This will crush btc ripple ethereum link

>already implemented oracles
>makes ripple's tech look dated
>several confirmations in under a second
>able to scale thousands of transactions per second

seriously why arent you guys jumping on this?

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Oh wow how did this coin fly under my radar. A dozen banks?? Thanks op

thanks just bought 100k

Maybe because we cant invest in it? We cant even buy corda stock.

is this a big bank ploy to end the little guy

what the fuck is this now and how do I buy it

check out their github too. theres thousands of commits, they're really plowing through with this tech

i feel like a sperg but i don't see a buy button anywhere on that site.

check huobi, its where i bought it
its ok guys, its just another "partnered with microsoft" shitcoin

what's the pair?

Pair on Huobi?

he's fucking with you. you can't buy this.

Do they even have decentralized oracles or a partnership with SWIFT? That’s what I thought.

they probably do? They have people from swift on their team as advisors.

oops forgot link

How do I invest in it? HOW?

aka faggcoin

This is going to make half the top 50 coins worthless. Fuck.

This coin is amazing. Thanks op

I want in NAO

when is the ICO?

already come and gone. gotta wait for it to hit the markets.

do you know when its on exchange?

wait for the announcement, they'll have it on their site.


is this ((their)) coin?

How do i buy this ?

None of this true this guy is fucking with you. R3 has no token which puts them at a disadvantage for liquidity sourcing as compared to ripple. And the only coin they would be using if they do decide to use one is XRP - which they are suing Ripple to get 5 billion of.

Shitcoin compared to a hashgraph public ledger

If a fucking pajeet is shilling R3 Corda which you cant even fucking purchase then they are obviously just trying to get cheaper LINK. What other angle would you have and don't say you are fucking Mother Theresa.

SWIFT are already using decentralized oracles by R3. where does that place Link?

this shit will make any shitcoin useless lol
crypto is obviously not a new paradigm

So why do you care, can you buy it? No, no you can't. Clearly just after cheaper links. Go shit on another street buddy.

you avoided my question, where does link fit into the picture if they are already using R3?

>Decentralized Oracles
>All hosted by one company

I think thats just a normal Oracle.

Bond coupon payments for starters.
Now answer my question? Why do you care? You cant even purchase it. Why do you want our cheaper links?

whos using link for that? Is there any actual news about it?

Yeah fuck, how is r3 decentralised in any sense of the word? Might as well just use Oraclize hooked up to hyperledger or some shit. Will still be a more decentralized service.

its decentralized

Nah fuck you, you can wait and find out. Actually you already have link so your set anyway. I just don't want you getting any more cheaper.

lmao. there is no news nude.

anyone reading this google "bond coupons chainlink" you will never find anything.

wheres as R3 corda has hundreds of articles about their implementation of various gateways.

R3 is the future

Did you even read that. These oracles are no better than Oraclize. They are just centralized 'signed' oracles. Now fuck off into your fucking shanty and cook some curry or some shit.

isn't this just the niggercoin rebrand?

keep reading rather than nit picking one paragraph. they have decentralized oracles. You're just trying to FUD R3 corda


>Both before and after the release, there has been some confusion as to exactly what kind of platform Corda is. In the recent flurry around all things blockchain, it came as a bit of surprise to many that Corda is not actually using blockchain or distributed ledger technology (DLT). Rather, the consortium has chosen to develop what is being described as a “shared ledger” platform.

>“I’m perplexed about what it is. My take is, with some discussion with other people in the industry, that R3 is trying to market Corda as a ledger. I don’t think it’s a ledger. It is a business-to-business messaging protocol that is inspired by bitcoin,” Zaki Manian, co-founder at blockchain-based supply chain finance company Skuchain, tells GTR. “You have systems for exchanging purchase orders and other information between businesses – they already exist. For example, Swift. What a lot of the experimentation in the blockchain industry has been about is how to run a blockchain system to the side, or on top, of these systems so that they can have stronger properties of data consistency and authentication. That’s been the goal.”

Screen cap it pajeet

youre an idiot these r3 people dont have a goddamn clue. and corda is for PRIVATE CHAINS you fool.

Wait so obviously there's no coin and no way to invest in R3 so why did you make this shit ass post

He's after your links at a cheaper price mate.

But that's real fucking stupid because posting this here would have no effect at all on the price of any currency. At all. None.

Yeah so why do you try?