>ERC20 Token that doesn't do anything
>no white paper
>bunch of pointless "partnerships"
>insane cult of personality fanbase
I really don't get it
>ERC20 Token that doesn't do anything
>no white paper
>bunch of pointless "partnerships"
>insane cult of personality fanbase
I really don't get it
we dont know, we just buy
Thats a good sign
working product, working app, breyer invested, shilled on national Chinese TV, partnership with Chinese national tobacco company and several other companies with billions in revenues. the most solid coin there is
Wheres the working product though? Im genuinely curious
this is good for vechain.
retard alert
uh oh here come the retard fans
stay poor faggot
99% of crypto space has no working product and is ERC20, but this one is sleeping with the whole chinese goverment and gets shilled on Chinese TV
very pointless wow, no whitepaper.
Stupid partners, PwC, DNV, china tobacco, what were they thinking? They should partner doge.
mad shrimp. Keep buying your shitcoins.
Why are you faggots so defensive over a coin?
Their clients are already using the very functional private blockchain. The rebranding to Vechain/Thor is the move to the public blockchain.
Alright thanks for explaining. It appeared that they were just partnering and saying that their token is useful
I am not, you are just stupid, and that is ok.
I am all in ven, I made 3 btc into 27 in about a month.
If you do your research and still don't buy in you probably have an iq around room temperature level.
You can google around and find an actual picture of the blockchain running so they have a pretty good starting spot already. Otherwise, how would they attract these big companies?
is this litecoin?
I read it has something to do with a blockchain made of tobacco
Anyways I’m all in
Also all in on VEN. What are your selling points? This rocket can't sustain.
I will see how it goes, but the plan right now is to stay at least untill mainnet release.
If thor reaches a good value I will hold it way longer though, most likely all through 2018.
I am very confident that ven will be top5 by then.
People are just starting to realise how big vechain is going to be.
Maybe I'm salty because I already missed out on 4x with this but..there is absolutely no whale resistance at all with upward movement on this coin which means, the whales that have this have A LOT of it and they have probably accumulated enough over these last few years to all be coordinated with each other meaning when they are satisfied with the return, this could drop back to 20 cents in a matter of minutes
You must be really retarded, whales controlling almost the whole supply is the only reason why we have x10 or x100 pumps
That's my primary concern as well. The returns so far have been incredible, but once it drops, it's going to drop fast.
It will be forked to a different platform you blabbering momo
Should I take profits here and buy on the next pullback?
Good for short term, but I think a lot of the newbs here are getting shilled into believing this has long term potential
>im too dumb to get it
>that means everyone else is too
I don't think so, masternodes are a great incentive to hold VEN
good stay out pajeet. We gettin rich boyz
Plus, if u wanted 100x, why wouldn't u just invest in an ICO and not an already high mcap? Lol
You fucking newfags have no idea how selling works do you? If they just sell their entire stack on the entire order book they would actually lose money.
wtf are you talking about last few years? literally how new are you
go back to forex or whatever shitheap you crawled out of
IDs faggot
Stop being mad you've missed gains and get in OP. There's never been a moon mission this fucking obvious.
that 1 week graph, yeah baby!
>China looking to ban/regulate most cryptocurrency
>China gov in love with Ven
>1.5 Billion screaming chinamen
If this was an image board, I'd paint you a picture, but your imagination will have to do.
>Selling to 20 cents
This would be a really fucking retarded idea. Whales don't do this.
If their blockchain is up and running, what does the Masternode do? Your masternode are not connected to their blockchain... lol, they gonna fuck over every small investor.
Jesus fuck you’re a damn idiot. The public Blockchain will use masternodes but you can find pictures of their Blockchain running in the PwC showcase room in China. You think that anyone is getting fucked with how strong Vechain’s fundamentals are?
"Whale" conspiracy theories are reaching terminal velocity
Saltie waltie detected. It’s ok faggot, you can still become one of us
Walls have been keeping it down since I bought in at $2.50. You gotta be a fucking retard or just not look at exchanges.
So many salty Novenners in here, their FUD helps me accumulate more before it goes into too 5 crypto. next month.
>say something stupid
>get corrected
>”wow why so defensive guys “
haha the FOMO has started to kick in for al lthe cucks.
Looks very sustainable
Guys I have a strength node and I am starting to FOMO with my 23 ETH. Pic related.
I don't know what the fuck this coin does, but it's already paid for some weebshit
But how is it running without your Masternodes securing the network?
how much VEN to make it?
If masternode is not needed to run their blockchain now, why will it be needed later?
You need exactly the amount shown in the pic related to make it.
if you hold till end of year you are a millionaire, how about not being such a bitchbaby and enjoy your gains
ven's been doing this for the last 2.5 months
Scam coin. Stay away, user :^)
Fuck this coin and good luck with your bags.
Every fucking coin that gets shilled on Veeky Forums has already gone x10.
When it's time for dumping it gets talked about nonstop here.
Fuck you all.
this will make the ada run look like childs play, straight to the top5
Straight to the special bag terminal, HEAVY LIFTING
too bad Justin isn't as smooth as Sunny
there are other coins out there user don't waste your money on VEN you don't really need it :)
you are a total fucking retard, you had months to accumulate this coin and it was talked about non stop
you dont deserve money, please stay poor and go back to your wageslave job
I don't think I am being a bitch. I have watched my ETH stack be able to get less and less VEN each week. I am debating going 100% VEN while my 23 ETH can still be exchanged for 3k VEN. That stack was able to buy 10k VEN when I first got into VEN in early December.
Isnt every ERC20 token pointless?
Only new tech is good tech.
Tokens are just used to steal normie money which is not so bad after all.
its another bcc
stay away from it
I don't understand how Jim Breyer investing in this isn't enough for people to FOMO all in on VEN.
Breyer is one of the top venture capitalists in the world. He's been picking tech winners since the early Facebook days. His wife works for the Bank of China, and he has a close business relationship with Xi, the fucking President of China (in a few more years he could have Putin dictator status). Faggots act like Breyer has a 50 coin portfolio full of shotty niggercoins like Verge. Nope, he's into ETH and VEN. That's it.
This is the safest play in crypto right now.
Breyer literally has inside information about VeChain and China. You really think a tech billionaire would invest in a crypto with "no working product"? He isn't gambling here. He's putting in millions and getting billions back.
Holy fuck some people really just aren't supposed to make it.
you fucking idiot, he's so rich he can invest literally ON EVERYTHING and still win
That’s not how investments work
Then explain why he didn't post other cryptos on his site? Why didn't he invest in Ripple, Cardano, NEO, BCash, etc? He just throws money at every shiny thing right?
Justin a little kid compared to Sunny
Rofl people on this board actually think we’re shilling. Bitches we’re not shilling, we’re parading around because we fucking made it. Whether or not you invest after reading this thread, you’ll be fomoing in after the price hits $30 in a month.
By the time you "get it" we'll be 10x our current value.
You're the same nigga who didnt get it at 20K sats 2 weeks ago.
here comes the dump
This coin started getting quality shill threads around 8k sats, I caved and looked it up around 15k and went all in. What the fuck are you talking about?
Boo hoo Veeky Forums is fucking me over, you probably let quality low cap coin threads 404.
that logo is worth at least 20 billion. i estimate it is ~4x better than the tron logo and tron is 5 billion. so essentially this is a guaranteed 10x.
eth is my first love but gains potential so much higher in ven and its still relatively safe. i feel like a dirty whore not owning any eth but at least ill be a rich dirty whore
>being this stupid
Thanks for your money.
I bought some of this on a whim. Not gonna lie dunno wtf it's supposed to do - other than give me 200% gains that is.
I'm kinda fomoing, was thinking about buying in last night but felt like I hadn't fully done my due diligence, now we are at a new ATH.
might wait for a tiny dip then buy in
wat do?
Good luck. The time to buy was 4 days ago.
FOMO in. If it doesn't immediately dip after you bought, you've probably won. You can be risk tolerant without being stupid.
I know... I brought my personal laptop to work for the first time so that I could buy the dip, just got busy with work. I even helped my coworker buy but I was so apathetic
blackstar, you played halo 3?