TRX Slowly mooning


20 sats lower than what I've seen 2 hours ago

Go to doctor user

Sit down and drink coffee

1$ is immenant

Moon? Thatd be nice, more than likely will stay steady and moon when the Tronpuppies game releases this weekend.


>slowly mooning
You do know what you said right?

>can't spell emminent
the absolute state of tronfags

OTW TO $10k. !@#!@#!

that bitch got crazy eyes, i feel like she would sooner chop your dick off and feed it to your grandma than suck it.

Thanks, just bought 100k

:( i spelled it wrong too

How many TRX to wreck her holes?


If you buy Tron you are definitely retarded

Low class escort and wtf is wrong with her left leg

Thanks just bought 100k

HAHAHAHAHAHA didnt even notice

That was the first thing I noticed about her too kek

Why? We all know it is useless but it is a great tool to make money so who cares?

I had a tons of it I bought at 3c, fell for the FUD and sold at 4c. A week later it's 25c. It swings so predictably that it is really easy to scoop up a ton at 7c and sell at 11c when it has its weekly pump

You could have made more money flipping BCC over the past few days. Doesn't mean you should do it

This is one of those points where I am glad I have that insider cultural knowledge of China.

In a few weeks you'll all be saying "fuck, OF COURSE it was going to moon, why didn't I see it too?"


Well - year of the dog starts on 16th February.

Tron Dogs is coming out soon - Chinese will go pretty crazy for this, and you can use TRX to buy them (I think QTUM too?).

TRX will guarantee moon after 16th Feb.

shut the fuck up bunch of redditard! TRON is a legit project with 80+ developpers from Alibaba, Microsoft, Tencent with big investor and partnerships. Also mainnet is supose to come out in Q1. Some people really don't want to get rich...