Paypal loves Bitcoin
Paypal loves Bitcoin
what did you do?
He suck da boosack, bic boi
Did you rape a woman by bidding on her auction?
Tfw bitflur steals your money then gets u blacklisted from PayPal
It's completely fair if you consider all the problems people have had depositing to exchanges these last months. Coinbase support is nonexistant, which would lead to people running to PayPal to get a refund, and since they would shove the blame back, it would be a PR mess.
Coinbase from GDAX trading, I would transfer my profits to paypal cause then from paypal I could transfer to my bank same day.
This is why bitcoin will prosper, centralised services who won’t let you control your own money are cancerous
That proves u are a faggot op, Ive bougth BTC from paxful and localbitcoin with paypal when I first started a bunch o times and had no problems at all
Also this is the email they sent me
This is what paypal support said to me when I said this must be a mistake, like I don't even sell anything on paypal, the only way I received money is from coinbase when I would transfer my GDAX profits so I could bank-out sameday
I only used my paypal for transferring profits from coinbase/GDAX so I could bank it same-day, that and buying random shit on ebay every now and then.
This is what you get for buying POTCOIN
I use Paypal Debit to purchase bitcoin via coinbase, are they going to get upset?
Oh wow, I never knew you could sell into Paypal. I never cash out so I only buy coins with Paypal.
I'm surprised people still use paypal.
What a bunch of degenerates! We decided you cant send and recieve money any more, we wont tell you why because we dgaf, so yeah go fuck yourself. Fuck them! Cant wait for them to go extinct once we have LN and mass adoption...
i absolutely hate paypal, what a shit heap that company is
how the fuck does paypal know this person is using crypto?
that's some big brother shit.
Idk, paypal is fucking wild apparently
And yeah you can cashout on paypal with coinbase, from there for $0.25 I can transfer it to my bank in less then an hour, it beats waiting several days for coinbase deposits to hit my bank
They never mentioned it but the deposits basically come up as coinbase
pretty sure they cant legally prevent you from deleting your payment methods and accounts once you terminate your agreement with them
There's an unfortunate lack of options, especially if you're not US based. Half of crypto wanks about moon missions, the other half sees a political revolution. I just want free exchange of money between willing participants.
What third world continent then?
Because Yurop has easy liquidation options.
god i hate paypal
everything elon musk touches is absolute fucking trash
Yeah but i'm blocked from spending. There is nothing for them to take out anyway there is no debts and I won't have any debts unless coinbase does a chargeback
I'm in the USA and I provided them with everything from my ID to bank statement and SSN right before they did this
Yeah this shit makes me love crypto more then ever tho
Sign up on internet bank and coinbase wd gets there the next day
Oh I misread what you said, yeah but I have to wait 180 days to do that if anything plus they said even once my balance reaches $0 my account will still be limited and you can't close your account or remove accounts when your limited, I will try and fight that over security and Identify terms tho
I have a few accounts but they are both equally slow with deposits from coinbase, will look into simple, looks good, low fees
Did you withdraw more than $10k/mo? A lot of companys would rather block people than deal with the paperwork of reporting your actions to the authorities for moving large amounts.