People keep asking me to manage their money for them and buy cryptocurrencies

people keep asking me to manage their money for them and buy cryptocurrencies.
what should i name my fund?

the "JUST" fund

Don't do it, too much responsibility

The Mlikies Fund

same here back in december...
I would honestly have just thrown it in stellar and ignored it while i handled my own money
i like this one

came here to post this also trips

This. Get ready to have your friends blame you when you lose all their money.

My sister asked me to do this. My flesh and blood. I told her, looking directly into her eyes, “if you give me money to invest and the value goes im, I’m going to keep it.”

ButtFund Limited.
ButtCorn Holdings
ButtFungus Financial

all good choices

The New Jew

Don't man. This ride is already horrible, you get all the stress and almost no money.

what kind of bitcoin packages are you offering op? I'm interested as well

well shit, trips decided that one.
the JUST fund it is


A couple of people asked me to do it too. I refused. If the whole market collapses they would blame me.

If they cant be bothered to figure this stuff out themselves they obviously don't care enough.

Boogerfartsnatch Plopped Menacingly On the Table Inc

The going to prison for not having a license fund.

This. The way I see it, if youre too scared to take the risks, you dont deserve the reward.

Chad fund.
Invest it all into FUN and ARK.

JP Faggot and co.

i'm talking to a financial lawyer to set it up properly. i'm going to tell people that to invest in shitcoins is incredibly risky, and they could lose all their money, so don't invest more than you can afford to lose.
then i'm going to say minimum buy in is 2 BTC.
I'll send you a report once a month on your portfolio. you can cash out on the first of the month, every month, but must hold for at least a year.
I'm not going to discuss coins with them, I'm not going to let them tell me what coins they want to invest in. basically I manage it, you get a report once a month.
I don't need to do it, I have people begging me to manage their money. I'm fucking bored because I got rich off Ethereum and I need something to do. I currently just party and drink.

that is how you destroy any trust in a relationship
atleast now she knows you cant be trusted

Just Monika Fund

I dont even let the chance of money ruining our relationship occur, thats why I’m a good brother.

oh shit i think i have to do that

This is incredibly stupid, brings no benefit to a guy like you, is a felony without the proper certifications (but youll find that out soon enough from your lawyer), and will leave you to deal with a shitload of liability. Have fun

Name it CitBonnect

ok faggot you tell me what to do. i'm retired and bored. i have traveled plenty, I've gone to school. I want to work in the blockchain space. Give me an idea.

Read philosophy, then go from there. Go to Veeky Forums and ask them where to start (hint the greeks)

more pics pls

I need a job, you don’t understand. I read for pleasure.

I can understand that, I like my job too. Took a day off and havent even gotten out of bed today EST, just been lurking on phone. Gonna get up now actually tho

What did you do for a job before? Even if it's just volunteering. If you want to get in the blockchain space start purchasing programming/computer science textbooks. Youve made it and now the world is your oyster, to acquire wisdom and new skills and shiet

Shitty corporate job. I guess I’ll just find something to.

random pic from my merchant folder

DONT listen to this cunt op. He’s clearly got something up his butt about this. There’s several thousand crypto hedge funds already, go make your own

FBI - Fomo Baggins Investments

>people keep asking me to manage their money for them and buy cryptocurrencies.
>what should i name my fund?

Cant figure out a name? It kind of implies you cant figure anything out. They're idiots, and you're an idiot.

How about "The Idiot Fund"?

Tits and Bits, obviously.