at a top 4 and recruiters would practically suck your dick at career fairs.
Super easy to get a job at Amazon/Facebook/Google. But i feel you. inside your tier it doesnt really matter
Headhunters are just sucking your dick because the more they shill the company to ivy students the higher their paychecks. They don't actually give a fuck about you.
i dont really care about them either, but look where that got me, m8.
>still tfw no gf