Here goes another $100,000,000
Tether Play money printed again
brainlet here, how is your image related in any way?
besides, yesterday when they printed tethers dip started
Sold all my LTC. I'm out of this crypto ponzi scam. Goodbye
So, you Tether fudding retards needs to understand how Tether works. Tethers are
Minted based on demand, just FYI. Think about that for a second.
tether fud threads flooding biz are coordinated no coiner attacks to undermine crypto do not reply let them 404
don't even entertain these pajeet shills, lmao. to all p.shills--i'm doing you a favor by telling you this so you don't have to slave away anymore:
inb4 hypocrisy, niggers. this is a godsend.
>exchanges having BILLIONS flow through them have no use for new tethers
And when demand drops?
False. It was already dipping in case you hadn't noticed. And when they printed the tethers, it had the only green streak all day.
I realized this as well. Though they'd have to print it anyway with troves of new people coming in, to allow for usdt/token trading.
shills btcp.... says poster is shill
fuck off pajeet
Yeah. Completely sound. Fake money is printed and is exchanged for real money. Just like Tulips. Nothing wrong here, move along, nothing to see ...
>it's a normal thing
>massive boom month in december where BTC doubles in value= $450m in tether printed in the entire month
>january crash=$550m in tether printed in five days
they're just taking the piss now and impossible not to notice. any mention of it makes people start acting outraged and throw insults. giant red flag.
BTCP is literally free money.
Here to save us and push through that resistance!
Thanks tether!
what will happen in a few years when there is more USDT than USD?
Bat handling gentlemen enter your room and kindly ask you to send it back to their printer
If this isn’t the giant red flag biz needs then it’s over
>Tethers are
>Minted based on demand, just FYI. Think about that for a second.
So no different from fiat, then...?
itt: chemtrails
If that’s your saving grace then we are in the crypto version of the FED using QE.
anyone who buys tether is getting burned every fucking day and they dont even realize it
in the long run it will have zero effect on bitcoin
the fact that people are trading their valuable BTC for worthless USDT does not intrinsically make BTC worth any less or more USD
Yes it does. You are artificially inflating the price of btc by creating more demand in something that's "pegged 1:1" with a dollar.
stay poor faggot
This Tether FUD is seriously making me consider cashing in everything to fiat. Tell me I'm about to make the right decision user. I don't trust Bitfinex one bit.
eventually one day when the tether scam falls apart there are going to be people holding USDT without any means to sell them, because there will be no buyers willing to trade BTC for it
do you think the same will happen with USD?
its doubtful.
Not the point. If bitcoin is being propped up by funny money enjoy the crash.
nobody INITIALLY enters the bitcoin market with USDT
I dont see how it is 'propping up' bitcoin at all
i said inb4. that is divine protection, mudslime, but you wouldn't know about that, you godless fuck. go back to your shit-hut. faggot. PEACE.
People use it as a 1:1 dollar peg. That inflates the prices because it isn't worth the dollar. When people cash out from USDT into btc into USD they will put downward pressure on the price. The reverse is when tether is in demand it acts as a sink for real USD inflating the prices when printed.
Then people trade their USDT against tether and either you let tether be a zombie tether or you just fucking burn it. Check out their blockchain. It isn't that hard.
Nice scam.
usa here, please stop
fucking brainlets in this thread... im out
Tether is supposed to be pegged to the dollar by the dollars its backed by are being used for fractional banking and margin trading by Bitfinex
It's a scam. Crypto is heading the same way fiat is. If you buy btc now you are gonna be burned. It's a matter of when not if at this point. Now they have printed an extra "650 million dollars" in last week.
better sell now then faggot
Can you think for your own or do you just repeat the brainlets?
biz under coordinated establisment assault by no coiner jackoffs, tether FUD threads, all coins are useless threads, don't reply let them 404
I didn't really put much stock in the Tether FUD before, but it's getting pretty spooky. Hold me, Veeky Forums.
Yes, but the bad news of USDT could have an impact on the market, wether or not it changes the value of the Bitcoin.
>bad news about tether
>mass exodus from USDT into what? BTC of course
>BTC price rises
I dont see the problem
anyone buying tether is essentially betting against bitcoin. would love to see them get blown the fuck out and scramble back to safety
probably has to do with kucoin adding BCH pairings desu
I read the "audit" report Tether posted on their site. Apparently the fiat backing tether is sitting in a couple of bank accounts in Taiwan. One of them is in the name of an individual for the benefit of Tether, Inc. This was some months back and I'm questioning if a lot of this new Tether is coming from margin loans.
>Tether marines assemble!
>bad news about tether
>people try to withdraw
>realise they can't
>MT GOX x 100
anyone stuck holding USDT will not be able to sell it when nobody wants to buy it
I dont like tether and I have always recommended everyone to stay away from it because it is NOT USD
that said, I dont think the USDT system is going to crash bitcoin, its just going to burn tethermarines
Tether will keep on excisting because it is the only short term possibility to hedge against dips, except cashing out completly or open a new short.
USDT is literally in every exchange.
Will there be competition, yeah. Soon? No. Jibrel sounds nice, but wont be an option until Q3.
The theory is that they're printing new Tether that's not backed by USD and using that to buy up crypto, artificially inflating prices. If this is discovered to be true, tons of buy pressure will be suddenly removed from the market as USDT loses its value. Yes, USDT holders get shafted, but so does everyone else because a large portion of the "money" flowing into the market (and thus increasing prices) was actually counterfeit.
theoretically they are only printing USDT when there is increased demand for it i.e. when too many people are selling BTC for USDT and driving the price of USDT up so that 1 USDT > 1 USD
if the situation you described is true, then yes there would be artificial buying power being added to the BTC/USDT market
cant wait for jCash to kill this shit
how much does market crash if this is true?
>large portion
The market cap is not the total amount of money put into the market. If I have a pack of 10 Oreos, and you're really hungry and buy one off of me for $2, then the market cap of that pack of Oreos is $20, even though I only paid $1 for the entire pack when I bought it at the grocery store.
If there was no tether, there would be way less selling. Less selling would mean no major crashes
Nice try faggot
>theoretically they are only printing USDT when there is increased demand for it i.e. when too many people are selling BTC for USDT and driving the price of USDT up so that 1 USDT > 1 USD
Maybe, but why are they printing tons of Tether now that the crash is over(?) and things are in an upturn again? None of it makes any sense. I don't hold USDT nor have I ever used it, but if it goes down it will be a Gox tier event. The only saving grace is that we have exchanges that aren't dependent on it, but who knows how long it could take for the market to recover afterwards.
>being this dumb
Learn what a market cap is.
some whale doesn't agree the crash is over.
These threads make me fuckin sad. Aside from the Tether crash looming around the corner, there is a staggering number of newfags in the last 6 months that oust themselves in every thread. It's not even worth trying to help because they literally do not understand the basics of the tether argument. You know biz is doomed when every post is "stop tether FUDing its backed 1:1 with the dollar don't you get it"