I am programming a trading bot

I need some help with the strategy. My baseline is one from previous threads on this subject:

Input a coin, it reads the difference between the top bid and ask, then puts in an order for 10% of the difference. So lets say the ask is 0.00200 and the bid is 0.00150 it would put an order to buy at 0.00165 and sell at 0.00180

I have some questions to refine the program.

Given: We have an order to buy at 0.00165
When market goes up at 30%
What should the bot do?
- Should the bot wait ?
- cancel the order?
- Should the bot fight to buy? (increase order price)
Given: We have order for sell at 0.00180
When market goes down
What should the bot do?
- Should the bot wait ?
- cancel the order?
- Should the bot fight to sell? (reduce orde price then It profitable)
- bot should use stop -loss (if market with big deep)

If any user helps me sort this out I wil top or give the bot code.

BTFO you faggoshil.

Pls make me one that increases/decreases the ask/bid for faggots that one up me by one satoshi


first example: the bot should wait, theres 500 coins you can find dips in.

second example: the bot should sell if the loss gets too big like 10%

prefers asuka to rei
more like 4virgin

>So lets say the ask is 0.00200 and the bid is 0.00150 it would put an order to buy at 0.00165 and sell at 0.00180

shit taste confirmed


Jesus OP

you’re going about this all the wrong ways. Go to /prog/

as long as your bot buys high and sells low you are golden. ps buy bazingacoin

agreed. dont wait rei fags thinking they know whats up

Learn what a trailing stop is and integrate it into your bot.
Helped me out immensely.

/prog/ what? Where?


>what a trailing stop is
thanks user

Nigger, you'll lose money

im a nigger for programming a bot? neck yourself jealous faggot.

Yes, your strategy is bullshit and won't stand any huge swings.

worst case is i lose w.e % i set the stop loss at it could be 0.08% niglet botting is OP you'd do it if you had brains or buy one if you had money. stupid faggot

Literally me OP.
You even got the sunken eyes, day old beard, hoodie and hair color right.

Any pajeet code monkey can send a POST query to an exchange, don't be so conceited about that. Your strategy is guaranteed to lose money because it analyzes literally nothing
It's like you idiot didn't even take fees into account

tell me how to improve it

This strategy sounds retarded

also make sure you test this shit by papertrading and/or running it through historical charts.
don't use real money with it until you're certain you've got all the kinks out and it's running properly.

Just forget about these pajeet tactics. Learn some ML, DL, RL. Nobody with sane mind would try yo hardcode it now.