


And nothing of value was lost.

>tfw London and New York become main centres of cryto after euros ban it

Thanks. People easily forget that they actually have the power to change things, not governments.

>jews crash the crypto market
>jews buy in massively
>jews ban crypto in jew-owned countries
>jews continue to ignore all of their own regulations through loopholes jews wrote on exchanges outside of jew regulation
No refunds, goyim.

Why, it's not as if there aren't already half a dozen threads trying to spread this obvious FUD.
Can we report this now for spam?

Oh? Yeah... I guess your right. Let's hope Mr. Orange Penguin Wobble Fuck Head makes bitcoin's future much brighter then.

>Your country will probably be the next one to leave the JewU
Pretty /comfy/

They can go and shut down electricity, that's about it.

Everything else won't have much of an impact in the longer run.

>Implying the UK won't ban crypto as soon as the EU does

It's over lad

Who cares crypto is for us only

My issue with that pic is that it isn't clear. It says "cryptocurrency bans", but then refers to a BTC crackdown. Of course BTC would've crashed eventually on its own, and it's also true that cryptos with no inherent value should be banned (and of course they can be banned into oblivion, don't delude yourself) so people don't fall for the meme, but then there are also legit cryptos that are basically money (like Monero) and are properly regulated; I hope they're not talking about banning those.

UK banning crypto haha, good joke

We have one of the lowest tax rates in the UK and the government fucking hates taxes being used to give to poor people. Economic liberty is something we're certain to retain.

People who trust the express or any other britbong rag are clinically retarded. NOTHING will happen. Neither will there be a "ban" nor anything else. At most, they'll declare crypto a classical financial asset and tax it accordingly and most likely higher the hurdle of launching an ICO.

You're a fucking idiot

europe is a lost cause shithole who cares what they do

probably just tax crypto to build new mosques

They're not banning anything only regulating. The title is fake news.

>You're a fucking idiot
says the guy who clearly doesn't know a thing about the UK, commenting on the UK

Yeah, I'm not surprised.

problem coiners?

>should be banned cause muh scams
someone stupid enough to buy into scams will find a way to get scammed outside of the internet as well.
>don't delude yourselves they are surely able to ban something decentralized
you communists are a fucking stupid bunch of people

they are not taking my coins. I'm not fucking selling.


A name that sounds like some french fuck yelled out in the stone age seeing some ogers cock snot fly towards her face.


keked hard

btw is because of this news my portfolio started became red???

I live in the UK you fucking retard. If you weren't fucking dumb you would know our goverment hates freedom. We have THE of the most invasive mass surveillance program in the world. Trust me, soon you'll start to see the BBC saying that bitcoin is being used by ISIS and then they will use that as an excuse ban it, just like they have to take away our other freedoms.

how do you ban a decentralized currency?

That bitch needs to be hanged.

Fucked Europe with the in-flood of migrants and now wants to take the last piece of the cake.

Cut off the FIAT supply

you might actually be able to ban them in Germany. Those niggers are such servants, they would just stop interacting with any crypto because it's illegal.

the same way you ban torrents of movies, poorly

You literally cannot, websites like localbitcoins will aways exist. Until they take away internet they can't take a way my buttcoins. Even then there is mesh nets etc

how exactly would you do that?
what would hinder anyone to just use services from e.g. Asia?

Indeed, just kill of that fucking NHS already.

Regulations, if done properly, are good in the sense that they’ll remove a lot of the uncertainty from crypto markets and hopefully fuel growth as more normies and institutional investors move in without the fear of their gains being randomly stolen. If you think the taxman isn’t going to stick his hand in you’re crypto you’re a complete tard. Better to advocate for a light touch regulatory regime.

>you would know our goverment hates freedom. We have THE of the most invasive mass surveillance program in the world. Trust me, soon you'll start to see the BBC saying that bitcoin is being used by ISIS and then they will use that as an excuse ban it, just like they have to take away our other freedoms.

Fuck, you really are retarded. I'm in the UK as well and you are completely chatting shit. You sound like a Corbynista.

Use a VPN you fucking idiot. That mass surveillance program isn't doing shit either, not really.

China putting pressure on Chinese banks as well, SK constantly threatening to ban Crypto..

Japan the only country that doesn't seem to be spreading FUD

Merkel and Macron are in charge of two failing shitholes.

Good luck trying to enforce this in countries like Poland, Ukraine or Romania. And also: why is that fucking hag Merkel still in power? Hitler unironically did more good to the german people than her.

I hate those kikes over at CNBC.

I'm pretty sure cryptos wont be banned.

I expect that exchanges will need to identify their customers (which is already the case) and exchanges might need a license. Which basically changes nothing.

You people have trouble reading/understanding English? Nothing is over. This means mainstream adoption is just getting started. What the fuck did you expect? Crypto being Veeky Forums meme forever?

Cnbc has zero credibility

get out you retarded fucking normie

Good job giving clicks to tabloid clickbait trash.

good argument corbyn

>God you are dumb. Keep Calm. Jesus you are stupid. Bad things don't even really happen. Carry On

You people actually need to be erased from the earth

don't watch that shit channel

literally retarded nonsense

>UK has the lowest tax rate in the UK
Holy shit sign me up

if you think a Corbyn supporter is the kind of person who cares about freedom then you are incredibly misinformed. I fucking hate people like you, FUCKING NECK YOUR YOU STUPID FUCKING NORMIE REEEEEEEEEE

I have been, by buying more crypto. The more Fiat we all put into coins they have no way to take or tax the better.

Old people can scream and complain all they want. They can even attempt to create laws to ban things. Blockchain technology is underutilized but it is the future.

Old farts have lifespans and this is unenforceable unless they shut the internet off. Let's see how well this goes for them.

I'm leaning into this.

BTC already dropping.

>We have one of the lowest tax rates in the UK
>tfw UK has the lowest taxes in the UK.

>London and New York
hmmmpf HHMMM!!! Didn't we forget someone?

german here, don't worry to much

right now there is no official goverment here

most important for mr. macron in the next weeks is to suck more money out of germany for the greek disaster

ms. merkel has bigger problems right now as to care about ur internetmeme money

Oh No! Just like what they did with the Pirate Bay!

>someone stupid enough to buy into scams will find a way to get scammed outside of the internet as well.
And this isn't an excuse not to ban it. Maybe we should discard all safety measures in roads an everywhere, since people will still find a way to cause accidents?
>don't delude yourselves they are surely able to ban something decentralized
>ad hominem
Why wouldn't they be able to? Cryptos are basically useless IRL because of the lack of places that actually let you use them. All it would take is a little push to prevent those establishments from taking them and the same goes for the trading services. Fell free to keep your Warcraft gold and play with it if that makes you feel good, but it will be even more useless for IRL stuff than it already is.

Merkel ruined Germany and now she is coming for crypto.

Why is it always France and Germany. Why are they trying to ruin everything. God I detest the Krauts and the French are even worse.

67 percent taxes on your coins

Crypto was/is dead in Germany anyway