I bought bitcoin because i thought the tech was cool

>be me
>college student 1st year
>want to experiment with drugs
>too awkward to find a source irl
>find out about darknet
>read day and night about the process
>have to use this anonymous currency called bitcoin
>interesting concept, looks sweet
>convince friend to buy bitcoin for me because i was still skeptical
>still want to make sure my opsec is on point so install tails and tor
>buy sweet drugs which get delivered to my room in dorm just like a regular amazon delivery
>trip my balls off
>fast forward 1 year
>leftover bitcoin from all those purchases is worth a lot now
>decide to buy some more
>it grabs media attention and shoots up
>everyone around me wants to buy bitcoin
>the greed of earning that extra buck pushes bitcoin to the sky
>cash out my bitcoin just before the recent dip
>happy with gains but sad that i dont own any bitcoin
>want to buy in again with the profit but have this gut feeling that it'll all go to shit soon
>scams everywhere, media fud
>bitcoin is seen as a quick rich scheme rather than a new technology
>tfw normies ruin the crypto scene

Veeky Forums, tell me what i should do. wait it out and be satisfied with my gains for now? i could always buy in later and lose on potential profits. or should i buy in now and risk the gains in the hopes of earning a lil more

Did the same.
Feels bad spending 0.2 BTC on acid tabs long time ago.

i probably wouldnt have known about bitcoin back then if hadn't it been for those drugs though, so there's that. plus those trips are definitely worth any money. changed my life man

Get into XMR to buy drugs nowadays.

yeah i know, my point was that the whole crypto scene is messed up now. i feel it could crash any minute. as much as i hate the tulip bubble comparison, it seems like it is heading in that direction

LSD opens your fucking third eye.
In for the drugs, stayed for the technology, out with the gains.

>only 0.2 BTC
Man i apparently spent millions on acid. Not even mad. Had a lot of fun experiences, made a lot of money.
I probably wouldn't even be this into crypto, or i would jump in too late if it weren't for that.
At least i didn't spend it on fucking pizza

This feels like a family.

XMR seems like a stable coin. If it moons someday, great. Otherwise you still can get you some fun pills.

It's a bonus actually.
Lots of coins popping up and there's already better alternatives to BTC.
Soon we'll have something that surpasses everything in usefulness and the great ancap age will be upon us.
Either cash out or speculate into alts.

It's spooky, but I think we may just be overly bearish here. Crypto already established its value, so that's good. It can't just go to 0 overnight any more than fiat can. It can still gain fresh money because the unregulated market is attractive and the tech is moving forward (except BTC). You have to still consider that the market cap is tiny and is probably way higher than the amount of fiat that actually went into crypto so far.

I agree it's good that better coins are coming, which should happen no doubt. People like you and me care about the tech, but the average joe? They just want to make money hence tron, bitconnect, ripple etc are popular

I disagree. Almost all of the fiat money is just "crypto fiat" coming back. New fiat is probably below 30% levels yet. The normies are increasing over this year so new fiat @EOY must be 60-70% probably.
The best is yet to come.

What do you mean "crypto fiat"?

I wasn't saying there wasn't more room for growth. But the real value is in platforms, like what ETH and XLM are doing. Platforms are the real value and tokens a part of them, not just another fiat.

Fiat we won investing in crypto.

>wait it out and be satisfied with my gains for now?
Yes. Put that money somewhere where you can easily get to it but that'd also generate a steady if low interest. Then wait until February ends and decide again if you want to invest or not.
The FUD campaigns right now are terrible.

I disagree again. People don't know how to program on Solidity. Yet people know how to use fiat or an app on their smartphones (just millennials, not everyone). But yes, the future is in ETH even tho not yet (it will grow over the next 2 years like BTC did), and BTC is just a zombie store of value.

Yeah dude larp more

Why does every one claim this same story?

You know the 'fiat you won' in crypto is because new money came in? The coin wont increase in value automatically, you know that right? Also if you cash out your gains and reinvest them in the same coin, the change you made is 0.

I'm not him but im not surprised by his claim desu. It's not as rare as you would think. Bitcoin was dirt cheap back then and buying drugs super easy

I think that's the wise way to approach this situation. The last thing I'd want is greed to blind me

Then Trump is right.
Yes I know new fiat is coming otherwise the coin can't grow. But miners have the most BTC, they control the fees, therefore, China is not investing any money (EEUU is doing it) yet they still win the most.
>mining farms are not fiat but it is an investment

That's a fair point. This diminishes the decentralisation aspect of bitcoin though, the very thing that brought it's initial investors. This can't be good in the long run surely

>China bans the BTC coin, trading and mining.
>Boom, market crashes forever.
>They already took profit.
>China creates ChinaCoin as their new BTC.
>China only.
>Trump starts the third world war.
This is not good, you're right thinking that way.

What's so hard to believe?
If i could be bothered finding my Tails USB and logging in, i'd take a screenshot of my wallet history and balance back when i started.
BTC was cheap when SR1 started out

8 btc on a half oz of molly here

Imagine explaining to someone in the '50s that you spend $5 on a drink that lasts you 2 minutes and doesn't get you inebriated. I think you came out on top

Anyone remember the Jalapeno bitcoin miners?

>Buy BTC in 2013 because I think it might be worth something one day
>Sell 80% of it in December 2017, make 200k in fiat
>Put remaining BTC into low marketcap shitcoins
>Already over 100k again
Somehow, this was far too easy.
>Inb4 "You could have made much more if you had bought coin X at date Y"

Exactly this graph is what will happen to the rest of the global economy in the 21th century

>Inb4 "You could have made much more if you had bought coin X at date Y"
Trading is always easier in retrospective