Shit it didn't take long to get to legitimate propaganda. Fuck I wish my lumens would do something other than claim inflation.
I'm ok with this only if FUN coin moons too and the kikes get a real Holocaust this time for fucking with finances and geopolitics to get us to this point
were in accumulation phase atm (sideways). Next week is steady rise into Feb. I do not know how hard its going to get pumped next week so possible gains for day traders too I suppose.
This is a long term investment advice however
>mfw SLT4R
>Ternio is expecting a minimum of 1,562,497,200 programmatic advertising contracts per hour that run through Ternio within the first year. In other words, a reasonable estimation in U.S. dollars equates to $912,500,000 in transactions for 2018.
More Korean exchanges are accepting Stellar
Should be a warning to all who you're going up against and give signs as to WHY THE FUCK ARE THE KOREANS ACCUMULATING
Image says Wanxiang, text says Wangxiang
Just sold my 100k
>image says Chinese government funded blockchain research tech
I guess you dont want free money?
Fucking sweet I just traded my Ripple for Stellar after dreaming about them.
this isnt a foto shop is it Veeky Forums? I know youd never trick people like that
Who cares if its photoshop, its still going to be real
Those slides are always ducking stupid. Let me just cherry pick some strong points and frame other coins in as negative way as possible. Heh. Good job team!
Anyone else just got free XLM airdropped on kraken? Maybe I'll finally get on this train
I'd rather use XRP. Fuck Stellar.
Ok enjoy getting your funds frozen
>t. centralized cucks
You are so oblivious to those techs that u think shes cherry picking it? LMAO its like the most informative yet unbiased slide ever
It's about time they released those. I recommend holding onto your long term investment until march and see if u want to keep it for the rest of 2018
>yfw Stellar's adoption rate exponentially increase like ETH did in 2017
WHAT THE FUCK??? The coin even says 2018
>mfw poorfags to poor to buy XLM
>mfw every XLM owned be millionaire by 2019
>mfw they say its a shitcoin
>mfw im never selling
yup, prepare your anus for 1000% gains this year.
Both. 10k xlm 2k ven. Need more of both.
Sorry, user.
It's Bancor.
Thats a good ratio. It depends if u want to all in and how much u have. Honestly going all into XLM, u will have to wait at least 7-8 months for maximum gains. The adoption phase is just starting to accelerate but it wont start flying like ETH did until Q2
>ETH network slow af
You can have a Bancor exchange anchor'd onto the Stellar Network, Bancor by itself is pleb tier
I like and own Stellar. But regardless of tech, it is Bancor, user.
And it failed predictably just like the IMF
>mfw bought 3k lumen exactly a minute before this
What do you mean airdropped?
user u lost all credibility.
The airdrop for BTC-Lumens program never went to those BTC addresses for Kraken hodlers. It was a long time ago but Kraken finally enabled it. It is all part of the Stellar giveaway they did last year to garner support. Albeit most of it went on dead ears, people at Kraken are just lucky
>listing alts anytime soon
im not joking
Upbit went to #1 slot because trading volume surpassed the rest. And u got GOPAX at the bottom of the chart silently accumulating
100k XLM. Pretty comfy. Audi R8 will be my car by new year
wat betekent dit
I've only got 1200 :-(
ya fancy huh
its ok m8, get involved with Stellar itself and make things if u can code. Theres other ways to making/growing XLM
You're clearly shilling like a pajeet, but as I'm a hodler of this shitcoin, what are your most realistic predictions for the Q2?
12.8K XLM
…Can anyone tell me if I'll be rich by the end of the year please?
12.8k XLM
The most this coin can ever go is $5-7
So if you consider 89.6k rich then sure yeah you'll be "rich"
Ive got 20k and will make a decent amount off of this but I wont be rich. It wont reach 5 by EOY
>4,000 in ENG
I'd trade at least 1,000 to VEN. Then you have a chance. But wait until it dips below 5 again (if it ever does)
>bought xlm at .18
>sold at .73
thanks nerds, but I'm not touching your snake coin again
>he doesn't have LINK
XLM definitely wont reach $5 EOY?
good luck with it being 100% pre-mined and Ripple the company owns majority of those pre-mined coins.
Same here. I plan to buy more and more through the year though. This shit's going to skyrocket over the course of the next year.
Yes, Cardano
$100 by 2021
$1000 by 2019