Europussies are about to get to work, witness incoming pussysells.
Be prepared
When time does the dump begin? I'm going to tether up
Can you please explain to me then why it all has gone down while i was sleeping, looking at you burgers
Eu here, just woke up to - 20% profits. Thank you US bitches
Yesterday around 6 German time it was the same fucking post about Eurofags coming home from work. Just STFU faggot
eu here
good morning
Sure thing, pal.
Good morning eurobrehs
>tfw going to work
Lmao yesterday shit has been mooning all day and stopped when americacucks woke up and started posting pink wojaks.
Weak handed faggots
without fail every morning my coins will have dumped or stagnated, this always during china business/us time. I think I will just tether before I sleep from now on.
here we go
thank us later us anons :)
Yes it's surely always the euros who instantly sell after waking up and not the chinks who are just done working.
Burgers and Gooks vaping away the market cap every fucking day with their malfunctioning bots and shrinking brain. I mean they really expect us to pump that euro in 24/7?
tfw this is paid by wallstreet indian pajeet shill trying to get us europeans to hold while americans short the market
On the train. Gonna buy 100 quids worth of link when i get in.
ok, I was wrong this one time. Next up in 2 hours.
Why do we even allow europe to trade? Or to exist for that matter?
I went to sleep and it was 11.7k
Those fucking pussies always sell.
What are you talking about? TODAYS CHANGE $12,168.68 (12.68%)
Lmao, i’m a eurobreh and had something with a female burger while i was on vacation
Actually stopped talking to her because through this board i found out she was dumping on me while i was sleeping
Fuck her
I'm also on a train in the UK, I'll join you in buying link
>meanwhile BTC going up after chinks and burgers kept panic selling
It's going up faggot