I made a stinky sticker. anyone got a skateboard?
I made a stinky sticker. anyone got a skateboard?
TFW that sticker will be worth more than 1 link soon.
I want one. Also, explain the skateboard meme. I've seen that shit shilled here so much.
Plz don't shit up our board with pajeet scam coins. Thanks
> OMG dev pictured with a skateboard that had an apple sticker
Apple partnership confirmed
I hope you bought the dip
Sold my link tip for mincoin dip
discord gg/XzF2mCa
How did you do it ?
I want to make one for my laptop too, just a lil bigger
i made link water-tatoos, should i make a thread or post them here?
Also Tony Hawk and X Games partnerships
thanks, just ordered 100k
Ah, I see. So in this case we have Windows and Intel partnership confirmed.
Nice, just bought 100K.
I have spares
>yfw you can sell LINK stickers for more than 1 LINK each
d-do you s-send to india s-sir?
Mine are vinyl die-cut, but you can always just buy A4 vinyl sticker paper and cut them out yourself if you just want to make one or two.
>TFW honeypot to give OP your addresses so he can steal your Trezor.
Please make it scratch and sniff
And smell like shit
I'll buy. How do I buy????
This. Pls sell also what cuntry
If you're actually interested, I could stick it on my Etsy. $3 including shipping?
>mfw link sticker is the real link
How many for what price? I'm interested.
Would buy for that price
shipping is $1.62 from UK, so depends how many you were after?
Email [email protected] and I'll drop you the etsy link