Korean RAGE

>be Korean
>start breaking everything in your home because of the bitcoin crash

Tip top fucking kek.

More pictures and comments here:

>"Just lost 45% and shattered the monitor," one person said.
>This user said that he wouldn't trade anymore and that he threw his laptop. After calming down, he said, he opened it to discover it was broken.
>Another person posted a picture of a single tear. "Why. I said I was going to earn some money," they said. "Why are you blocking that."
>This user said his monitor fell while he hit his desk five times in anger.
>One Ripple trader said he took a 50% loss and broke his monitor. "If I trade cryptocurrency again," he said, "I am not a human."
>This trader said he took a 35% loss and broke his monitor and desk.
>This person said they hit a door with a chair. "Should I just commit suicide?" they said.
>This person said he felt bad and went to wash his face only to find himself breaking his faucet.

Other urls found in this thread:



well damn


fucking KEK mate



>lose buttcoins
>smash the sink

These people need help

>"Don't bother me," said one trader who lost about $75,000. "I will kill you all."

I was down 60% on my alts during the worst of it and I just closed the tabs. Asians are a different cut of human.

Holy shit doors in Korea are made of fucking... cardboard? Seriously?

This is fucking incredible. "I'm down $$$$ I'm gonna break my own shit and lose even more $$$!"

>dog bowl

the emotions are raw and come out quick in koreans. they're like children

I've never understood this mindset. Real caveman shit.

honestly losing in fiat is /comfy/

This looks like your typical /biznessmen crib

Lose money so lose more money


This. Literal nigger behaviour. No fucking impulse control.


Fucking weak hands lel.
I went from 50k to 6k and all I'm doing is regretting not selling at the top to rebuy at the bottom. I'd prob be around 10k right now but fucked up a few swing trades and crashed out a bit. Oh fucking well, I'll still be loaded by the summer most likely

I doubt it with this level of retardation.

>sink gore thread


shouldve invested in a heavy bag

uhhh how are you down that much? I lost 20% max

>breaking things out of anger



God that door is worse than those images where people have a bunch of holes in their body parts.

Are you doing TA on the door?

Never understood that "break things out of anger xD" mentality. Would some nigger kindly explain it to me?

I think the breakout point should be a little lower.

You guys just dont understand korea.

Imagine studying 12 hours a day for 12 years. Competing against a million people doing the same thing. Just for a chance to make the equivalence of 12 dollars an hour killing yourself working for a chaebol.

Its incredibly desperate and hopeless. Its why so many have placed their hopes and dreams on crypto.



Nice meme lines, faggot

>speculative bubble

>Meanwhile INT did x2 during the crash
It's not too late to join us guys.

I'm quite sure I'll have at least 100k by the end of the year, likely more. I'm trying to turn 2k into 100k just for fun. Already cashed out 4k so I'm just playing with profit at this point. I have a good paying accounting job and flip sofubi for extra spending money, crypto is just meme money for me. All of this is going to end up going towards video games, art and collectibles, I don't need it to make it in crypto to make it in life.

And Asians dare make fun of whites for having no self-control...

Top kek

>tfw you didnt fall for the crypto meme


That's how some carpenters hang a door. More useful for heavy fire doors than those shitty paper ones though but some just have a personal preference to hang all doors like that.

>Another person posted a picture of a single tear. "Why. I said I was going to earn some money," they said. "Why are you blocking that."
kek but also :(

>tfw you spend your day making fun of people in crypto while other people literally make 5-6x their money even after bitcoin crashes

animal behavior, nothing more. anger = violence, they know it is bad but they simply can't control themselves.


This is what government regulation looks like.

Good job anons, we took the normies bags from their weak hands


the real problem that needs discussing is the absolute lack of structural strength in korean doors

papier machie, really?

How did you manage to do that? I thought i fucked up badly with about 50 percent.

>dating a qtgook from a rich banking family
>she showed me all of these the other day
>told her I iron handed my way through it and made a little swing trading
>we have a good laugh

The azngf meme is pretty okay actually. I told her the other morning I actually lost a ton fat fingering a trade and she just told me to be more careful next time and then made me breakfast. She also translates the news for me and helped me sign to some of their exchanges

> not understanding doors

You sound like a soccer mom. Fckin do some research or kys.

I hang doors for a living limpwrist

Lol Koreans.
Almost got in a "fight" with one today at Gangnam station.

>standing on escalator
>suddenly drunk as fuck korean tumbles down over me and onto some girls in front of me
>tell him to GET THE FUCK AWAY
>starts typical korean pidgeon fight ritual
>"u wanna fight?"
>roll eyes & walk away
>30 seconds later comes to me and apologizes

Fridays in Korea

If you're this sensitive this is the wrong game for you

Here I was thinking I was making money from the Chads and Staceys in America but the truth is I have been making money from Chin and Chang.

I thought S.Korea was first world - these pictures look like third world living conditions.

Hell, even Chinese modern flats look nicer than this

>One Ripple trader said he took a 50% loss and broke his monitor. "If I trade cryptocurrency again," he said, "I am not a human."

korea sucks, it's depressing don't come here

all women here have going for them is looks

I wish normies never found crypto, but then again, we need them.

no surprise the little country full of soyboys cant handle the pressure

its always fun taking a gooks money

>whole bulbs of garlic

topkek i have more BTC now then before the crash. lmao.

>"If I trade cryptocurrency again," he said, "I am not a human."

Kek. I love how Asians get so dramatic about shit like this.

I need the No Longer Human Wojack edit for this

Well I went from 2k to 50k then back down to 8k, also cashed out a bit and made a jacked up trade trying to catch a moon between the 50k and 8k. I'd be more around 20k if I had just held everything.

you didnt even fight the fucking gook?

Meanwhile i am making good profit in shitcoins i bought december.
My profits are in Dollars, and a dollar wlrths 3 times more than my national currency, that makes my profits even better.
Such nice Brazilian life i have. The gods blessed me.

>whole bulbs of garlic

Wario trades crypto.

Asians are NOT humans, even niggers are more humans than asians.

Literally no point. He actually tried to pull me into a corner but was barely able to move my arm. Wouldn't be fair to him. And we all know he wouldn't hit dare to hit anyone nevermind a foreigner.

It feels really good to chimp out and break shit when you are super mad. But then you regret it afterwards.

Oh god, Korea is 100 times worse than Brazil.

Why were you standing on the elevator though?

Got that exact sort of doors in this house, same hinge location. It might have something to do with the highest hinge taking the most stress.

Same here.
But even better, i can pay my brazilian scorts with asians's hard work money.

Obrigado, pastéis de flango.

pls post pics of scorts you fugged

Are they retarded or just newfags?
All these crashes are orchestrated by whales, there's no real reason for these crahshes to happen. No goxxening no global ban no anything.

Not real looks.


>Koreans right now

I'm amazed at the shit quality of modern doors.

>age of planned obsolescence
>still getting "amazed"

In the future, our age will leave nothing behind besides stupid super heroes toys, because everything will be vanished like 2 years after built anyway.


Did you fuck his gf or one of the girls who laughed at him after?

Koreans are neurotic, and there is less social stigma about adults throwing tantrums like this.

>"Don't bother me," said one trader who lost about $75,000. "I will kill you all."

damn, I was like down $80k and just opened a bottle of Jack instead, even though it's not the first time I'm down that much.
These dudes are probably day traders

fucking koreans are the worst they have the worst attitudes and are always fucking rude.

Serves those fuckers right

you haven't earned or lost anything unless you fucking sell, i don't get why that's so hard to understand. i know it's frustrating to see potential profit slip away, but you made a conscious choice not to sell high.
i'm still down $100k since ATH, but i know patience pays off.


I liked living in Korea and would rather go back than stay in the US but this is pretty typical behavior for them

This is why only women should be allowed to trade crypto. Men are so irresponsible with money and uncontrollably violent... :^)

Doors don't have to be that strong in a country with relatively no crime


My Korean cubicle-mate:

> "I don't like Koreans...."

I get the impression the culture is typical backwards foreigner conservativism/authoritarianism/conformism mixed with narcissism and materialism.

Bahahah sad, how new are these Korean fags? Should probably just off themselves if they can't handle the heat.

My brother in law lives in Gangnam. He's just won a boxing competition there. Also trains mma with a bb in taekwando. If you feel like you need a little challenge I'll set you up with his gym

that door is thick as fuck. almost makes me itchy

Spot on mate

Koreans love to eat garlic raw, usually together with kimchi and ramyeon.