To whoever just shilled this on Biz in the last hour - thank you. Scooped up 50k

To whoever just shilled this on Biz in the last hour - thank you. Scooped up 50k.

- $3m marketcap
- Established company with 1 million active users
- 20% of company profits as dividends

So that's $4000 yearly dividends for me if they reach $40m annual profit. $10,000 dividends if they reach $100m annual profit. And then the eventual moon mission in token value on top.

Yet another effortless x20 added to my portfolio. Thanks user. Shit like this is what Biz is good for.

Other urls found in this thread:

Enjoy the -40% loss, then eventual sideways (perhaps with more loss) in the next year. Buy high, sell low.

Why thank yourself, shill?

I honestly couldn't give a fuck about a -40% or even -50% loss on a $3m marketcap token backed by an established company with a million users.

This is how I roll, user. Get into very low marketcap tokens for the eventual x10-x100 where ebbs and flows in the price short-term don't really mean anything.

I've done it plenty of times. Just have to be patient.

Believe me. Don't believe me. Don't really care.

I was just really thinking that I needed to research a few more low cap moon missions and then this drops into my lap out of nowhere.

This is exactly why I fucking love Biz. There are always gems under the 99% of shit if you dyor.


What stops them from not giving the dividends?

In fact, technically my thanks should go to the guy who identified the project and posted it. The faggot who did that retarded roll trips thing or whatever it was didn't even say it in the end.

Nothing at all. But it's the risk/reward balance. Nothing in any crypto is guaranteed.

You can go on their four job websites right now and see the tens of thousands of job postings from established businesses where they're paying 99-199 euros per job post. The company checks out 100%.

>can be bought on random shit exchange
no thanks