Be honest /biz did I fuck up? I bought this shitcoin at $2, will it go back up?
Be honest /biz did I fuck up? I bought this shitcoin at $2, will it go back up?
Indeed a shitcoin.
>use case is "books need blockchain"
Me too user, me too...
>+224% for the past month
it'll be fine bros just hold a few more weeks
the fundamentals aren't even good.
What even made you think this will ever be worth shit? I'm an ultra brainlet myself yet this is obviously a shitcoin
This nails it. I've published an ebook on Amazon and all his points are correct.
It's hella easy to use Amazon publishing, setting your price is literally as easy as changing the number, the commision structure is very fair and you are publishing on one of the largest platforms on earth. It has built in tools if you want to promote your book or do sales, or even give away some copies. I bought PBL as a shitcoin I saw shilled, sold it after it went up 5x and at this point I definitely wouldn't buy back in. It's one of many coins that simultaneously is worse than what currently exists, and tries to solve problems that aren't there.
Almost as good as a browser plugin coin for ads hahahahha
I fucked up
I'm hoping because it's competitor has a huge market cap that it will be able to get a piece of it
Yeah I wouldn't worry too much. I put $2k in it too and I have no concerns
I hold prl
Additionally, Amazon lets you opt in to their subscription ebook service, and you get paid as long as people spend time reading your book, basically how Spotify works. It's unbelievably low risk, and requires no money from you aside from a cut of sales. The "burden of cost" is shouldered by Amazon. I've actively tried to get friends who write to publish on Amazon because I knew they would be surprised how easy it was and they had literally nothing to lose. If your book doesn't sell, it doesn't matter. I spent 20 bucks on Fiverr for somebody to proofread and design a cover for me. Self publishing is not hard, Amazon is an incredible tool for it, and Publica can't possibly be better.
No one cares bud
Thanks anons, I'll wait it out, hopefully it'll pull through
Reading things like this does scare me, publica is up against a huge company like this. I like to think of it as a huge market that could be tapped into though
you don't get it
publica = decentralized
amazon = not decentralized
end of story
PBL 5$ in 2 months
lol it was $4 a few days ago
5 as the new floor
what are your estimates?
Setting your price is much less simple than you say. If you go below certain price points Amazon penalises you by stripping away a massive chunk of your royalties. The claim that the author is free to set the price is complete bulls hit as Amazon makes sure it will be uneconomical to use price points outside those they choose.
Not everything has to be decentralized. Decentralization in money is good because there is no competition with a state monopoly over the money supply. Decentralization in book publishing is meaningless because competition already made sure to make self-publishing as smooth and cost efficient as possible.
The first book Publica will publish is titled "How Publica Works" and will be 700 pages long.
i saw this comment on reddit and this is why i unironically sold. luckily got out before the big crash but still.
Publica solves an issue for authors using publishers it doesnt answer why someone who self publishes would ever want to useit.