Portfolio rate thread
We’re all going to make it, right?
Portfolio rate thread
We’re all going to make it, right?
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Need some advice bros. need a 3x to hit 100k. What to sell, what to hodl?
Also i give OPs poorfolio a B+
hodl this
Yes, brother. I also scooped up 100 AGI yesterday and am a GMT bagholder but still think it will at leasst hit $0.50-$0.75
So much link
Not bad, but the best either...
NEO is a great coin but I would diversify equally amongst NEO, ICX & VEN
Get rid of the other 4 and split that cash between INT & BTO
Hope that helps! Best bang for you buck and risk / reward for your size portfolio. Best of luck!
Where can I buy?
have my eye on a promising ICO that ill drop $2k usd into as well but this is where im at rn
so comfy
ICX and VEN got too high, too fast
Too much of a risk investing more
old pic
I have roughly the same value portfolio as OP
Yea and ppl who was able to buy etc at 20$, btc at 2000$ etc. was thinking the same. So it's not that great argument.
RFR-mong spotted
How about you share the fucking name with us huh?
I shared my ICOs fag. I shilled telcoin and got no replies. x6 now
Need another ico to make plis senpai
I am in act/ven/ltc/req and I think about selling all my ltc and going with it into icx from like 2 weeks.
I've been getting just'd for too long. Please bring gains.
Am i gonna make it? Any advice welcome.
Yeah but I just think they are fashionable and overpriced compared to NEO right now based on actual use and network size
Will I make it? I want an Omega Seamaster
Feels comfy, predictions for end of Q2 and EOY?
Not really...
>Has $200 on ZRX
Honestly? Your portfolio needs work, even if that does x2 who cares. Too you have too many coins and too many small sums all over the place
XRB has been getting hammered for a month straight. I hope it recovers for you. I rode it from $8-$25
idk what the fuck rfr means nigger
So trendy
Need moar brah
more info
check their discord for airdrops
discord gg/XzF2mCa
TRX: Dumping my TRX in the next pump.
IOTA: I've been at a loss with IOTA for over a month now. Once it moons and i'm out of the red, if ever, then i'll dump.
XLM: Sticking.
VTC: why the hell not
ODN: should have sold at ATH a couple of weeks ago. Will wait for it again, possibly within a month or so.
Dump raiblocks among all other coins u hodl and u'll be fine
fuck my ass that's sexy.
That’s just a seed. Still accumulating and waiting for profits so I can disperse them
I know I'm a bit too diversified, so I'm waiting for the next pumps to get out of some coins and throw into one or two.
>Need moar brah
>three days ago
>VEN never moons it’ll take forever to go up because muh whales!!! They make these major deals and nothing happens!
>VEN got too high too fast it’s a risk investment!!!
You’re talking to the wrong person. I’m more focused on big picture
Do as you wish, as I remember when I had a portfolio that size
But I would suggest to keep note of the portfolio proportions I gave you and compare them to the ones you have. Check their results after a week, 2 weeks, a month. You might be surprised. Best of luck!
Overdiversifed? Thinking of consolidating some things for better gains (but torn about missing out on longer term stuff). Suggestions?
Yeah I agree. Small number times a big number is still small number. My biggest portfolio jumps are when I was all in something
My problem right now is I don’t know which coin is my rocketship yet. The market is in a wierd place right now so I’m spread out
With that small money I would either just go all in on bitcoin and ride the next bull run or gamble it all on a low mcap utility token