So anons what were your 2017 yearly expenses?
So anons what were your 2017 yearly expenses?
holy shit you have aspergers
What's the point of covering some of the numbers? And why did your rent go up 100 bucks?
I know (:
wow this is even more autistic than my housemate
why are a handful of the numbers whited out? is it possible to doxx you from this info?
what the fuck does it mean to spend $18.50 on education
are you barely scraping by op? ive never known anyone who isnt stressing about money all the time go into some much detail month by month.
>organized and have a budget
This is why Veeky Forums doesn't have nice things
rich people dont need one
Hes probably just autistic. Lots of people do this.
you dont need to be this autistic to achieve financial success though
is there a function in excel that gives you a heatmap or did you do it yourself?
Autism and paranoia. Maybe my landlord could identify me on exact dollar rent amounts, same with electricity. And rent goes up every year in expensive cost of living areas
I don't know, was maybe a book or something, my categorization got a bit fucked up and now "books" is all the education section
No I make way more than this
fellow aspie, hi
The "financial" section is fiat I spent on crypto.
>is there a function in excel that gives you a heatmap or did you do it yourself?
This entire spreadsheet is actually an Excel template, I forgot how to do it but it was on the start page so I followed it. The heat map is {Conditional Formatting -> Color Scales} per row
I am pretty sure someone could figure out your rent, electricity, water and internet if they put some work into it
heat map is called conditional formatting
Fuck thats a nice template. Mind giving it out?
To add on to this, it's a really cool template in Excel. I basically reformat and copy and paste in my credit card data, and each of those categories you see on the left column here are automatically filled based on the data in other 12 spreadsheet pages, each representing one month. This is just the summary page
>48k in education
Do you happen to be American?
>that earning graph
what do you do for a living user? it seems to spike around the same time each year. is this when you get your bonus(es)?
>why are a handful of the numbers whited out? is it possible to doxx you from this info?
so you would ask him about it.
top autism btw, op. did you automate the input procedure?
Is there an Excel template for this or did you make it from scratch?
thanks guys
software engineer at a major tech company. yes the spikes are bonuses. the spike in expenses at the beginning was paying off college debt
Fucking student loans. I paid $4k a month for almost 2 years. And I just paid off the other half with crypto gains.
should've read the thread first lol
user is that income before or after tax? And before or after 401k contributions? Also do you max out your HSA?
I didn't include income for this reason because it's kind of pointless since most of my income goes into investments
Meant ESPP not HSA but HSA too (I should start contributing more to mine). I also work as a Software Engineer at a major tech company.
Crypto has done a lot for my net worth
I don't care what anyone says, graphic representation of quantitive data is way easier on the eyes + allows for way quicker understanding. This is great OP + I'm totally going to be modifying my books now.
After tax. Includes 401k but not match. Yes max HSA, it's included. And ESPP.
My net worth
do you have a breakdown of the value of your assets over a few years?
Le IRS face
Why are you idiots posting in a literal honeypot
I'm paying taxes on everything
No I don't. But crypto started in June 2017 @ 30k and is now 150k. I've taken no profits.
All of my non-crypto income comes from my employer and the IRS already has all of this data. Other anons are most likely the same. IRS honeypot? It's called being an adult
i was more interested in the progression of your equities
You must pay taxes on each and every single crypto trade you make as well as capital gains tax every year
It's the curve before June 2017. And it's almost entirely in VTSAX and its 401k equivalent
In 2017 you only had to pay on fiat conversions as far as I know. It started in 2018 that you have to pay on like-kind conversions. Regardless I will of course be paying all taxes because I'm not a degenerate.
I've got records.
>In 2017 you only had to pay on fiat conversions as far as I know
Only if you converted to fiat and withdrew from the exchange, right?
No, even if you converted to fiat and kept in exchange. I am not a tax expert this is just what I think, research heavily before you actually do your taxes. I will.
Hopefully I can just import exchange data into excel and hack up a calculator for my gains