ITT we give serious guesstimations of JNT initial sale price.
I'll start
< 0,75$
ITT we give serious guesstimations of JNT initial sale price.
I'll start
< 0,75$
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if it starts anything less than 75cents im gonna insta all in
no fuckin way
this will be $3 atleast
If you start on a low price it will make a huge gain fast and people are gonna notice that.
jUSD will save us from the JUST \:0/
half of the total supply is held by 228 wallets according to etherscan right now
and judging from the sentiment in the telegram nobody is gonna sell this cheap
when this gets listed, it's gonna be interesting as fuck
So you reckon it's gonna be a > 1$ < ?
i own 20k and im not selling any until this hits $100
got 30k. comfy. do you think binance will add it?
of course. the ceo of binance spoke their conference. im fully expecting binance to replace tether with jUSD and then you will see a interstellar explosion the likes never before witnessed
etherscan is not showing all addresses, mine for example is not listed for some reason...
.25 cent is what they said
Either way, how do you see this project evolving? I think it's looks kinda huge
that's right. mine wasnt listed for awhile as well. but the fact remains, what we know right now is half the total supply is held by less than 250 people.
0,25 was the ICO price.
The sale price should be at least 2x higher
25 cents was the ico price. it certainly wont be that price when it hits exchanges
Jibrel! Our hero in our time of need against the evil Tether
Damn, that's already high on itself
Do you have any idea which exchanges will list JNT first?
BBB is confirmed
So Binance, Bitfinex, Bittrex.
not really 25 cents puts it at a 35 million market cap and for a project like this that is absolute peanuts
But have only confirmed HitBTC, Livecoin, Coss, Liqui, Palmex and a few other small exchanges.
But we hope to make major announcements around at least 2 of the major BBB soon
from the telegram group
Good, very good. Are they going to release them on the same time?
Oh why the fuck did I not go all in on this? Only got 4k JNT. I'm anticipating this to be the easiest moon mission in the current market, where everything else is priced in already. Expecting it to start trading at around 0.75$ and then rapidly shoot um to about 3$, correct down to 1.5$ and then steadily grow.
As of now nobody knows.
Launch date is >1 feb.
Why didn't Veeky Forums tell me about this during the ICO?
it was shilled hours before it sold out
it got fudded hard and scared most people away
What was the fud if I may ask?
What was all the fud about?
got in because some guy shilled it here before cap was reached. sry brah
i dont remember much but stuff about how it had shitty tech developers
I can't provide any, so lets say it's a qualified rumor instead.
here i found the original shill thread on the day it sold out
okay. from telegram?
Between 01/26 and 02/1, right?
Why all the smoke around the launch on the exchange though?
yep this one. was based o/
I guess they have their reasons.
Perhaps they want to launch when the market is stable enough?
But yes. They've set 02/1 as their deadline.
this guy literally bought me a lambo
Anyone who is +4000k JNT are made!
shit is geared towards institutional investors and pegged for 1/2/3/4 years, you have to hold for 4 years to get full profits. if you dump after ico you get like nothing I'm pretty sure. they used a start-up model and being geared towards institutional investors then yeah - people are not going to be fucking selling and those people have a lot of JNT