Brain gang

Its really over isnt it lads..

Other urls found in this thread:

why? ...They have a huge conference coming up in like less than a week...

Not necessarily. I've seen this scenario before a lot of times. Mania followed by slow return to mean, then growth based on a new development.

Just wait until they release something in the roadmap.

Is that the NEO conference?

Will they specifically mention and talk about DBC ?

Is DBC on a downward trend again?

Great post with links bro, thanks for being usefull unlike most posts, including this one

It's only over if you sell at this bargain basement price. Now is the time to buy and hold. Don't be a biz meme; don't buy high sell low. At least hold low and sell at break even.

Yes, DBC themselves are speaking.

Bought at 15 rode it to 60, saw the dip, held, dipped even lower, prayed and said fuck it at 17. Sold my stack at near break even price to hop on tel. Maybe I'll come back.

I don't think so

Dubs confirm DBC glorious come back.

I don’t get how so many people were burned on this. It was a great moon mission.

For future trades:
Don’t buy ATH
Sell half after a 2x to take out your initial investment
No more risk


No more crashes.

DBC is the final presentation, meaning it’s the last impression everyone gets from the conference. You always save your strongest act for last. This has an active dev team, neo invested in it.
Honestly best coin to be buying in right now if you don’t have big stacks to throw around. Tons of time to get in and build up so when it does take off, you’ll have the capital to make big moves in the future.

Wrap it up boys. It's over

I swear my IQ drops everytime i see this graph. Holy shit India is the top percentage in almost EVERY coin, they have like a billion frickin people in their country.

Do you realize that was ICO? Do you realize that China & America STRUGGLE to participate in ICOs?

Ah, how crazy that the 2nd most populated country has a lot people participating when the most populated country in the fucking world cannot even participate. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


wrap it up!

They're cooperating with Chinese government, that's good.

DBC is on a downturn right now but i'm convinced its just whales accumulating before they pump on the day of the conference.

>he thinks we can't smell a pajeet double agent from a mile away


you should be staking this in Kucoin right now while its cheap

its about to 3x sooner or later

Based on what, user?


When is the sideways gonna end?


LMAO are you guys really still holding this shit?

Jeez, and I thought I was bad when I panic sold at 2500 and 2100 sats. I was in denial for a while after it started dumping, but you are taking it to a whole new level.


Priced in

Whens the conference?

This coin is so shit even the whales gave up.

Hope they lost all gains, greedy cunts.

I bought at .14 and sold at .36 on the way down. I saw the writing on the wall and wish I sold higher, but I held too long. It's still higher than what I bought it at so if this is the floor holders are in good shape. It will eventually pump again once enough people have bought in to support this price.

BrainDead Chain
can't believe you guys actually bought this obvious pajeet coin.

>muh AI computing power

Unfortunately yes.
You must understand the mindset of smart money:
Even if DBC is actually a great thing it would take years before anything important happens.
The moment it does smart money will enter again before doing so.
Look at e.g. gazprom:
It isn't even half as bad and they may rise dividends massively at some point but until then smart money makes money elsewhere.
That said I think DBC may be an interesting longterm.investment.


I got laughed at by these braindead morons when I told them it's not actually a partnership with Disney.

Jan 31

Hopefully its better than their last showing. It was embarrassing.

They're listening to the community and responding to criticism.

When is the conference?

Read the thread, retard.

back to 9gag faggot. I own all the good coins including DBC. And im holding, if it goes down I don't care, if it goes up, good I made profit.
Go fuck yourself poorfag

can't believe i fomoed into this at 50cents

26th January


Conference speaking appearance

Not concerned

i FOMO'd into this shit at $0.45 went in with about 50% of my portfolio thinking it was going to moon to $3+ and I'd make an easy 6-7x return in a matter of days

Now I legit want to kill myself, I had like $85k tied up in this shit which is now worth about $32k

I want to kill myself. Please let it moon so I can get the fuck out

It's a cup and handle pattern. We're at the bottom of the cup. Buy now if you like money.

Some piece of shit is setting up a sellwall of 1mil+ DBC and forcing the price down. How fucking long do we have to take this?

What exchange?

Hahaha holy shit. You must be retarded to think it would 7x after it already had in the matter of days.

world population - 7.5bil

top 3 countries
>China - 1.4bil BANNED FROM ICO
>india - 1.3bil


hahahahahaha fucking brainpajeets detected. holy shit, I can smell the curry from miles away.

Where is your faggot clown "brainganggoodguy" now?
Well, you faggots? Where is your mascot now that your indian shitcoin is dead in a ditch off the side of the interstate?
Oh, he's not here? Disappeared has he? After he convinced you to bag hold all the way down to hell?
Gee whiz, what a surprise.

For as long as they want the price to be at ground level, and for as long as they think there are weak hands they can buy bags from. God I hate whales so fucking much.


Yeah, I wish they'd let DBC grow naturally. If it ever hits high-volume exchanges such as Binance, manipulation would become harder.

holy fuck mate, what have you done lol
never invest so much on shitcoins...
I only used 5% of my portfolio on shitcoins like CAN, so I didn't lose much.

>being this obsessed with a stranger who posts motivational messages and images of food on the internet
What brain injury made you like this?


Back in June I watched AntShares go from around a dollar all the way up to like 11 or 12 leading up to their conference and then losing like 70% of its value over the next week or two. Every thread around here was saying ANS was a scam, ANS is a meme chink coin, ANS is a pajeet coin, SELL ANS, etc etc. So naturally, I did the opposite of what Veeky Forums told me to do and bought in at $5. I have been holding NEO ever since. Just be patient with this coin.


Now, but this time we go lower