Another exchange illegally listing LINK.
How much you wanna bet this is just the Shadow Fork and not the real token
Another exchange illegally listing LINK
Other urls found in this thread:
true big if
if big true
Tetraplegic if realistic
>tfw jason parser is leaking the shadow fork onto exchanges illegally
The Bitconnect people have funded a manhunt. Can we try set one up for Jason Parsnips?
What is this Shadow Fork you guys keep talking about? Is it some made up FUD or what? You are starting to scare a linkie and I know you guys like to troll but I keep seeing this Shadow Fork bullshit. Should I be worried?
its a fud, i was in the thread that started it.
lookout for new fud coming soon: pseudo market cap.
gl user. stay strong
dude jason parser ripped sergeys code and has been creating his own shadowfork of link which is a lot more centralized so SWIFT can keep their greedy jew banker hands in control
Jason Parser was a member of the original team. Most believe that Swift approached him to make a fork of link that would be the "true" version. So far it's come true and it only has the name "shadow" might change later. Owners of link won't get any of the new coins
JASON PARSER is a ripoff of "The Java API for JSON Processing (JSR 353) provides portable APIs to parse, generate, transform, and query JSON using object model and streaming APIs. The object model API creates a random-access, tree-like structure that represents the JSON data in memory. The tree can then be navigated and queried."
jason parser isn't a real person. another meme.
people want you to sell your link cheap just to fuck with you.
hold your bags for a long time. don't check Veeky Forums because they're trying to fuck you user.
5% of this place is nice.
95% cesspool of the internet.
Explain then why the GitHub is empty and has had no commits in months? Jason fragmented the team
Hi guys Jason Parser here ask me anything
That was a good thread, matey boy who coined the phrase didn't mean to fud, he was just a clueless faggot. Everyone else saw the fud potential there and jumped on it straight away
time traveler from the future here.
nice fud anons.
hahahaha, i fucking told you this would happen, the banks would NEVER agree to use a protocol that already has a token built in they would have to buy to use the network then they wield ALL the bargaining power, the same with ripple's public network and xrp.
its only networks that end up with a huge public userbase that the banks can't easily subvert, and chainlink was never going to be one of them.
Is true that sergey buys Happy meal chosing the girl gift?
it's not empty, there was an address change. if you bookmarked it a month ago, it appears empty. simply moved.
another product of progress.
the only people talking about link seriously right now are a bunch of turbo autists on a african mud hut building forum.
they could easily twitter spam link like tron does.
do you want to be the next trx or eth.
REMINDER: Fags on Veeky Forums want you to sell link cheap so they can buy it.
the price is manipulated by some big whales. they're buying and selling to themselves. then your tiny bag pops up and disappears into their stack.
don't get caught in the middle. ride out the storm.
gl anons.
doesnt huobi have more daily volume than bittrex
Has everyone prepared for the shadowfork? If I just leave my links in MEW - does that mean the shadowLINKs will automatically appear there?
>I keep seeing this Shadow Fork bullshit
All this shit is made up by holders themselves to make retards like you sell. The ship is steadier without retarded/weak hands.
Me too. It was fucking hilarious. The guy unwittingly started the greatest link fud in weeks.
Priced in. Look at the chart, everyone is selling this news
This shadow shit is becoming a main topic in the slack, it is absolutely hilarious
Yeah by about $400'000'000
>Shadow Fork
>i fucking told you this would happen
What did you tell us would happen? Link getting listed on another exchange?
>the banks would NEVER agree to use a protocol that already has a token built in
So why did Swift do it?
>The retarded Neets bought LINK on binance and not LNK.
I swear when they realize the pink wojaks will last for months
Sequential dubs.
LOL and already memes for it. You could weaponise the autism of link holders.
swift hasn't done anything. maybe some lone r&d guy made it sounds like they were doing more than they are, but swift will never ever use the link token or pay and fees for something like chainlink. if you can't see that, i dont know what else to say.
Kek you reminded me of this
>swift hasn't done anything.
... except pay Chainlink to develop a PoC for them, and showcase it at their premier conference?
The ONLY external crypto dev to receive this honor?
But in all seriousness, if anybody is still looking for the shadow fork, you can find it on etherdelta listed as shink. But it appears at random; sergey has a smart contract that only lists it for trading when his phone connects to McDonald's wifi.
Are you retarded? This fork doesn't get you free LNK like BTC/b cash.
This is a shadow fork. The main chain LINK dies and LNK remains.
Don't Hodl Link for too long. Once the news of the implications of the fork spread price will tank hard.
Confido 2.0
Sergey is a scumbag for doing an Ico on a test net token and creating another token for mainnet release
Wtf kwk
>Illegally listed
How can this happen even? Can exchanges just list shit without permission of the devs?
>LNK remains
LNK has been around longer thank LINK
But I read that with 50k Link I would get some. Dont tell me that the half of the loan I took to buy the 50k Link was wasted. I already lost the other half with Bitconnect.
Chinks can.
That's what happened with binance.
Reminder that if it were up to Sergey we would be still buying link from ED
>Json parser
Wrong. The binance person came to the slack and asked for permission.
So I should sell my LINK and rebuy shadowLINK when its ready?
Guys... I checked my Link token serial numbers and they are like this (random number instead of #s)
Are these legit Links?
The fuck does JSNPRS mean?
>he doesn't know of the rebrand.
Now go buy Dogecoin dark.
It's the next privacy coin.
But no one will buy a privacy coin (not private) with the image of a patched doggo.
What do we do?.........
then explain why Sergey's github ruby repo is supposedly for a 2d platform game?
You're really taking these shadowfork and JSON parser memes to town, aren't you /biz
>JASON PARSER is a ripoff of "The Java API for JSON Processing.
*breathes in*
The level of delusion of the stinky linkies is truly something.
Someone send Jason Parser this Screencap
>Someone send Jason Parser this Screencap
I don't think he visits the slack anymore.
Deluded stinky linkies