These bags are getting heavy

real talk please.

were those coins / token just shilled here for short term by discord groups and they moved on to shill other shitcoins now or are these solid long term hodls?

please guys, im dying here...

I dropped my req bags. That latest update tells me team doesn't know what they're doing.

holding both req and itc

bought req during the ico. these itc bags are starting to get a little heavy though. losing faith in req atm, but i can see itc rebounding at some point

REQ has been organically shilled by Veeky Forums, others were most likely pajeets

ITC is a good hold. Just gotta be patient with that one

okay, what about elix?

(i know i will dump agrello at the next chance)

same here

All good. If I were you, I would wait for inevitable release of lending app

Agrello is solid AF long term hold. They have ties with Estonian govenrment.

It's a small part of my portfolio, but still a comfy hold.

ELIX is real I'm holding 5k until EOY. Devs are making good progress and provide weekly updates.

Hold on, buddy. I hear talk 50's gonna be added to the new release.

this really.

Bags are frustrating bleeding out but the rise is inevitable, devs have great communication and the project actually exists as opposed to 9/10 vapourware tokens shilled around here.

It's one of those bland unexciting tokens with no surrounding drama which is why it's not shilled to hell and back but will grow naturally until people fomo in


I love when normies fall for biz shit


stuff like req, dbc, ufr is shilled by pajeets for short term gains. no larp . most of the coins are held by indians.

u will eventually learn to find the quality shill coins like fun, ven, icx. they are the real deal.

just dump ur bags and never look back

REQ might end up being okay but ELIX is 100% shitcoin thats been the target of like 5 coordinated PnDs over the last 5 or 6 months

I remember being in one when I bought elix at like 1100 sat and rode it upto 8500 sat or something, was nice, but its never been a long term or legitimate hold, you were fucking tricked, shit coin, shit anonymous team, shit project, shit whitepaper, whole things a blatant scam.

>shit anonymous team, shit project, shit whitepaper, whole things a blatant scam.

Team isn't anonymous anymore. Project is solid and is 10x better than similar projects. Whitepaper was just updated like 2 days ago and is very detailed. Devs very rarely mention price and getting onto bigger exchanges and shit like that, whereas most actual scam coin devs that's 99% what they talk about.

i will dump the elix bags at the next coordinated PnD. there will be one..r..right?

no idea, i'll never touch it again but looking at current mcap around ~$25M another PnD is certainly possible, even likely at some point. Just keep an eye on it and get out when you can without losing too much.

And don't listen to shit like this this is just more of the same bullshit that every shill tries to say about tokens like elix

Love how you're trying to FUD and you're too lazy to even back up your objectively wrong points. Show me one shred of evidence that ELIX is a scam and I'll dump my bags right now.

And before you say "well it was PND a few times hurr durr." Pretty much every coin gets PND at one point or another, especially low market cap ones. So that argument carries zero weight in trying to prove it's not a solid long term hold.

Thanks for the cheap REQ you retard. Can't wait to see you FOMO in after Mainnet is released.

No you're a fucking newfag and don't do any research in shit you invest. A coin doesn't do x200 in 3 days? Shitcoin!!
Like the retards here.

if it was such a great investment with so much potential it would have more than $25M mcap, its been around for a long time now

when shitcoins like COSS have more interest you know somethings wrong with what you're trying to shill

Anyway keep your bags, I don't give a fuck man its your money, tie it up in a junk token and wait for the next 12-24 months before you come to your senses

id keep the elix honestly

If you are hesitant on REQ, just get out. We do not need weak hands. You must understand, though, that it will hit a 5-10 Billion market cap, if you are just patient for 4-6 months. When it does, you will be bummed you got out.

My .06 cent bags are going with me to 2019.

Eh ill just buy it again before that. Mainnet is ages away.

Doesn't matter if it's been targetted. The team is working on a real project and is making regular updates. Elix will rise in its own merits at least to lend's MC.

Nevermind youre just retarded. Read the roadmap. Sorry you're a tard who bought at $1.50. I bought at 30 cents and am holding through the app release.