Inaugural edition
Post your questions Veeky Forums, have a question regarding a trade advice? WTF is a blockchain?
Career advice etc it's all welcome here.
Inaugural edition
Post your questions Veeky Forums, have a question regarding a trade advice? WTF is a blockchain?
Career advice etc it's all welcome here.
I'll go first I guess, VEN or OMG?
wurd my bitcorns go? i rekon theys was her a minut ago. i dun put em rite thur.
Share some crypto day traders who know their stuff, please
How to cash out?
Why are VeChain tokens worth money?
The project looks amazing and I understand its application since I work in the goods ID business, but what I don't understand is why these tokens are actually worth anything.
I cash out via Bitstamp. Haven't had any issues so far.
Muh lightcoin just keep on going down, I shoulda listens to muh wife it's a guhd-damn scam
Crypto currency is basically stocks that are far less regulated. When a company goes public, they “create” a set number of coins, putting most up for sale and keep the rest. The company has a vested interest in doing well and keeping their coins high value, because they profit off it.
What sort of hardware will be required to run a Chainlink node?
This thread is failing miserably.
a dildo and a bottle of heavy liquor
Why my coins not go up always?
how much time do we have left before this gold rush is over i havent made enough money yet
have patience sir, lambo very soon sir. first moon then lambo. please continue to do the needful sir
I have an interview at Merryl Lynch tomorrow, what do I ask and say???
Day trader here averaging roughly 1.5%-4% gains a day (after fees).
I know that would be considered crazy good for traditional stock market, but obviously that's not amazing in the crypto world. Regardless, AMA.
How do you know if you made money converting alt coins back to btc since btc fluctuates so much? I don't remember the price of btc when I bought my alts.
What's your main altcoin and main big name coin (IE: Eth/BTC)
I've been using ETH and VEC, fun dips
>why do they air drop large ammounts when they do?
I got some coins for free here and I think it's around 1k worth now.
I think probably between 2-3 years, honestly. Crypto is still in its infancy. When we start hitting 3-4 trillion dollars in market cap, that's when you should seriously be planning your exit on long term investments.
heh? litkoons? no bitcorns. bitcorns ay kno what i saiyin son? BITCORNS
tjey bes missin' wheres my bitcorns gones?
How do you price lock your crypto
Keep a ledger with how much you initially put in in USD. Never sell unless you've surpassed the amount you put in after you've translated it to USD.
You can't. This is a meme.
Buy tether
thank u sir for ur kind words sir
Precisely, how does Tether work?
It's the good ol' United States dollar son, it has the price of a united states dollar because that's what's it's worth
Ok. It looks like under the history on binance it recorded the price in btc so I can just convert that to usd. Just seems needlessly complex but then again in a pretty big brainlet with all this.
its a store of value :)
Check dem pants pockets feller, i lose muh change in teh washer machine a lot, your bickerns prolly at teh bottom hehe
how feasible is it to DDoS a whale who has held tens of thousands from your profits?
I need to learn about the legalities and taxes involved with hiring 1 or 2 people for a small business. Also easy SEO, how?
What state do you live in?
Oh wow, we're actually getting some questions--great.
I keep things pretty simple. Say you're planning on starting your day trading/swing trading account (always kept separate of long term assets) with $2,500 then do the following.
>Make initial buy-in all at once with crypto of choice (I use ETH personally)
>Take note of market price at the time of purchase in USD (or your local fiat)
>Do all day trading pricing/analysis/decisions, etc. in Wei (or sats for you soy boys using BTC)
>Work on collecting more Wei to generate more ETH
>When you decide to cashout or take profits back to fiat, make sure the market price is higher or the same as your buy in price
>If not, keep day trading or set a limit-sell for your break-even point and keep day trading letting that sit on the sid
That's just what I do.
I use ETH as a store of value. As a general rule of thumb, both BTC and ETH appreciate more than USD over time, so I'll keep assets there until I cash out larger portions all at once (cut down fees that way too)
ETH seems to have a lot more volume and is on a solid upward trend, so that's why I use it, but as far as altcoins are concerned, I hesitate from having a "favorite." I just sort by volume and am looking at charts for promising positions. Sometimes I'll take my gain and not even realize what alt I'm in until after when I go to record transactions in Google Sheets, lel. As of late though, TRX (obviously with that fucking volume).
Sure thing, Pajeet.
1099 those bad boys out, user.
t. A freelance cryptowriter
Anyone know when kraken will have xlm/fiat pairings back?
If the government takes income tax on crypto. Are you self employed and can you write stuff of as business expenses?
dun went in the cellar an checkd the ole washer and they wernts there... found a big old possum in thers tho big ole fella hissin an scatchin almosts got me on muh danglies.hit the ole bastard wit the walker dun thorw hims in the bucket gun haves teh misses makes sums of that possum stew for suppers tonight gun be real guuud woooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
wen dem bitcorns goes up im be eatin possum stews every night ya kno wut im sayin? possum stews ands bud light wooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What coins can I outright buy with cash (fiat)?
i'm going to spend 150 bux on litecoin every paycheck
is this good
>What coins can I outright buy with cash (fiat)?
What country are you in? If you're in the US, the easiest will be BTC, ETH, LTC, & BCH on Coinbase/GDAX, but then I think you can buy quite a few others like USDT directly with fiat, or use converting websites like Changelly (I think that's how you spell it).
>Dollar Cost averaging
I would personally do it into ETH instead
Thanks user. Another question. When it's time to cash out, how exactly do you cash out? Is it by selling for a different coin that can be traded for cash?
Wrong, put it in 42coin
They had them before but removed them to try to improve the performance, so they'll probably be added back whenever they feel their new platform and trading engine is 100% stable
>Is it by selling for a different coin that can be traded for cash?
Yes. Remember, I said that I always keep my day trading account as liquid as possible (within reason) by using ETH. Whenever I'm done with a trading session, I should be holding 0 altcoins (keeping in mind that long term investments are kept separately). Before I close my trading platform for the day, my money is all back to ETH--ideally with a modest increase in Wei.
When it comes time to take some profits, just account for how much you'd like to have total, factor in the withdrawal fee from something like Binance, KuCoin, Bittrex, etc. as well as the Coinbase/GDAX fee.
>Take ETH and withdraw to GDAX account
>Use ETH/USD pairing on GDAX to cash out ___ amount.
>Transfer USD holding on Coinbase/GDAX to your linked banking account.
The "you can't cash out" meme is just that: a meme.
But plan your moves, user. The worst thing you can do as a day trader is go into the market without a plan. Plan your entry, stop-loss, exit, and point where you'll take some profit. If you don't you're likely to have gains minimized tremendously by fees just for not having the foresight/patience to plan accordingly.
Really you should store it on BEEEECONECCCCCCCCCC for comfy daily gains. :^)
On a scale of 1 - fucking idiot how would u rate my hodls
Currently in...
DNA (since 40c)
LINK (since 40c)
VEN (since $4)
SONM (since 60c fml -> biggest hodl)
ETH (don't ask)
Are those your initial and only positions, or did you ever sell to buy back in at a lower price? What was your average buy-in price for each?
I started back in October and fucked up by over trading. Been scared of buying back in etc since then.
The buy in price is what I've posted in the brackets and they are currently my only positions. Appreciate the help.
ICXN to hodl till Feruary? because of mainnet release on 24. Jan.
>I started back in October and fucked up by over trading.
At least you recognize that. A lot of people over trade and then get stupid because they think they just need to be more aggressive and go hard to recover from a loss. Lessons learned, user.
Oh, I just realized you're looking at longer hodl's, so I might not be a whole lot of help since I'm answering day trading questions.
>that SONM though
lel. Hindsight is 20/20
can u recommend us a Crypto day trade vid which will allow us to learn daytrade within a day if we do it with discipline
> (You)
Much appreciated kind user.
Would you recommend cutting losses on SONM and putting it into i.e. INT for (imo which I no longer trust) mildly risky 3-5x, or just waiting for its eventual climb?
Why is my pee yellow?
You won't learn in a day. Unless you're a genius like on the movie "Limitless." But this is real life not a movie. Watching thechartguys on youtube helped me a lot.
Sweet Jesus drink some diet coke boy, your urine should be a light pink at most
I invested $1600 total. 40% in VEN and the rest split amongst XRP, ICX, XLM, REQ, and FUN. This is my plan. As soon as REQ,XLM and XRP moons -> sell and put profits into ICX and VEN. Once either VEN or ICX moons (whichever one first), take out 25% of profits and reinvest half during the next dips and keep half as ETH and also invest in NEO. Is this a solid plan?
>Would you recommend cutting losses on SONM
>M A R G I N C A L L
Joking, I'm assuming don't leverage at all, so no worries there. To be honest, user, that depends on how much you have sunk into SONM. I don't need dollar amounts, but how much of your portfolio (percentage wise) is taken up by SONM? Is this money you can afford to live without/without for a while? Then we'll take a look at opportunity cost/perceived lost for leaving money sunk in there that can be working for you elsewhere.
>learn day trade within a day if we do it with discipline
You can't and you won't. "With discipline" means dropping emotions out of the equation, taking multiple 1% losses in a day off of a bad trade, and approaching each opportunity with the same mindset. That takes time. There's a reason something like 95% of day traders don't make money.
Drink more water. If you're crypto trading without a Nalgene on your desk, then are you even actually trading?
Even in Limitless it took him more than a day I think. I will say though, Adderall/Vyvanse and coffee help a lot.
BCH fork is coming. How do I profit off this?
Vyvanse is god tier. I have no idea where to get it though.
user, I..
35% of my portfolio is currently SONM.
Very happy to lose everything I started with so no worries about that. Major perceived cost is of opportunity, as I know what I'm looking to do with crypto gains. Could that SONM money be be invested more fruitfully in another short term coin, or is that delusional noob thinking given my track record...this is the current confusion.
I get it from one of my gf's friends who "doesn't feel like herself" when she takes it. I don't have to pay for it. Started using it back in high school for AP exams and fell in love. Fucking 48 hour stints are great.
Real talk that shot expensive as fuck through DNM, best bet is going to doctor if your a burger and saying you used to be prescribed adde all when you were a kid and didn't like it because of the crash and need something longer lasting
I don't understand why stop losses are worth it. I understand it as basically giving up on taking profit if the price could potentially get really nasty for you in the future. But aren't you at the mercy of hiccups doing that?
Don't you get put on a list of mentally unstable people though? My only concern is that I might not be able to purchase firearms legally in the future if I have this sort of medical history. Or it could cause me problems in some weird way that I haven't even thought of yet, like if I was in a custody battle. Idk it would be cool as fuck to have a prescription.
Where can i get a bitcoin related job? Helpdesk seems shitty though
Why Do bitcoin Futures make the Price go down?
Maybe a bit specific, but Ive been holding qtum before the hard fork with bitcoin united snapped, how can I claim them when it happens?
Same for the last eth split, I had mine on my exodus but the fork never showed up.
Because the same people shorting bitcoin own a shitload of bitcoin.
>35% of my portfolio is currently SONM.
Jesus, that's a large position, user. Generally speaking, I would keep any positions over about 25% of your portfolio in either BTC or ETH (unless you have a tiny portfolio under like $500-$1,000 and just need a solid moon mission to get some seed money).
However, that's already been done, so there's no point in complaining about it now.
>Could that SONM money be be invested more fruitfully in another short term coin, or is that delusional noob thinking given my track record...this is the current confusion.
Yes, it certainly could. Did you already have any in mind? Do you have faith in SONM for the long term? I might consider selling 50% on the soonest pump into BTC or ETH and then put that money to work for you to try to recover from the loss while letting the rest sit until a long trend upwards puts you in the green. If you do want to split and invest some into a "short term" coin, what kind of time frame are we looking at here? Day trading, hodling for 3 days, hodling for a month?
I only use stop losses for day trading. If you're holding long term investments, then you expect the price to fluctuate a lot with cycles and you just "hodl" and let the market run its course.
However, if you're day trading, then it's an entirely separate beast. Day trading revolves around analyzing and making bets based on how you think the market is going to react based on a certain trend or experience. You're going for several of these in a day and are only looking to really max out at about 7%-8% gains (that's great for a 20-30min trade). But what if you're wrong? Statistically speaking, you're likely to be wrong a fair bit. Because of that, you'll want to accept it and move on.
The key is not setting your stop loss too tight, I normally keep it just below the last support or resistance line I'm basing my prediction off. If you can stop your losses at 1% and make 8% on the next trade, then you're still up.
Can someone tell me what JUST'd stands for?
It means you became this guy
Career question. I'm an accountant looking to get out of this field and the mind numbing sitting in an office all day having to interact with people I don't like.
I am applying to be a police officer. I just want a change and this is the best thing I can currently come up with. Tell me why this is a good or bad idea.
How long will you hold a trade before selling if it dips?
Do you automate anything or all manual?
Do you make your money trading the big ones or do you look for dips with the below #100 ranked?
How much is the minimum someone can start trading with, without fees eating into them too hard?
How old are you? Young enough to have time to recover, or are you getting closer to the 40 year mark?
Which 40+ still gives you time to recover, but traditionally, you'll want to be taking more risk-averse positions as you start getting closer to retirement.
Eloquently stated.
Media sentiment encourages people to hate you if you're police.
Additionally, you risk your life, are under a lot of stress, and are expected never to crack under pressure or BLM will come rape your family.
Yeah, I understand I'll be hated by all the mongoloids. Does anyone know how much control I have over if I have to arrest someone or not? With body cameras becoming more prevalent I'm worried that they will see I'm not the hard ass they may want me to be in regards to soft drugs and petty shit that could ruin someone's life that I know really isn't a big deal.
Cheers for the 25% tip. I'll bear that in mind for sure. Think I let excitement about discovering new coins get the better of me. Gotta keep it simple.
My stack is only 2k so I'm still looking to play high risk till it's about 10k, then let is sit in 3 coins I'm confident in for long term. 100k overall will get me everything I set out for.
I have a lot of faith in SONM for the long term but I see the sense in splitting my position into shorter holds given my small portfolio. I've just returned from travels and have been looking at INT as the coin to split into.
Short term = around 1 month for me. Too busy in other projects atm for day trading, which is probably good.
Thanks again, user. Highly appreciated.
As much as I LOVE the memes sold all my FUN and BNTY (at a profit of course)
and put it all into to INT.
>Did I fuck up?
Whoops, I read that as "looking to get into this field" (crypto), nevermind.
>How long will you hold a trade before selling if it dips?
see I normally set my stop-loss at 1% less than my buy-in price, that's my hard limit. Occasionally I'll manually exit first if things aren't going the way I thought they would.
>Do you automate anything or all manual?
All manual, the closest to "automation" I get is setting my stop-loss and using a basic Google Sheets spreadsheet where I punch in my buy-in price (in Wei) and it generates a table with what specific Wei's are a 0.5% (Binance fee),1%,2%,3%,4%,5%,6%,7%,8%,9%,10% gains, and what point is a 1% loss so I know where I'm sitting exactly as I'm watching.
>Do you make your money trading the big ones or do you look for dips with the below #100 ranked?
It's all about volatility as a day trader, user. So my trading goes on in the alt markets with high volume during the day, then back to ETH at the end of a session to sit.
>How much is the minimum someone can start trading with, without fees eating into them too hard?
Honestly, whatever you have, man. I would suggest having at least $500 just so those gains accumulate a little faster ($1,000+ is a much better starting point if you can). As far as fees are concerned, they're typically only 0.5% of the asset you're trading into. So even if you have a tiny amount, keeping gains above that will keep you in the green.
Unironically what is a dividend?
Yeah, the 25% rule is really just for risk aversion since the general trend for those major coins is still upward in the long run. Oh, and when I said take 50% out of SONM to put into ETH or BTC, I was meaning to do that to trade into alts, not just let that all sit there and hope to recover losses, sorry for not stating that clearly.
>Short term = around 1 month for me.
I think your best bet might be ICO's then, user. Obviously you'll take positions in the coins/tokens you have faith in, but I would split up smaller 5%-10% positions (relative to your total portfolio) in some ICO's seeing as we're about to get into Spring ICO season again. That way you have a small percentage invested in a risky position but with moon-tier possible upsides.
Say you take a small $100 position in some ICO and get a 25x return, then that leaves you with a lot more money to properly build and scale your portfolio for a more stable increase in the future. People who say diversification is a meme in crypto (for long term portfolios) are not thinking clearly, desu.
And you're welcome, user; that's why I'm hanging out in this thread.
>Pic related.
I actually just got a Robinhood notification today that my mutual funds are announcing earning in like 5 hours. AYYYYYYYYYYYYY LMAO, pls high dividends.
I have built a price scraper that looks at all the coins and finds which are dipping, based on previous highs and lows over the past X hours.
I would like to work with you because you're a helpful guy!
Is there a chance we're in a bull trap?
>I have built a price scraper that looks at all the coins and finds which are dipping, based on previous highs and lows over the past X hours.
This is good little tool for swing trading in pairs that are heavily manipulated by whales, that's for sure. If you wanted to take advantage of whale's then you just ride the waves back and forth and keep accumulating as they do and then sell out after you've made a nice little stack for the day.
>I would like to work with you because you're a helpful guy!
Well thanks, user. I'm just trying to help the newcomers here. And it what capacity were you thinking?
Obviously there's a chance of that, but I think it's incredibly unlikely in any real sense (as seen on the official meme chart). The thing is, the crypto market is still so damn young. Yes, it's grown exponentially in the past two years, but it still hasn't seen public adoption yet and there aren't as many institutional investors as there will be in the future. Believe it or not, kids, you're all still in on the "smart money" portion of the meme chart, albeit the tail end. I would highly recommend keeping some stacks for long term holding if you're a day trader, fellas.
whats a good coin to start day trading with? what coin has made you the most money? what indicators do you use?
>what's a good coin to start day trading with?
Anything with high volume and a direct pair to ETH or BTC.
>what coin has made you the most money?
For day trading, that would be TRX because of these great breakouts at the start of the recovery.
>what indicators do you use?
Believe it or not, I tend to run naked charts now. Things move too fast in the world to depend on indicators too much, this isn't FOREX trading afterall. I do normally run the standard MACD and occasionally RSI to see interaction in the market and determine whether it's being overbought or over sold.
>*TRX recently
>*"I do occasionally run the standard..."
Whoops, my mistake(s).
>This is good little tool for swing trading in pairs that are heavily manipulated by whales, that's for sure.
Yeah that's the plan, use the spreadsheet to find what's dipping and then a bit of manual research looking at patterns before making a call. The sheet just makes the process so much faster to find the dips.
If you're interested in using the data, I would give you access for free, can update it every 5 mins. And we just work on improving it. If it's working out really well I'd just ask for a bit of coin money to trade with myself.
This could be an interesting little project, user. Are you already day trading now?
Another one, how do I use the Fisher indicator? I thought it was supposed to be 2 lines but tradingview shows me one only.
>trading view
Well there's your problem, user. Come to Coinigy, it's where all the cool kids are at. I don't think there's a referral link or I'd spam that shit.
I'm mining Lux right now, have about 10 that I've bought and mined. So I'm staking them and it says my expected time for reward is 64 days. Sometimes it says 53. Sometimes 70. Does it just fluctuate? Also, it doesn't say what return for staking is. Anyone know? Is it even worth it to hold Lux? I've read all about it, it shot up hard. But is mining and staking even worth is?