Global crypto regulation ahead

>PARIS (Reuters) - France and Germany will make joint proposals to regulate the bitcoin cryptocurrency at the next summit of the G20 group of major economies in Argentina in March, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Thursday.

>“We will have a joint Franco-German analysis of the risks linked to bitcoin, regulation proposals and these will be submitted as a joint proposal to our G20 counterparts at the G20 summit in Argentina in March,” Le Maire told reporters.

>The world’s biggest and best-known cryptocurrency has fallen to half its record peak of almost $20,000 in recent days on fears that regulators could seek to curb speculation.

>“We have a responsibility towards our citizens to explain and reduce the risks,” Le Maire’s German counterpart Peter Altmaier said at the joint news conference in Paris.

Prepare your buttholes.

see you guys at 5K

>yuros now need to give 25% of their bitcoin gains to the local imam

Now we'll all be paying the expenses incurred by retards who bought into BCC and TRX at ATH. FUCK

Yes, go ahead and regulate bitcoin guys. There are no other cryptocurrencies. Only bitcoin.

aren't those the guys who were talking about a total korean ban of exchanges? They are full of shit, and I would gladly pay btc to get them killed.

What will any regulation look like? They won’t be able to completely ban crypto. If regulation will make the market less volatile and keep scammers out; that shouldn’t be a bad thing per se right?

>less volatile

Means fewer moon missions and more idiots being protected from their own poor decisions. no thanks

yeah, all they have to say is no bank can process suspected crypto related transactions and it's ogre

>We have a responsibility towards our citizens to explain and reduce the risks

what a load of bullshit, greedy fucking pigs

>bitcoin is impossible to regulate Veeky Forums said


How the fuck are you proposing regulating a completely decentralized currency?

It's not going to be regulation. It's going to be an outright ban and witch hunt.

I don't know, what about legit companies like Kik/kin? It would seem strange that a big company like Kik would invest so much if they hadn't also done some projections about government regulation. Kin isn't just some shit coin. There's already a proper wallet for it which will be intergrated into the Kik app in the next few months, meaning 300mil potential users will suddenly be using crypto. To get their wallet looking so good, actually working, & intetgrated into their existing app already is serious work.

Kek no, they will regulate it by targeting the people who are developing it. If these people live in Europe or the USA you have an issue. They can also influence the distribution of the software by trying to restrict unless it complies with certain terms.

You will most likely have rogue crypto which refuses to comply with anything and you will have complying ones, just like websites who comply (Google, Twitter, ... ) and those who do not. (Pirating sites)

They will be using crypto without knowing it. They will buy KIN on the app, use KIN on the app and never even think that it's not only a few bits on Kik's servers but actually a distributed ledger.
That's pretty much the only way to ease crypto in the life of normies, and god knows that Kik is the normiest app there is.



this is good, gives all of this legitimacy and acceptance which just means more FOMO money

Exactly, but kin exists on a blockchain, either ether or lumens. So no matter how they regulate it, I don't think they will ever try to ban crypto outright.

YAWN, I see you FUDing faggots are out in full force. Governments can't even agree on really important matters such as: environment, war, economy, immigration, humanitarian needs. etc. Do you really think the governments of the world are going to come together to destroy BTC? LMAO they can't even stop terrorists who fuck goats in the desert and shit in streets. and you are proposing they will stop crypto? Literally kill yourself you cock sucking jew normie faggot.

>YAWN, I see you FUDing faggots are out in full force. Governments can't even agree on really important matters such as: environment, war, economy, immigration, humanitarian needs. etc. Do you really think the governments of the world are going to come together to destroy BTC? LMAO they can't even stop terrorists who fuck goats in the desert and shit in streets. and you are proposing they will stop crypto? Literally kill yourself you cock sucking jew normie faggot.

when it comes to taxing the SHIT out of people the government is very effective at doing so

This desu

i guarantee going to take more than 6 months to make their mind up about it, who cares

2 of 20 will propose in March. Let’s see what the other 18 say about it. G20 has no power anyway. And communists do what communist do.

German government doesnt understand shit when it comes to technology.
Merkel once said "the internet is new land for everyone".

Fucking nocoiner

ma nigga.
also, zcl + btcp for the privacy/bitcoin name lego no bully just a poor shill with only 400ish zcl...need moaaar.

>Institute governments to run our countries for us
>they end up ruling us like kings

It literally wasn't meant to be like this

regulation is good for crypto

It’s literally going to happen every single time. Always has, always will.

gas yourself kike

They have no idea how crypto works, they don't want to regulate it by diving into crypto. They want to regulate it by stopping people's cash from interacting with it. That's easy, just prevent banks from sending and getting deposits from known exchanges.
Crypto like Kin won't be affected because people pay Kik directly for their tokens, and Kik gives them the tokens in exchange, there is no banks involved only an IAP in the app.

>bluepill in action
terrorists are not stopped because the loss of a few lives here and there isn't a problem, it helps governments pass legislation increasing their powers while being statistically insignificant compared to car accidents or suicides
citizens trying to escape state hegemony through crypto is another thing entirely

Meh, I believe in the project I'm invested in. If we are about to enter into a bear market for months/years, I will be throwing more money into my coins.

Bad news for BTC, anyway.

Meanwhile, fucking BELARUS fully legalized crypto (including ICOs) and is making all crypto gains tax free for at least five years.

Hope all the big European crypto developers move to Belarus. Western Europeons and the Korean faggots don't deserve to see the benefits of the new paradigm.

>They won’t be able to completely ban crypto
All they have to do is ban the fiat ramps and it's all ogre

This is 100% wrong. Regulation will minimize market growth which means lower ROI

>inb4 hundreds of crypto whales move to Belarus

I unironically advise you to kill yourself. Not even kidding. You are a worthless piece of shit and literally no value will be lost if you kill yourself. In fact, you will probably create value by doing so, because you're such a waste of resources.

beside FUD they literally cannot do anything tho
if people start paying each other in BTC they cannot control it period

and they know it
bank and politician are loosing their grip on peoples

>Then we will trade in the shade.

go ahead faggot explain to me how you are going to regulate it ?

It's what this says, . What's going stop something like req happening eventually where I could just use shitcoin1 to pay for something on eBay, then the seller just uses the coin I just gave him to buy something. At a certain point, it doesn't matter if you can't cash out to fiat, as up to a point there's no need for physical money.

If it was possible for a) someone to pay me in ether and b) for me to buy shit with said ether, why would I even need fiat?

slav[e]s squatting in poverty cant even use crypto as currency, they use chickens or beets, fucking poverty stricken, aids ridden slav[e]s

This is bad. Everyone should kindly tell them, no thank you.

But most people think that authority is real. There is no Authority here. Only the authority we allow.



but not cooperating at all. 20 countries to agree on crypto regulation? a good chunk of those countries leaders also have secret bitcoin accounts, and there are traders in each government

yeah, in a battle vs "us" (crypto) vs banks/authority, they will ALWAYS win.

you europoors are so fucking predictable with your anti-establishment thinking.

regulation is needed in this space to make it legitimate. period. if you still don't believe it just look at all the scams which are already ruining people's lives.

if all crypto manages to achieve is fund the lives of degenerates and autists all of this is a fucking waste of time and energy and it is absolutely meaningless.


>assuming they can regulate it
This is like a skinny manlet trying to pick a fight with a chad. They can only regulate local exchanges, p2p buying will always exist.
Also, why are goverments suddenly thinking they're entitled to curb speculation? Why is speculation suddenly a bad thing?

KYS faggot.

>decentralised currency
ayy lmao


BTC is too huge to fail now. People will want it even more. If they don't allow cashing out of BTC this will only speed up pic related and the failure of Fiat

>just look at all the scams which are already ruining people's lives

abloooblooobloo, i bought something without doing any research, or risk assessment, it's all a scammm!!!!. MOMMY MERKEL, PLSS BAN ALL THE BITCOINS!!!!!!!!!