No, we're going upwards. We'll break 11800 this weekend and then there's nothing holding it back. Straight to 15000, hovering around that till mid next week and up we go again. We're testing 20000 next weekend.

Mark my words

Screencap this

Buy now

Still comfy on this end. Sure it's not just your shitcoins?

No it isn't. Please reserve your pink wojaks and theatrics for when prices are actually going down and not just doing the usual fluctuations.

Kek this board.

Also look at that sweet 5 min candle @9:05 european time. Traders sneaking in after stock exchange opening.

lol what a faggot

>t. Ripple holder

Quite four-two-itous.

any fresh new tetherbears ITT since yesterday?

I hope you fucking tetherfags will lose all your shit when that ponzi scheme inevitably comes crashing down.

Can we stop these threads for every little fluctuation Bitcoin has? It's not crashing again anytime soon.


>he thinks he can time the market TWICE for one trade

>he's trying to time a huge volatile bullmarket

Why don't you just short on leverage and end your misery with one stupid trade?

btc is up 6% a 12k ... most alts are at the same price of yesterday, some are even up...i dont understand what is crashing

> bullmarket

>i dont understand what is crashing
hopes and dreams

>neurobot predicts it will go to 6k

Nigga, if you see BTC going for a bull run or crashing, and your alt is starting to crash, sell it and buy back later, because it's going to crash harder
If your alt suddenly has a green dildo doing a 50%, sell because it's going down
Hodlers ride the wave like retards and don't consolidate anything

It's a huge bullmarket after all and we'll continue going up. It's just a matter of time.

I shorted at 13.5K, bought back in at 12K

if it goes up I will have chadtraded successfully

The whole market is green you pajeet

>Nigga, if you see BTC going for a bull run or crashing, and your alt is starting to crash, sell it and buy back later, because it's going to crash harder
I prefer holding and buying with fresh money.

>If your alt suddenly has a green dildo doing a 50%, sell because it's going down
Yeah, that's why I sold Santiment (SAN) after it went up and missed ~300%. Great strategy.

>Hodlers ride the wave like retards and don't consolidate anything
Holders had strong returns in the past.

Good for you

It's very hard and ballsy. But if you do it right you win big.

That's why it's chad.

>But if you do it right you win big

That's also true for stocks. You could easily get rich if you just make like 3% a day with trading. Consistency is the problem.


I'm waiting to buy ltc at 170 then ride waves like a surfer, should I man up and buy at 180?

do it, 1000 EOY

mark my words

Screencap this

I'll memecap it with my small dick

Crash is over lads, sorry you missed the dip