Is day trading superior to long term investments?

is day trading superior to long term investments?

Just the only true option, now that BTC is so expensive

Good question.
In any other market i would say long term investing but with the volatility and speed of this market there are too many easy opportunities to not take short-term positions

Personally i have a 2x bigger stack than if i just held my favorite coins (eth, omg, link) since I got in October

not if you are an retard which seems to be since you ask such questions.

found the white boy

>bull market
~2x better
>bear market
1-10x better depending on your skill level

No, white boys

>is day trading superior to long term investments?

if by superior you mean more gains over time? Probably not

Don't fall for the "DON'T DAYTRADE" meme. I started crypto with several of my friends at the same time in a trading challenge, but they all got burned at one point or another and decided holding would be easier/more profitable. I've been burned as well, but you learn and move on from your mistakes, just like any other skill. I never stopped trading, and am up 5000% over anyone else in my group.

It`s more fun

Day trading is risky but it could be worth it. Just don’t be an idiot.

That's because you were in a alt bull run. Try day trading in a bear market.

Daytrading can be a pain in the ass when it comes to taxes

can we please keep the BLACKEDposting to /pol/? ty

Depends on what you're good at. I would argue learning daytrading is more expensive.

you dont like seeing roasties making bad decisions early in their life?

Damn that picture is pretty fucking hot, even as a white guy. Something turns me on knowing that a white girl is being tainted by some black dude. Maybe it's because she will never get to be a white dude again so she will turn into a slut and I can fuck her or maybe race mixing is hot but either way, super hot. Do you have anymore pictures op ?

Every black person's hand I've shaken has been greasy as hell. Her putting his finger in her mouth makes me want to vomit.

hello step dad


Congratulations on finding the superior being.

Say what you want but at the end of the day, these girls always come running back to me and I know how to take care of them and please them even though they've fucked a black guy. Only a real man can understand that you never truly own a girl and you should just be thankful you are fucking her now.


Not really. Yeah you owe more from not holding for a year but if you're smart you can make more money even paying more % in taxes.

cool dude so you gonna raise her black child?

i respect you step dad

It depends on the timescale. In 2017 a portfolio of micro-cap alts was the best investment you could have made, but on a long timescale most altcoins won't be worth shit.

My guess would be that trading alts to gain more blue-chip coins would be more profitable over a 5 year period than a shitcoin portfolio, but the shitcoin portfolio may do extremely well one year then lose all value the next.

it's much better in bear market like what we have now but in bull market it's usually better to just hold and buy the dips because timing tops and bottoms is taking a lot of skill, time and is based on luck for most part

Daytrading is mathematically proven to produce subpar profit compared to buying and holding the right coins and selling them at specific technical milestones.

TA techniques have a success rate of close to 50%

But even with that said the funniest thing about crypto at least in Veeky Forums is that everyone reacts the fucking opposite as they are supposed to. You should feel FOMO when something drops in price. And you should feel nervous and FUD when the coin you are holding is mooning. As long as you sell your coins during their moons and buy (good) coins when they are crashing you can't really do bad with day trading.

Still like I said they still provide subpar return on investment than just holding coins for 1-2 month until technical milestones such as mainnet release. That's how 2 buddies of mine became millionaires from early 2016 until late 2017.

In a bear market HODL only loses you money I think. You have no choice but to at least swing trade if you want any gains at all.

What are white roasties going to do after the price singularity makes White and Asian NEETs wrestle global financial hegemony back from the Jew?

What will happen to their Bitconnect pet niggers?

Don't be greedy, aim for modest gains. I've been accumulating 3-5% per day through VEN & XRP ETH pairs on Binance. The market seems to frequently reach its daily highs in about 6-8 hours from this post, and its lows around now.

Watch the 1 min sticks, for a few days and get a feel for it. The real trick is to not panic if it goes on a run after you sell or stagnates after you buy, just ensure each trade is increasing currency volume. If you get lucky an are sitting in VEN when it 2x's great, if not be content that you've increased your eth volume and will benefit from its next boost.

What does it mean to FOMO? Trying to catch a bull move and consequently paying too much, right?

Fear Of Missing Out.

>what is shorting

Yeah I understand the acronym, but I'm asking about the context

you do realise its better to day trade in a bear market dude

>hodling=always profit xD

How so? You cannot really fuck up if everything is going up all the time.

>Oops I bought at the wrong time
>Oh nvm it's still going up

When someone sees something going up and jumps in because they think it's going to keep going up.

It's like the inverse of a panic sell.

Oh I see.
It's like me with crypto market, I'm a nocoiner until the 26th, waiting for my debit card. It's already too late since my capital will be small anyways, and in a week it will be even more too late. But I'm FOMO'ing, so yeah, jumping in at "return to "normal"" from the meme graph.


Holy shit that's almost spot on.
Knew about BTC since the literal start, was underaged, had no way to buy it and didn't understand the tech anyways. Tried mining it but my PC was shit, also people said I'll lose money in power than I'll gain in BTC.
Heard about it here and there, when it reached three digits I thought the burst is imminent.
Came to Veeky Forums occasionally since it split from /g/, just lurked for a bit.
Came back this summer, saw the state of the market, FOMO'd about Eth a little bit but "Nah man, it's way to expensive right now". Left.
Then the Decembar pump came, hits all the normie news.
Didn't buy at ATH tho, but definitely didn't see the crash coming. If I had a way, I would've bought around late Decembar.
FOMO'd hard during the crash, spent 7 hours watching it tumble on Poloniex, and applied for a card yesterday (can't buy BTC any other way from my country).
Hope I'm wrong and it hasn't popped yet.